
Crush 6


It was a small assignment. To light up the crystal ball when I was eight years old. Everyone did it very easily with just a flick of the hand. The teachers and the parents were all excited, until I walked up to the stage.

It never glowed.

Disappointment. That word stuck to me like glue from the day they knew I had no magic. Being born as a sorcerer, I was never treated the same. But the most painful part was when I saw my dream to be an Osolus, shattered to pieces. I loved books, and I liked having the knowledge of different magical languages, a dream to be the best magic breather there was.

Impossible, the system told.

But a tiny part of me, a small dot inside me, kept me up all night infront of my potion making table,each and every single day to brew something mind boggling. Something that would break the belief.

Like right then, with a pinch of tarcus ashes, wildflower, some petals of hibiscus, minced Orocu stems, and boom! A green fumes puffed up into the air. I collected it in a vial and slipped it inside my pocket.

This potion specifically pointed directions to magical items. It comes in handy when things gets misplaced around, which is a lot.

Then I was off to going to college. Not a sorcerery one but a human, since Magic Dieties saw no difference between sending me to a sorcerer's academia and a human's. Basically for them, I was like a mere human.

But not for long, I would show them what I was made up of. That tiny part of me roared, I will become an Osolus.

I was in the library reading when from my pocket the vial slipped and shattered on the floor garnering unwanted attention. I winced and picked up the broken pieces of glass when the green fume flew above and towards some other direction. Now, for the human eyes, the green fumes couldn't be seen. I acted like I was searching for a book and followed where it was going.

I frowned and randomly picked a book, attempting to read when the green fumes landed on a bag of the two humans sitting together. I tried to not look too much their way, but clearly, I couldn't help staring at them and the bag where the fume had been settled.

How did a human get their hands on a magical item?

Then another thought occured in my head.

What was the magical item?

I was curious to know.

I quickly busied myself flipping the pages of the book when both of them stood up to leave. I slowly followed them.

They turned to a corner and as I was about to turn the same corner I knocked into someone. Dropping my spectacles somewhere in the ground.

"Oops, sorry!!"

"My specs, where's my specs?"

I sat on the ground frantically searching for the specs. I didn't want to stay with my visions blurred for long. I flinched when she handed me what I was looking for.

"Here, your specs"

I wore it and blinked my eyes. Much better.

"Sorry about that"

I shook my head and looked in the direction but they were nowhere to be found. I sighed and smiled at her.

"It's fine. Happens"

She had long brunette hair and large dark circles underneath her eyes. She looked weak.

I shook her hand and she smiled back at me.



I watched her leave into the direction where they went. I sighed and slumped my shoulders.

Would it be wise to follow?

I took my bag and went the other direction, letting it be alone for sometime.

I searched for the darkest corner, and pulled a small vial of orange fumes from my bag. I slowly pulled the plug and watched as the fumes flew up to the air, changing its structure to the shape of a ball with a tail at the end, it's fiery red eyes blinking with its chubby cheeks and bloated stomach, like a small dragon.


I called its name and hugged the creature tight. It was my comfort pet.

"Pepe, today something great happened"

I giggled and the creature wagged its tiny little tail.

"I found a magical item with a human. Do you think they know about us?"

I questioned, my mind wandering far back about the consequences of the news. The five worlds were split apart only for this reason. To exist separately because we couldn't coexist there came the boundaries.

I pouted and Pepe licked my face, making me feel better. It always made me feel better. I laughed heartily when it made a love shape in the air with its fiery wings. I smiled and brought it to my chest and petted the lovely creature.

"What do you think I should do?"

I tapped on my chin in thought and stood up as an idea crossed my head. Yes, that was what I would be doing.

Catch them red handed with the magical item, take them to the court and save the day. That's how perhaps the magic society would take me back in, perhaps earn a spot of respect among them all.

I put back Pepe into the vial and closed it shut. With a newfound determination, I set off on a journey not knowing that it would totally change the direction of my life and would lead me into the most astonishing fate ever. A journey I couldn't ask for more.