
Strength of Chaos

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Amidst the shadows that stretch beyond the precipice, a realm of unspoken desires and unrevealed pains beckons. It is a domain where the harbinger of sorrow and pain, a specter of darkness, casts its haunting silhouette. From within this abyss emerges a vow—an oath that cuts through the veil of obscurity. "Justice shall be my mantle," the whisper echoes, the promise etched with determination. In these hands, a power takes root, heedless of the chaos it sows in its unrelenting path. As the abyss gazes back, the abyss of vengeance, a choice is made—a choice to wield the forces that lie within, regardless of the tumult it unfurls. And so, within the tapestry of darkness, a narrative unfolds, where justice and chaos entwine, and the enigmatic journey of the "Strength of Chaos" takes shape. --- Hey there, So, guess what? This is my first-ever book, 'Strength of Chaos,' and I'm stoked to share it with you. Just wanted to give you a heads-up – it might start off a bit slow. But hey, I promise you this: stick around, and you'll see the story pick up pace, the plot twist and turn, and my writing groove get seriously dialed in. So grab a comfy seat, maybe a cup of something warm, and let's dive into the world of Chaos together (Most of it though hehe). Your patience and excitement mean the world to me. Catch you on the flip side, [Golden_Essence]

Golden_Essence · Urban
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80 Chs

You're Weak!

Jaden and Alex arrived at the training grounds, where they found Miss Thompson awaiting them. Her arms were crossed, and her expression held a stern edge as she observed Jaden's new hairstyle. "Jaden, I hope you're prepared for today's training," she said with authority.

A mixture of excitement and nerves coursed through Jaden as he surveyed the training equipment. While he had trained with his father on a few occasions, he understood that Miss Thompson's training would push him to his limits. Envy flickered within him as he admired Alex's innate athleticism and strength as an aura user.

Leading them to a vast open field, Miss Thompson directed them to the far end, where containers filled with sharp sand awaited. She allowed Alex to join in the training, hoping his presence would inspire Jaden to grow.

"Today, we'll focus on tenacity," Miss Thompson declared, her voice unwavering. "The ability to endure pain directly correlates to the power of your strikes. I will break you down and build you back up."

Jaden and Alex began pummeling the sand-filled containers with their fists, pushing themselves to deliver each blow with maximum force. Initially, the activity held an element of enjoyment, but as their knuckles smarted and their skin began to peel, discomfort settled in. Jaden's pace slowed, overwhelmed by the pain coursing through his hands.

"Push through the pain!" Miss Thompson's voice reverberated, urging them on.

Gritting his teeth, Jaden summoned his inner resolve and forged ahead, determined to overcome the torment. In contrast, Alex continued to unleash his strikes with apparent ease. Eventually, both boys surrendered to exhaustion, collapsing onto the ground, their labored breaths evidence of their exertions. Their knuckles throbbed with agony, and their shoulders ached from the strain.

Miss Thompson proceeded to demonstrate fundamental combat moves, prompting Jaden to practice each technique slowly before gradually increasing his speed. Meanwhile, Alex observed attentively, eager to participate.

After several minutes of focused training, Miss Thompson declared it was time for a sparring match. Jaden and Alex squared off, fists raised in anticipation of the forthcoming bout.

Alex moved with grace and agility, launching a barrage of punches and kicks towards Jaden. Despite struggling to keep up, Jaden managed to track and respond to the attacks. However, his physical prowess fell short, hindering his ability to react swiftly.

Miss Thompson's instructions pierced the air, urging Jaden to concentrate on his breathing and stance. Taking a deep breath, Jaden sought to steady himself as he positioned a few feet away from Alex. Once again, Alex unleashed a flurry of strikes, and Jaden valiantly attempted to block and parry them, enduring the stinging impact on his arms.

Retreating to create some distance, Jaden pondered the incredible growth he witnessed in his friend within such a brief span of time. Doubt gnawed at him, questioning if Alex remained a true friend or a rival. Unbeknownst to Jaden, Alex restrained his attacks, unwilling to harm his friend during training.

Refocusing his energy, Jaden regulated his breathing, preparing for his next offensive. With a vigilant gaze fixed on Alex, he awaited his opportune moment to strike. Charging forward, his heart pounded fiercely within his chest.

Jaden initiated with a jab, but Alex deftly maneuvered his head, causing Jaden to miss his target. Undeterred, Jaden unleashed a wild swing with his left fist, only to have Alex effortlessly evade it. Frustration welled within Jaden as he continued to flail his arms, while Alex eluded his every strike.

Fatigue eventually overwhelmed Jaden. Bent over, gasping

for air, he found himself devoid of strength. Miss Thompson's voice pierced through the haze, questioning his actions. "What was that, Jaden? You cannot expect to emerge victorious if frustration consumes you so easily."

Alex was given a momentary break, and Miss Thompson redirected her attention to Jaden. "Look at me. Your sole focus appears to be winning, neglecting the true purpose of these sparring sessions: personal growth."

"Go on, attack me, with just your fists" Miss Thompson said to him.

Jaden, once again assuming his stance, clenched his fists and brought them up before him.

With renewed determination, Jaden sprinted towards Miss Thompson, closing the distance between them in an instant. He threw a punch, but Miss Thompson effortlessly blocked it with a single arm while simultaneously delivering a knee strike to his gut. Jaden recoiled, wincing in pain.

"But we agreed to use only our fists!" Jaden protested, voicing his discomfort.

"No we didn't; the world is unfair Jaden. Do not anticipate fairness in a fight," Miss Thompson retorted sternly.

Gritting his teeth, Jaden propelled himself forward once more, launching a rapid succession of punches at Miss Thompson, who adeptly parried and evaded his assaults. Jaden's determination refused to waver as he continued to strike.

Amidst their intense sparring, Miss Thompson interjected with crucial instructions. "Focus on your breath and stance. Do not lose yourself in the heat of battle, as it will ultimately lead to your downfall."

Taking a momentary pause to catch his breath, Jaden found himself heaving heavily, his body drenched in sweat.

"You're weak!" A deep voice suddenly echoed, causing Jaden to jerk back in alarm. He scanned his surroundings frantically, bewildered by the unexpected proclamation. Both Alex and Miss Thompson regarded him with curiosity, sensing something was amiss.

"You won't succeed like this," the voice taunted, undermining Jaden's confidence.

Suddenly, an internal shock rippled through Jaden, causing him to stagger backward. His gaze fixed upwards, his head spinning, and his vision growing hazy. Echoing voices became distant, and darkness swiftly enveloped him, consuming his consciousness.

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