
Strom of Fire: Trapped Together

The world is full of surprises and mystery. we know everything about our world yet there is nothing we truly understand... Humans always think that they are the most intelligent creatures on earth most of them didn't even believe in magic but are they sure? Humans are so ignorant that they don't even know about the most dangerous threat "The dark aura". Luna Morgenstern is an ordinary 17-year-old human girl whose life is going to change when she suddenly finds out about her true identity and feels a strange connection with an angel-looking man, who turns out to be her new teacher... Lucas Asmodeus is the strongest warlock of Alfheim; the place of magic. He is from the richest Asmodeus family and is a professor at the magic school. When the queen gives him the order to find half-humans he travels into the human world to find them. What will happen when Luna is one of them, will she join the magic school and leave her family friends, and the love of her life alone or will she fight for her freedom? And what will happen if a forbidden love blossoms in all this hatred, a dangerous love that no one is supposed to know about, not even the lovers themselves... ••• " Are you that naive to think that, I will let you go from here...alive?" He mocked and ambled towards me with that same arrogant smile on his beautifully sharp face. His sword gleamed like a dancing flame from the spell he radiated just now. I clutched my sword tightly, can feel the magic from my veins flooding the sword, merging us together like my own body part. And the way he is watching me with adoration in his dark eyes, I know my eyes are not blue anymore... I smirked, " I think after killing you, I can leave this arena, alive..." "Are you sure you can kill me, little fairy? " he replied, his lips tugged up in that same smirk. Ugh, how much I hate that I love it... "Of course, I can kill you. you taught me well, professor." I replied and stroked my sword at his left hand, I know that is his weak spot but he dodged my attack. I tried again and again, our shadows dancing at the rhythm of our rushed breaths on this dirty muddy ground. But he dodged my every stroke. Why didn't he attack me? And just like that, suddenly, he yanked my hand and turned me around. My back, pressing against his hard chest, and his both arms wrapped around my shoulder and waist like a seductive ivy on a tree. I wiggled to unwrap myself from his addictive hold, but his grasp was too tight that I couldn't get free, or maybe I don't want to. I am sick! He leaned lower, so close that I can feel his warm breath near my ears, shivers ran through my body like the shaky waves of the ocean, so erratic, so dangerous. I shouldn't feel like this, he is my teacher, and I hate him. But god, this feeling of his body wrapped in me, and his breath all over my flesh. I can't help but get drowned in him like some lethal addictive drug. Stupid, stupid, stupid, Luna, this is not the time to get aroused by your teacher, who is going to kill you too... I heard the audience, cheering and clapping like some maniacs. They all want me dead... I gritted my teeth as my eyes shifted to the queen. And she is fucking smirking like a bitch. Is that's was her plan the whole time...This wicked queen, she knows I can't defeat Mr. Asmodeous, no one can..he is like a god, invincible. He shoved his soft lips in my ear, dragging me from my hatred, " I told you, not to take part in this Death game... Are you a lunatic, little girl?" He whispered harshly, pulling my body more against him, and I felt like I'd been struck with a lightning bolt. So fucking...hot! I licked my dry lips, "I didn't know, I will have to fight you and you are going to be the deciding warrior " " What do you think, why I was stopping you earlier...", he growled, " Tell me what I am supposed to do now hmm...kill you or let you kill me?" •••

Rain_Droplet · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

Lucas p.o.v.

My heart started beating fast and my whole body turns hot thinking about her soft lips on my dry ones... how good it will feel when I bite those luscious lips and savor her mouth with my tongue...

I am well aware that my hard boner is pressing against her stomach but I am too shameless to back away... if you are thinking that I am immoral then you are right...

Right now, I don't care about our age that she is almost half of my age, or I will going to be her teacher. I am too selfish to think rationally now...

       I see her beautiful blue eyes and bend my head to kiss her, I can feel her minty breaths on my face... Our faces are inches apart and I am about to kiss her when I feel her soft hand on my lips. Did she just stop me?

How the hell did she able to resist me... that was not a myth, the God of lust, Asmodeus... it's all true.

No human or magical creature can restrain my power. It hurt my ego that a common half-fairy can resist me...

" What are you trying to do...? "

" isn't it obvious... I was going to kiss you. Now let me kiss you..."

I replied while removing her palm from my lips. I grab her other hand which is on my chest and place them both above her head.

My one hand is grabbing her hands and the other is still on the wall trapping her between my body and the wall...

Her big breasts are pressed against my hard chest and she is breathing heavily. She didn't reply anything but didn't say no to me either...

