
Strange Rebirth(MHA)

Once again, Truck Kun struck an innocent young lad by the name of Ivan. He was immediately seated in front of a goddess of reincarnation. At first, he thought he had lost everywhen when he had been turned into Momo Yaoyorozu. He was very wrong when he found a unique use of the quirk Creation. Total cellular control, and his key for revenge against the gods who are not yet done with him.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Experimentation Results and Graduation.

Following the failure of the Mark I, Ivan removed the armor after testing it out. He was protected sure, and strong enough to operate in it, but it was cumbersome, slowed him down, and would sometimes jam as something went wrong with the internal systems.

Once he was out of it, he took it apart piece by piece as he looked into the circuits of the armor. He took detailed sketches in his journal on what he would need to fix if he ever wanted to have the hope of creating a Primarch-worthy suit of armor.

Most importantly, he needed to find a way to invent a Brain interface to link with his weapon systems. He thought about Robot from Invincible as it seemed that the brain in a jar was still smarter than he was.

'Fucking shit stain.'

That irked him greatly as he was greatly proud of his Space Marine brain. How did some baseline human with super cancer have a better brain than the God Emperor's Adeptus Astartes?

Yoshimura seemed to notice his anger as it was quite easy with how his muscles tensed up. 

"Ivan, are you mad?"

He fixed his face as he shook his head.

"No, just feeling down."

Not realizing why he was down, she reached out and hugged him pushing his head into her chest.

"I hope you feel better. It was your first product and even you can't succeed without failure."

Smiling he reached around and hugged her back.

"Thanks. I appreciate the encouraging words. Also, nice bust."

She frowned and pushed him off.

"Pervert. Why can't you act like a normal 8-year-old? It's almost creepy."

He simply pointed at his brain. She rolled her eyes as they had been told by Sakai his Doctor that this was going to happen. His brain was far more developed than most people in this world and that came with sped-up mental development.

Not to mention his body was flooded with super hormones daily encouraging him to grow bigger and stronger. His dedication to intense training had only increased that; it was showing as he was covered in dense muscle.

Either way, she decided to keep him company as he took apart every single piece of the Mark I. He spent hours detailing every part and component and he even planned to go back to the drawing board with the alloy.

Neo Adamantium as he called it was heavy, unforgiving, and impossibly tough. It also needed to be acid, fire, ice, sound, radiation, and corroding proof. If he was going to use it in quirk battles it had to be able to endure ungodly amounts of punishment.

Also, he wanted to have a way to absorb kinetic energy and send it back. It would be a counter to All Might and One For All more than shock absorption. 

"This will take a while Yoshimura. You can go sleep as unlike me, you need sleep."

She shook her head.

"I am fine. I have been up for days before. More than you know."

"I will consider that. Anyway, now I know what I did wrong and can fix it in the Mark II. Time to get started."


He nodded as he looked through the sketches he made of the armor pieces and their flaws.

"Yup, I already figured out how to fix the initial issues. I just had to increase the synthetic muscle in the armor to increase my strength instead of being dead armor. I also added more shock absorbers in it to prevent damage to the internal systems.

Of course, the ratio will be a little off, but I will simply fix that in the Mark III. If I keep up this pace, by the Mark IV, I should be able to get rid of the main issues enough to create a battle-worthy sit by the Mark V.

By the Mark VI, I can begin to work on the Logos Terminator Armor. This is so much fun."

He said the last part nearly giggling as it was fun to mess around with tech that no one had. And this was just the result of him devouring every piece of knowledge this world could offer him. What about once he discovered FTL travel? Or AI?

What kind of Alien species existed in the MHA universe?

Since he would never die of old age, he might as well live his life to the maximum. If something could take his life after all his efforts to live, then it was meant to be. But he did not want to die so he better ensure his life stayed going. 


Ever since he was 4 years old and he got his quirk, Ivan had spent every waking moment training. His body, his intelligence, his quirk, he dived into each part that made him strong. As for his Megumi identity, it was working just fine and keeping attention off his main identity.

While at school he barely paid attention and still had the best grades in the school. Most of his attention was stuck in the pile of journals he carried around as he ran through the sketches of his Power Armor.

As he said, the Mark II power armor was much stronger than the failure of the Mark I, but it came with its own set of issues. For one, it was heavier, but it did carry its own weight. The issue started when he realized it was only because of his strong his body was that he did not break every bone in his body.

If Yoshimura put this suit on, just moving would break her bones. Every movement carried the force of the armor itself which had to be fixed in the Mark III. That suit ended up better, but still, a failure when it began to overheat from the increased Artificial muscle.

He took inspiration from an Anime called Knights and Magic for the internal synthetic muscles, but that led to a power drain which he fixed by adding a small-scale Nuclear Reactor which as expected caused a radiation leak that his Shieldskin Gene Seed Organ had to intervene with.

