
Strings Of Domination

[On hiatus for further notice.] What would you do if you were given the absolute ability to dominate and control every living and lifeless being in all existence? Would you cherish your power and protect your loved ones or conquer all and destroy everything? Well... Nash chose both! Opened The Ancient Path in their universe, humans stepped into an alternate dimension filled with various races and obtained their Legacy as any other! However, even before they could have had the chance to reach greater heights, they were enslaved, destroying their future once and for all! But after a thousand years of torture and humiliation, the fate of all humans seemed to change! Thanks to an accidental encounter with a mysterious little girl, Nash obtained a power he shouldn't have received and stepped on a path that normal beings must not cross! Follow his journey as he conquers dimensions, demolishes enemies, and strives for greater heights even beyond what seems to be the end! * * * * * Join my Discord through this link: https://discord.gg/3GvhKmSzHD 

Gery_ · Fantasy
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190 Chs

Ancestry Art: Soul Shattering Grab

Nash examined the appearing words in his line of sight in silence and was unable to hold back a dumbstruck gasp escaping his mouth once he reached the end of the rows of text.

"Is this... for real or am I hallucinating? I must be seeing things for sure, it cannot be true..." Nash closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm his slightly fast-beating heart down, but once he opened his eyelids again he had to realize he was not fantasizing and the description of the Sky Sealing Needle was indeed true!

"Sealing and unsealing anything... If I think what it is, then the Human race will be freed sooner than I have thought!" Nash mumbled under his breath as he stared at the blue needle in his trembling hold with a serious face.

Just how many years have passed since the time the Human race opened the Ancient Path and was forced into slavery? Way too many to know it was not deserved!