
Strom of Fire: Trapped Together

The world is full of surprises and mystery. we know everything about our world yet there is nothing we truly understand... Humans always think that they are the most intelligent creatures on earth most of them didn't even believe in magic but are they sure? Humans are so ignorant that they don't even know about the most dangerous threat "The dark aura". Luna Morgenstern is an ordinary 17-year-old human girl whose life is going to change when she suddenly finds out about her true identity and feels a strange connection with an angel-looking man, who turns out to be her new teacher... Lucas Asmodeus is the strongest warlock of Alfheim; the place of magic. He is from the richest Asmodeus family and is a professor at the magic school. When the queen gives him the order to find half-humans he travels into the human world to find them. What will happen when Luna is one of them, will she join the magic school and leave her family friends, and the love of her life alone or will she fight for her freedom? And what will happen if a forbidden love blossoms in all this hatred, a dangerous love that no one is supposed to know about, not even the lovers themselves... ••• " Are you that naive to think that, I will let you go from here...alive?" He mocked and ambled towards me with that same arrogant smile on his beautifully sharp face. His sword gleamed like a dancing flame from the spell he radiated just now. I clutched my sword tightly, can feel the magic from my veins flooding the sword, merging us together like my own body part. And the way he is watching me with adoration in his dark eyes, I know my eyes are not blue anymore... I smirked, " I think after killing you, I can leave this arena, alive..." "Are you sure you can kill me, little fairy? " he replied, his lips tugged up in that same smirk. Ugh, how much I hate that I love it... "Of course, I can kill you. you taught me well, professor." I replied and stroked my sword at his left hand, I know that is his weak spot but he dodged my attack. I tried again and again, our shadows dancing at the rhythm of our rushed breaths on this dirty muddy ground. But he dodged my every stroke. Why didn't he attack me? And just like that, suddenly, he yanked my hand and turned me around. My back, pressing against his hard chest, and his both arms wrapped around my shoulder and waist like a seductive ivy on a tree. I wiggled to unwrap myself from his addictive hold, but his grasp was too tight that I couldn't get free, or maybe I don't want to. I am sick! He leaned lower, so close that I can feel his warm breath near my ears, shivers ran through my body like the shaky waves of the ocean, so erratic, so dangerous. I shouldn't feel like this, he is my teacher, and I hate him. But god, this feeling of his body wrapped in me, and his breath all over my flesh. I can't help but get drowned in him like some lethal addictive drug. Stupid, stupid, stupid, Luna, this is not the time to get aroused by your teacher, who is going to kill you too... I heard the audience, cheering and clapping like some maniacs. They all want me dead... I gritted my teeth as my eyes shifted to the queen. And she is fucking smirking like a bitch. Is that's was her plan the whole time...This wicked queen, she knows I can't defeat Mr. Asmodeous, no one can..he is like a god, invincible. He shoved his soft lips in my ear, dragging me from my hatred, " I told you, not to take part in this Death game... Are you a lunatic, little girl?" He whispered harshly, pulling my body more against him, and I felt like I'd been struck with a lightning bolt. So fucking...hot! I licked my dry lips, "I didn't know, I will have to fight you and you are going to be the deciding warrior " " What do you think, why I was stopping you earlier...", he growled, " Tell me what I am supposed to do now hmm...kill you or let you kill me?" •••

Rain_Droplet · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

Lucas p.o.v.

" Can you help me with the history of Alfheim?"

I hear Luna's voice and glance in her direction, she is standing near the door. She smiled while coming inside my room and sitting in front of me.

I was reading one of the novels, I purchased yesterday from a book store. I don't like humans still, I appreciate some of their works...

I put the book aside and look in her direction. She is wearing a trouser and a t-shirt. Maybe one of the girls give it to her because Luna didn't bring any clothes with her and the t-shirt, she is wearing right now is too tight for her perky breast.

I avert my lustful gaze from her body. The bed is so small for us so I fold my legs, now she can sit more comfortably...