I was about to kiss her when I see that familiar purple fog twinkling inside her body... Both of our Aura came together and blend. That beautiful violet color is visible between us, a combination of red and purple... It looks so beautiful.

I smirk and back away from her. She also feels something means it's not only me who is becoming a torch... My presence also affects her Mate as much as her presence affects mine...

I don't know why this is happening but soon I will find out about it...

" Are you insane... Why were you trying to kiss me? " she spat

" ahh, I was just checking that your mate will show up or not..." I replied while smirking

" so you were just going to kiss me for that? "

" yes... it was just an experiment. If I would have kissed you then, it will mean nothing..."

I replied and turn around because I don't want her to get suspicious that I am lying. she is not naive, she is clever and I know she can read people's faces easily, perhaps because her mother is a lawyer and taught her these kinds of tricks...

" I am not some laboratory rat, so don't experiment on me. you bastard" She said angrily.

" Language, miss. Morgenstern. Did you forget that I am your teacher?" I asked while turning around and smirking at her.

I chuckled when she left the room after showing me her middle finger... I don't know why I liked teasing her? ugh... it has to be stopped, I can't act like this in Alfheim...

When Luna left my room, I send a message in Alfheim to Portia. She is the sister of the queen and my ex-girlfriend.

We dated for, I think one or two weeks but she started forcing me to marry her and inherit the king title so I broke up.

We still meet with each other when we want a quick fuck, no string attach and now I am sexually frustrated and I need her. I can go and fuck any human too but I don't like them it feels like fucking a dog or cat... Humans are like animals to me so I never fuck them, they are gross. I don't know why Michal and other warlocks love to have sex with humans...

" So, you missed me, my king"

I hear Portia's voice and turn around. She is looking beautiful in a long black gown. Her eyes are hidden with the hood of her golden cloak.

She entered my room after closing the portal behind her. People are not allowed to use the portal to come into the human world but she is the sister of the queen so it is easier for her to come like this...

" You are fast and Stop calling me king..."

I replied and go towards her. I grab the strings of her cloak and remove them. Her beautiful golden eyes are shining brightly. I used to love that color but now it didn't look that fascinating anymore...

" Why don't you turn your eyes back to normal" I whispered in her ears and kissed her cheeks.

" I thought you like to see them..."

She replied and turn her eyes back into her normal brown color.

" beautiful," I said and kissed her soft lips.

I taste that familiar strawberry taste on her lips. How Luna's lips would have tasted...fuck why am I thinking about her?

   I pressed her against the wall and open her gown from behind while kissing her neck and bare shoulder. I can not think about another girl right now, It's not fair.

I am trying so hard to concentrate but Luna's beautiful eyes and her cute little face are coming in front of my eyes... shit

" Portia, wait for a second..."

I stop her when she was opening my trouser. I can't do this... There are so many witches and fairies that I fucked before and after Portia but I never think about someone else when I was with her...

I don't know why but it didn't feel right to have sex with her or anyone else. Why this is happening to me...

" Why are you stopping me? "

She asked while hugging me tightly. How can I say that I don't want to have sex now? She came here just for me by taking so much risk.

It is easier for her to pass the security and use the portal but still, if the queen finds out about it then Portia will get into trouble but, still, she came...

I don't love her and I know she didn't love me either but it is not right to treat her like that...

Portia is using me against her sister because the queen is afraid that if I get married to Portia then she will convince me to inherit the king's title. And I am using Portia to get a good fuck. We both know that we are using each other...

" Professor, I forget my book...shit"

      I hear Luna's voice and see in her direction. fuck, she is standing near the door.

" Sorry, umm. I should have knocked"

     She said while stuttering then left the room. great, can my day turn into more shitty today? perhaps yes, because I am going to send Portia back to Alfheim without having sex with her. She will be so furious.

" Portia, I think you should go. I am not in the mood anymore..." I said and sit in the bed.

" What...are you kidding me? " She replied while coming towards me.

" No, did I ever make a joke? " I replied and raised my one brow

" But... we didn't even do anything. And how can I go back now? guards will be back by now they will see me using that portal"

" I don't care, use the river, it is outside."

" But...but how will I go back to the castle then... the river will open near the school"

"ugh... use the portal near the station or seduce any warlock and convince him to make a portal for you. I don't know just leave me alone."

I replied getting irritated. What will Luna be thinking right now? did she get angry or jealous? why do I even want her to get jealous in the first place...

" Fuc.k you..."

Portia spat and left the room after throwing a glass of juice at me which was placed on the table. Fine, I deserve it...