
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Movies
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18. Eve's origin

"So Robert, Nancy said you want to say something?" Kali asked while looking at May who seemed to be opposite mood when she left. Robert thought about the laboratory "I want to show you a place, and I think you both came from there"

"So when are we leaving?" Dottie asked as she touched his shoulder while peeking at May to see her reaction. But was disappointed to see her smiling happily. May saw this and sneered in her heart 'Little girl I won't be jealous of you, cause I have become Robert's girlfriend'

If others were to hear her thoughts they couldn't help but yell 'Why are you so proud of this thing?' But only Robert could know her thought but luck was in her favour as his attention was something else.

Hearing Dottie, Robert smiled and said "We don't have to go anywhere. Just place your hands on my body and I will send the images in your mind" Without any delay they placed their hands on his body. May, Nancy, and Dottie's dishonest hands were placed on his chest or thigh while Kali's and Eleven's were on his palm.

His mental energy surged into their mind and soon images began to appear about the laboratory with people's faces working in them. Robert noticed that Kali was angry while Eleven was very fearful.

"Bastard!!" Suddenly Kali yelled bringing everyone out of their mind. Kali's face was burning with anger, "Papa..." Eleven said with fear on her face. Everyone in the room was shocked, May's face turned bad as she couldn't think that her father had held his daughter captive and was experimenting on her.

Nancy had more sympathy for her while Dottie and Robert were surprised. Although Dottie acts like a spoiled girl she has lived in a dark society so she has seen many parents using their children for benefit.

"He is the head of that institution..." Even though Robert knew that man wasn't good but didn't expect him to do such a thing. "ELEVEN!! That man is not our father!" Kali caught Eleven and yelled at her, making Eleven stiff.

"Okay, okay. Kali don't scare the poor girl" Dottie said while pulling Kali who was embarrassed. Looking at Eleven who hugged May made her heart break "Sorry, Eleven I lost my mind for a second" She said sincerely.

"Okay, let me say something. First, let's change her name to Eve. The name 'Eleven' sounds too weird" Robert said, everyone nodded their head in agreement "And secondly about your so-called 'father' I don't think that he is your father" He stated.

"Eeehh!!" Eve (Eleven) and Kali were shocked to hear this "No!! Papa is papa!!" Eve said stubbornly, making Kali feel distressed. "And this is why I don't think he is your 'papa'" Robert said while pointing at Eve.

"Look the way Eve is behaving, this isn't the way a normal person thinks," Robert said, all the ladies nodded their heads as Eve suddenly protected a person who experiments on herself was weird.

"She is been slowly manipulated," Robert said seriously.

"MANIPULATED!!" All the ladies screamed except Eve who didn't understand a word. "Yes, both of them have been under this guy from childhood. So maybe he has manipulated them by thinking that his words have the final command on them" 

Hearing this a chill ran through everyone's body, even they didn't expect those government guys to be so cruel. "Hey chill out every single one of us has been manipulated" Robert said calmly.

"WHAT??!! No way!!!" Nancy shouted.

"Yes, Robert nobody manipulated you," May said. "Mom, tell me if I announce my relationship with you to everyone. How will they react?" He asked.

"Emm... they may be disgusted or even want to throw you out of their town" Seeing May hesitant to answer, Kali stated the facts. May looked like she wanted to say no but even she knew that Kali was saying the truth.

"Yes Mom, Kali is right. And here comes manipulation, what right do those people have to say how to love and not to love? These rules or regulations are just made by some people to have control over the majority of people. 

From childhood, we have heard these rules making it common sense for us to follow these rules. This is just like in the case of Kali and Eve, but unlike the majority of people they are mentally stronger to reject this small manipulation" Robert explained.

All the ladies fell in thought except Eve who didn't know anything about the outside world. The most affected were Nancy after all Kali and Dottie have seen the dark and light side of the world while May who is older has also seen this.

"Don't worry those things cannot do anything to us. I will protect you, baby" Robert pulled Nancy into a hug. "Me too" Dottie hugged his other side, which he didn't resist because he knew that with his nature Dottie was destined to be his.

"Okay back to the topic. Now that Eve has escaped from the laboratory, those people will try to find her in any way possible" Robert said.

"First, don't talk about anything like this on the telephone as I have noticed that they have monitored all the town's calls. Second, if you see any suspicious car near our houses be careful it might be the" All the ladies including Eve nodded their heads.

"Third, we have to change her" He said while pointing at Eve. "Me?" Eve asked with uncertainty "Don't worry nothing will happen. And what do you mean by change, Robert?" Kali first comforted Eve and then questioned him.

"Just look at her. If she goes out like this tell me if other people won't think anything wrong with her?" Robert said, making all the ladies nod subconsciously.

"Okay and the last thing, Eve do know anything about a slimy monster?" Robert's question made Eve's face change which was noticed by everyone. "Don't be scared sis, no one will harm you" Kali rubbed her shoulder and said.

Everyone also said a few encouraging words to her which made Eve tell everything about the monster "T-That monster... came from... the gate" Eve said with fear.

"Where is this gate, Eve?" Robert got on his knees and asked seriously. "It's in... the place where I stayed..." Eve said softly. 'Damn!! Did those government guys get in contact with aliens or some mindless being?' Robert thought.

"Eve, do you know how they opened this gate?" Robert asked which made Eve silent. But everyone notices her hesitation to answer "Don't worry sis. No one says anything to you" Kali encouraged her followed by everyone.

Finally, she decided to answer but Robert noticed that Eve really didn't pay attention to anyone's encouragement other than his and Kali. Maybe because both of them were like her.

"How about I see your memories, Eve?" Robert finally said which made Kali upset "Hey! What do want to see in my sister's head, pervert?" Kali's way of thinking made him speechless.

Although he has a harem even if Eve looked cute he couldn't lay his hands on her. "Kali you saw how she doesn't want to say about that incident so why don't I just see it?" Robert said while his cheek twitched in annoyance.

"It's okay. Y-You can see it" Eve said. Robert took her hands in his and moved his mental energy, because the other party is also a telepathic user he could find the pathway to her mind without destroying her mind.

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