The cabin is not big enough for fifteen people so we have to share rooms. I don't want to share a room with Michal or other half-warlocks, so I clean the storeroom for myself.

There is only a small bed near the window and a cupboard on the side of the door. The floor and walls are made of wood.

They are old and broken, whenever I stand up or walk on this old floor, it makes a weird irritating sound.

I don't know why I am so unlucky to get this old room when others have big and warm rooms...ugh, the answer is simple because I am too arrogant for my own good...

" So, what did you not understand after reading it ?"

" Nothing..." She replied and give me the book.

"I didn't know you were that stupid...did you understand nothing? "

I asked and put the book aside, I don't need a book to tell Alfheim history. Anyway, half of the things are either lies or exaggerated in it...

"I didn't read it yet, I read the rules, and they are almost similar to the human world so it didn't take much time, but history is boring..."

She replied while pouting and staring at me with her big doe blue eyes. She made a ponytail so her long neck and collarbone are exposed for my lustful eyes... I am seriously turning into a creep...

"I told you, that I will help you with history but you should at least read it first... you are taking advantage of my kindness, little fairy..."

" This is so boring...it didn't even have any pictures rather than your ancestors. They all looked like you, it's creeping me out..." She replied and rolled her eyes at me. brat

" I am more attractive than them..." I said and smirk at her.

" No, they are exactly like you just their hairstyle and clothes are old-fashioned..."

" How is it even possible?"

she asked and open the book. She is watching those images of the Asmodeus Clan kings.

" They are my ancestors, isn't it obvious that I will look like them? "

" Why there are no images of queens? " she asked and closed the book.

" because there were not any queens at that time but after the king gave their kingdom to nightingale family since then there is only queens no king..." I replied

" so they didn't marry then? And what about kids? " she asked getting curious.

" They did... but no one can inherit the title of the king because it belongs to Asmodeus Clan, currently it belongs to me. I can inherit it if I want..."

I explained and take a deep sigh, I shouldn't have agreed to help her, she is going to ask so many questions and I am afraid that I will tell her something, she couldn't know... I have to pay attention to what to tell and what to hide...

" And what about Asmodeus kings, why didn't they let anyone inherit the queen title? "

" I don't know... it's hundreds of years ago, no one knows about it..."

I lied. I know everything about what happened back that time and why there was no queen. but I can't tell her. Anyway, she doesn't need to know everything.

"oh.. by the way, did you know, one of the hell's princes' name is Asmodeus..." she asked

" Yeah, he is the god of lust... and there are myths that he was the one who creates and reign Alfheim. He was the first king..."

" So it makes you, the descendant of a demon...are you immortal? "

Her big eyes became bigger when the realization hit her. Now she will also get afraid of me when she knows that I might be a descendant of a demon or I can be a demon...

" No one can become immortal it is against the law of nature. Every magical creature has the same life span as a human." I replied then she nod her head.

" And about me being a demon, it's all a myth... no one exactly knows how we made... some thinks, we made by god and some thinks that Asmodeus made us..."

" Are you afraid of me now? "

I asked while seeing her beautiful blue eyes. Perhaps, It will be better if she gets afraid of me like everyone else...

" Why would I be afraid of you..." she replied in a duh tone...

" Now, I am offended..."

I replied while placing one hand in my heart dramatically, she giggle at my reaction and poke her tongue at me. she is so adorable...

" I think that is enough for history... Anyway, there was no need to know it in the first place...the queen only wants to showcase the fake golden era of nightingale's reign to half-humans "

" It looks like, you don't like her..."

" like...I hate her. She is nothing like old queens but pretends that she is better" I replied.

" Why don't you become the king then.."

" Nah, I prefer to live alone and happy rather than becoming a king and taking care of pathetic creatures..."

" Why do you hate everyone..." She asked and roll her eyes at me.

" not everyone... I love myself..." I replied and smirk at her.