He noticed this when his entire body started to turn black like a Salamander. He ripped the armor off and disassembled it on the spot before the radiation leak got worse. Luckily for him, his skin turned back to normal after the radiation was dealt with.

But, he was undeterred and continued working on his Power Armor which needed to be made for his more dangerous plans. He was not going to be running around in spandex like a retard after all. That led to the current scenario three months later graduation day. In that time, despite his guessed time frame, he was up to the Mark X power armor which was a moderate success.

It was a step in the right direction and only needed to refine it further before he had his first successful Power Armor which he had to say would out-compete rank and-file Astartest Power Armor.

Just the alloy it was made from was probably stronger than Ceramite and Adamantium of 40k. Or he was just arrogant, but who wanted to say that? He was as ushal sketching in his journal while seated in the graduation ceremony.

His parents and Yoshimura were here to see the ceremony, but when they saw his face in his journal they sighed. Miku had finally grown used to Ivan's Megumi identity which was still weird for her.

However, she had grown used to his shapeshifting as it was his quirk. Though, he never again took the form of her daughter. She was growing to miss her daughter who had been lost to the shapeshifting as it seemed.

However, seeing him once again in his journal scribbling away made her sigh.

"He is still working on that power armor even now?"

Yoshimura nodded with a giggle.

"He is determined and you know very well how his brain works. He can't sit still as everything seems slow to his senses. It's his way to not stay bored."

Asashi was just happy for his son.

"Well, he is about to leave School for a few years. He has spoken to me that he wishes to be given the freedom to spend the next 7 years traveling the world."

Miku sighed.

"What would people say if they knew he was 8?"

They were alone currently so no one heard her. Asashi pondered on that as his son in this form looked like a teenager. Would he look like a grown man in 7 years?

"Confused. I say we give him permission as keeping him here won't do him any good. He needs to explore to find himself. As he will outlive us all."

Just as he said that the school principal walked up on stage and began a speech to the students. Ivan looked up a moment before he returned to his journal looking at the Mark XI. This one would be the one that succeeded, unlike its 10 predecessors.

He grinned as he closed his journal and tossed it into an open portal Typhon created. He leaned back and enjoyed the rest of the ceremony. It took a while before his name was spoken.

"Megumi Yaoyorozu. Please come up to the stage."

He stood up and fixed his tie as he walked up on stage. He waved at his parents and Yoshimura as he reached the stage. After that, the principal spoke about his perfect grades and intellect. And he wished him a successful career.

"Thank you, Sir." 

After he got his awards, he sat back down for the rest of the ceremony. As he did this, he noticed Reiko in the seats, but he did not bother her. They were not friends and she only talked to him every now and then to ask about Momo. 

Either way, he was quite bored until the end of the ceremony and they were dismissed. He instantly joined his parents and Yoshimura who was happy for her. Asashi patted his shoulder as they walked out of the school 

"Congratulations son." 

"Thank you, dad. But in all honesty, school has been such a breeze for me. Everything was way too easy." 

Asashi understood that he had an unfair advantage over his peers. 

"Understandable. But, that is beside the point. You still got perfect grades and that deserved to be celebrated. Let's go and eat."

Miku smiled as she gave him a big hug. 

"I agree with your Father. Let's go as a Family since you will be leaving us." 

She said that last part sadly, but he just comforted his Mother. 

"Everything will be alright. I will have Yoshimura with me after all." 

She smiled. 

"I know, I just felt I needed to say it." 

Asashi laughed as they all left the school and got into the family SUV. When they were driving alone or in pairs they could use the sports cars, but as a family that did not work.

Asashi directly drove them to the most expensive restraunt in the city to have a celibritory dinner. Ivan of course had a mountain of a feast like a Blood Angel or Space Wolf.

Those two Chapters had massive feasts and this was how he spent his day enjoying 5 Star cuisine. His Father was more than happy to pay as his son earned this.

Even his Mother was proud of his intelect and his desire to learn. Even if his passion for Power Armor was his main driving factor. As long as he was happy which she had come to accept.


Regardless, once he had graduated Middle School, he no longer had to go to school for another 7 years until he turned 15. He had a few goals in this time he wanted to complete.

The first was finishing his power armor which would lead to the second goal. Begin to train in actual combat as a vigilante and the last one.

Begin to steal hidden knolege the governments were keeping hidden to add to his own intelligence. If he wanted to experiment with his progenoid glands he would have to find more

knowledge not available to the public.

On another count, his shapeshifting ability could help him in this. By opening his own buissness under a new identity, he could use the funds to finance his experiments.

First things first, time to get the Mark XI in service.