
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Movies
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27 Chs

26. Contacting Will- 1

Early morning, Hawkins.

The sunlight fell on Robert's eyes, making him wake up. He looked at May in his arms and kissed her forehead, he couldn't help but remember what happened last night.

Robert and May went completely crazy last night, they had sex in various positions like 69 position, doggy style, missionary, cowgirl, and standing position. Robert cummed inside his mother 10 times while May even forgot to count her orgasm.

He got up from the bed, stretching his body he wore his pants and went out of the room. With his strong mental power, he noticed that everyone was still asleep.

Robert went to the kitchen and decided to make breakfast for everyone after his ten times talent his cooking skills were extraordinary. He quickly began to make a sandwich, bacon and fried omelette.

After 10 minutes, the door opened to Dottie's room. A person came out of the room, she looked at Robert who was cooking and slowly walked towards him.

Robert didn't notice her presence until she was 5 metres away from him. With his mental powers, he can actively see the presence of anyone within 100 metres but passively it is reduced to 5 metres.

He pretended that he didn't notice and continued to cook. Soon his eyes were covered and the back of his head was pressed on a small, soft pillow-like thing. Although this gave him lustful thoughts his dick didn't harden as now he needed more stimulation to make it stand.

"Say who is this?" Dottie asked him with a teasing smile. "Don't disturb me, Dottie, I'm making breakfast for everyone... or I won't make anything for you, okay?" Robert said with a smile.

"Humph! How did you know it was me?" She asked as her hands left his face and hugged his waist. Robert was stunned for a second but continued to cut vegetables and answered her with a teasing smile "It's a secret"

Dottie who was a bit annoyed by his answer bit his collarbone, but instead of biting it felt like she was kissing his shoulder. Robert feeling her cold lips shivered in delight but regained his mind.

"Don't disturb me, or else you won't have breakfast?" He said with an annoyed face but to Dottie, he looked cute. "Okay, okay my little man. Whatever you say" Saying she kissed his cheeks and walked to the bathroom.

While walking Dottie thought about how Robert accepted her which made her smile. She has seen the world knows that men like Robert are too rare and respect their women and don't lie to them about having another woman.

After all, in today's time, women are too restricted by men. Their only job is to do household things and take care of their kids, what their husbands do in the outside world shouldn't concern them even if they sleep with other women.

Seeing Dottie gone, Robert put his mind to making breakfast. Not long after Jenny came to him and growled to get his attention, Robert fed her two pieces of bacon and asked her to keep quiet until he served everyone.

Robert walked into May's room and got near May. He looked at her beautiful but tired face and said "Who told you to provoke me?" Last night he wanted to stop after filling her two times but May provoked him by saying if he was tried this is the result.

"Get up Mom, breakfast is ready" He shook her and said. May's eyebrow furrowed as if annoyed by his shaking, she slowly opened her eyes to see her son, man, and husband looking at her.

She made a kissing gesture to him to which Robert responded by kissing her lips. "So what do you want? Do you... want to go for another ride?" She asked seductively.

But Robert heard the tremble in her voice when she spoke the second sentence. "No, not now. All girls are about to wake up, so get ready I made some breakfast for everyone" He said and got up from the bed.

May got up and stretched her body in front of Robert, which made him swallow his saliva as his dick hardened in his pants. But seeing May's teasing smile he coughed and went out of the room.

It didn't take long for everyone to gather at the table and have breakfast. Kali had a strange look on her face as she noticed May's unnatural walk she instantly knew what had happened, while Dottie was full of smiles as if she was the one Robert fucked.

"Hhmm~~ Robert your cooking skills are still too good," May said with a smile. The other three girls also nodded and praised him, Robert just smiled and accepted their compliment.

"Okay... now let me take Eve to our school," Robert said as he wiped his mouth. Kali looked at him and asked "But won't it be dangerous to take Eve with you... I mean there are still many people looking for her"

"Yes we cannot take Eve out openly" May also agreed with Kali "... But we can give her a makeover and I will drive her to your school" She said with a smile and without waiting for anyone's reply, she took Eve into her room.

 Kali and Dottie also followed her. Seeing this Robert sighed and decided to inform his friend about his mom's visit. Going to his room he took out the walkie-talkie and turned it to a particular wavelength to contact them.

"Hello. Hello, Robert here. Mike, Lucas, and Dustin come in contact. Over" He said. Soon Mike's voice came from the walkie-talkie "Mike here. Over" Followed by Lucas and Dustin.

"Okay, guys listen. Mom has decided to take Eve to school, and we will all take her to our club room and get information about Will. Over" He said

"Eeehh!! Why are you bringing your mom into this? Shouldn't it be our secret mission? Over" Mike said with annoyance in his voice. After Mike's words, Lucas's voice was heard.

"Are you stupid or what Mike? Isn't it already good that Robert's mom hasn't told our parents about what we are doing? And it's good to have an adult involved in this matter. Over" he said.

Dustin also supported Lucas's words "Yes Mike don't be stupid. We all saw what we were going to face the day before yesterday. This creature doesn't care about our life, if it weren't for Robert's superpower we would die. Over"

"Mike this matter is too dangerous having mom's help can ease our burden. Over" Robert said. The channel was silent for a few seconds but soon Mike replied, "Okay, let's do it then. Over" 


Just after he kept the walkie-talkie, the door to May's room opened. Seeing Eve's makeover, Robert had an annoyed look on his face and asked "What the hell are you guys doing!!?"

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