"It sounds selfish" She pouted

" It is... and I am selfish. if you want to survive there then you also have to become selfish..."

    shit, what did I say... I know, now she is going to think that, why did I say it...ugh... why can't I stop myself in front of her?  I think it is the first time I talk this much to anyone...

"There is nothing more in history... you can go now I want to rest..."

It is for the best if I just tell her to go otherwise god knows what will I tell her next...

    " Just one last question," she said while showing me her adorable puppy dog eyes... fuck, how can I say no to her...

" Okay, just one," I replied

" Why everyone is trapped inside Alfheim why don't they come and live in the human world... I see the map of Alfheim and it has only the size of a country... Why didn't anyone explore the human world?"

" It will be dangerous for humans if magical creatures will live with them and Alfheim is big enough, you will see it when you go there... it is like a small world..."

" I think it is a trap, perhaps like a golden cage for magical creatures..." she replied

She is smart... It is a cage but no one in Alfheim realizes it yet and I want it that way. I just hope Luna didn't do anything stupid there, I don't want to kill her so soon...

" You know one day... I will break that cage."

   She stated. Determination is showing on her face...what is she planning? stupid little girl...

" What do you mean..." I asked

"Nothing... I am tired now, see you tomorrow"

she replied while stuttering and standing up. She was about to run away when I hold her hand. I stand up and see her face, she is biting her lips and rubbing her palms in trousers, she looks nervous.

" I don't think it's nothing, whatever is on your mind just forget about it."

    I said and take s step towards her but she take one step back. Did she afraid of me now? good.

"it's nothing to do with you, okay? " she replied and glared at me angrily.

" Whatever just remember one thing, if you ever try to run away from Alfhiem then I will be the one to haunt you and kill you... "

I replied and unknowingly, take several steps towards her. Every time I take one step forward she takes one step backward and now she is pressed between me and the wall. I smirk seeing her nervous like this, where will you go now, little fairy...

I see her ocean-like blue eyes are shining like a star...Her lips are so red, probably because of the way she was biting them so hard, She is glaring at me angrily, even when she is angry, she is still looking like a goddess...how can anyone be as beautiful as her?

         After placing my both hands on the wall and trapping her there, I bend my head and go closer to her ears, umm... she smells amazing something like vanilla and chocolate.

    Her breasts are touching my hard chest and I can feel her heavy breathing due to the way her breast are rising and falling fastly... fuck,

I even forget what I was about to tell her... yes, I was about to say something which will make her get scared of me.

" So my little fairy, never think to run away, otherwise I will give you a slow painful death...do you understand? "

I whisper and pressed my body more against her. She is so small...Her petite figure fits perfectly here, in my arms...

" Yes, sir"

she murmurs and I look at her when I feel her small hands are touching my chest. I bend my head and see, red fog is gleaming from my chest. What the fuc.k...

Why does my Aura want to make me a walking torch? Is it because it felt disgusted by my shameless behavior and wanted to tell me to fucking stop behaving like a creep? If that is the reason then I think my mate has more morals than me...

" What is happening to you? I thought that it stopped happening after you merge my mate with my body..."

She asked while touching my chest and muscles, the fog is slowly spreading in my whole body, my chest to my stomach, and then my muscles.

I know if I wanted it to stop then I have to back away and make some distance from Luna but I don't know why I am still standing here, like a statue...

" I don't know...It never happened with me before"

I replied and look at Luna, she is perfectly normal... Her mate is not acting like this. Strange... is she feeling nothing when I get this close to her? is It just me who is acting like this...?

How can she resist me... I am the one who can awake anyone's darkest carnal desires without even trying but Luna...how could she didn't feel anything?

Did she feel nothing? Is she still in love with that pathetic human who hurt her? My anger rises and my dragon howl from inside... it is so rare for him to get angry like this...

I remove one hand from the wall and touched her warm cheeks, she tilt her face upward and see me with a confused reaction. I glance at her pouty lips, they looked so soft and delicious...

It's only one way to find out whether she feels something or not...

I am going to kiss her.