
Strange Vampire System

The world is now at chaos since the introduction of arcana(inner power), Humans learn to unlock their arcana which has lead to the evolution of animals into strange and dangerous beasts and creatures the world has ever seen, which roam all over the world. Xander is a little boy who is abondoned in this world, atleast no one knows where his parents are. In the world where the strongest will survive Xander failed to unlock his arcana...how will he survive???

SammyChaos · Fantasy
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57 Chs

A mage?

The other two sergeants were surprised by that revalation from Sergeant Jax. It had already been long since the incidence occured but still they remember the chaos occured despite of being childrens.

"What do you mean?" A brown haired man asked as he was the first to snapped out of his daze.

"I know you are all wondering, what made me think that. But first let me tell you this, a direct heir of Frost realm has got killed under our Outpost." Sergeant Jax revealed while looking at their eyes, it was a shocking news as they believed no any student who was a match of the baron's heir except for their fellow baron's heir, and out of all, the frost realm baron is more disturbon. "And the one responsible is among of the students who came from the academy for hunting."

"Who is a murderer?" This time was a red haired man who asked. Sergeant Jax didn't reply right away, he observed them for sometime looking how curiosity they are.

"A nobody. His information states he has no arcana." He replied. "And that is what's more interesting."

"Stop saying interesting, this isn't fun anymore as you thought." A red haired man speak with a serious tone for the first time and end up shouted. "Don't you know the consequence of all of this? And who can believe that a nobody with no arcana has killed him?"

"I have one theory." Sergeant Jax said, even a brown haired man raised his head looking at him. "There are beings we have forget about them since it's a long time, they have now been like mythics and I think he might be one of them..... a mage."

Their eyes light up as they heard what had been revealed to them. These was a reason why they were dumbstucked to hear this. When they were still teenagers they learnt about historical events, when arcana was not introduced yet, people were learning magic in schools to became mage.

At first the world believed magic was a gift from above which leads them to worship it, but everything turns down when some people learned of a new type of magic known as dark magic. The world spread chaos as more strong talented magic arise and most of them were attracted to the dark side until one special being came from underground and help the whole world.

Since then, magic had been forbidden to use and as time goes on this magic type thing deminished until there were non atleast that is what they think.

The room fell silence as the same types of questions were running in their head at the same time, they could now tell what chaos was aheard of them, not a single one could escape it, it was too late for it.

"Have you already report the death to our supperiors?" A red haired man finally asked.

"No. I wanted to discuss with you guys before I made a report." Sergeant Jax replied.

"Then let's call the boy so we can run a check up first. When we approve that he has no arcana then I can take your second guess into consideration." A brown haired man said.

Hearing this, Sergeant Jax smiled.


Not far away from the Outpost, Xander was sitting on a rock facing a river stream which runs almost around the Outpost. For some reason the death of the students has still distract his thought time to time, he didn't know if it was because of the fact that he is the one who killed them or something else. The sky was turning orange as the sun was disappearing slowly at the horizon.

Opening up his system, he was looking at his rewards he has received after defeating a middle tier beast and Ayden with his group.

[Rewards for defeating a stage 4 beast]

[1,000 Exp gained]

[Additional reward for a first time kill (A middle tier beast)]

[+1,000 Exp]

[+2 Stat points granted]

[Reward for defeating Ayden and his gang]

[Instant level up]

[You drunk a human blood]

[+1 stat point granted]

[2 new skills unlocked]

[You are now level 14]

[0/1,200 Hp]

"What?" Xander almost shouted when he prove he has drunk a human blood, it had given him a had time to believe and sometime he tried to assure himself he hasn't done something like that and now here the system proved him. "Did I real drunk his blood? No way this can be true."

'Plus I got a free stat point, does the system mean I will always get a stat point when I drink a human blood?' He thought but when he realize what thought has been running in his head. 'Holycrap! What was I thinking now.'

'It's better I look the new skills I got.' He thought as he open a 'skill' tab.

[New Skills]

[Force pull]

[This skill enable a user to use a the power of invisibility to pull anything toward them when it is within a range of 5 meters from the user: -1 Energy per each use]

[Force push]

[This skill enable a user to use the power of invisibility to push anything away from them when it is within a range of 5 meters from the user: -1 Energy per each use]

Learning his new skills won't be a had task since the system always do everything for him, but now he was facing a usual problem he hate....where to locate his stat points.

Although he hate this kind of shit but still the life leads him into this situation and there is always no way to escape it. It took him too long to decide and at the end...

[Strength: 11 > 12]

[Agility: 11 > 12]

[Stamina: 10 > 11]

'I think I should start to practice with my new skills now, when I consider what Sergeant Jax had told me...It makes me wonder what will happen.' He thought as he prepare for practice.


Hi everyone, I am grateful to tell you that I will return to my normal routine of realising a chapter each day. I hope you will support my work by voting with your stones and tickets.