
Strange Rebirth(MHA)

Once again, Truck Kun struck an innocent young lad by the name of Ivan. He was immediately seated in front of a goddess of reincarnation. At first, he thought he had lost everywhen when he had been turned into Momo Yaoyorozu. He was very wrong when he found a unique use of the quirk Creation. Total cellular control, and his key for revenge against the gods who are not yet done with him.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

A Maid and her Young Master

Ivan felt glad that out of his entire family, only his mother seemed to draw much issue from his choice. He did not blame her, but it was not his fault at all. When he had been given the Isekai treatment he just wanted to go to Fairy Tail as a new character. 

Instead, he had overtaken Momo from My Hero and been forced to become her. For the next 8 years, he lived toward his goal of finding a way to become a man once again. However, now that he had achieved his goal he was in no way excited to give it up. 

As such, he would probably begin to spend most of his time as Ivan. As for his Momo form, it would begin to see far less use from now on. However, it would be useful if he ever needed to hide himself away as he was soon going to become a Vigilante. 

Of course, he had several inventions to hide his identity from the Hero Public Safety Commission. Of course, his identity of 'Momo Yaoyorozu' would be his cover as his Toji self, he had another alias, Ivan Fushiguro. 

Of course, the current situation was more peaceful as he was in his room after spending several hours talking with his family members. As Ivan lay in his giant bed, he had his arms behind his back as he looked at the ceiling. 

'I wonder if I could convince Yoshimura to keep me company? Pff, probably not in the state I am in right now.' 

He was not wearing a shirt, but he was in his shorts so there was that. The reason was that he just wanted to appreciate his own body. It brought a proud smirk to his face as he looked at his ultra-dense musculature. 

"This is sick." 

He sat up as he reached for the TV remote, but before he could turn it on he heard something tapping at the window. He looked at the window and saw Typhon on Gustave's snout tapping at the window with his claw. 

Ivan rolled his eyes as he walked to the window and opened the large window. When he did so, Typhon flew in and got onto his shoulder while Gustave pulled himself in after that. He shook his head at how spoiled this Croc could be, but he did not kick him out. 

He closed the window and kneeled to pet his crocodile pet. 

"Did you have fun?" 

Gustave bellowed to agree before he curled up at the foot of his bed happy from his exploration. Meanwhile, Typhon took his place on Ivan's shoulder before he opened his mouth and spit out his journal. 

Ivan caught it before he removed the pen that came with his journal. He flipped it open to a clear page before he began to draw up a new project he had in mind. This was not the 42 Millenium so making Power Armor like what Space Marines wore was going to be hard. 

But if anyone had that ability it was him because of two simple reasons. His Space Marine Brain, and his Quirk Creation. As long as he understood the Molecular Structure. He had it far easier than Momo did because their brains were on different levels. 

Of course, it was going to go with something between the Power Armor suits of Ferrus Manus and Perturabo two of his favorite Primarchs. In all honesty, Rogal Dorn's armor was far too shiny for his liking. 

After a few minutes, he had a good design that he could begin to work on in his free time. But then he remembered School, something he still legally had to do. If he wanted his identity of Ivan to be separate from Momo he would need to create a third form.

He flipped the page of his notebook as he needed a third form he could use to keep his activities as Ivan's secret. Of course, considering he liked his Ivan form he went for the next best thing in his son Megumi.

Having done the process once, he shapeshifted his shape once more and turned it into Megumi. This was quite easy as Toji was Megumi's Father so they looked quite similar. However, it was different enough that no one would associate them as the exact same person. 

With a grin, Ivan closed his notebook before he reverted to Toji once again. He tossed his notebook to Typhon who quickly caught it and swallowed it to store it away. With that, he got back to bed and turned off his brain to fall asleep. 


He only slept 4 hours before Yoshimura walked into his room and opened his blinds. The moment the blinds were open and the sun fell on his face he woke up. When his black eyes opened up he sat up and squinted his eyes as he looked at her. 

"Yoshimura, what the heck." 

She just smiled at him. 

"I know you hate being woken up early, but if not for me you wouldn't get up for school." 

He simply rolled his eyes. 

"School is worthless when you're as smart as me." 

That was true as he was leagues above other people on just processing power. When she turned around and saw that he was shirtless she caught herself staring. Noticing that, he got out of bed and walked toward her.

She was quite tall for a woman as she was 5'11, so while he was not too much taller than her yet, he was much bigger. Yoshimura started to back up a little, but he kept walking until her back was against the wall. 

He placed a hand on the wall by her head before he leaned in making her look him in the eye. 

"Your beautiful you know."

Her face became bright red as she held her cheeks. 

"What did I say about hitting on me?" 

"Can you blame me? And I noticed how you spend some of your free time. Reading Romance Mangas and Novels. Why are you still single?" 

That made Yoshimura sigh as he knew about that. 

"You know how old I am right?" 

He nodded. 


She nodded. 

"I am almost 30 and you are 8 years old, despite the fact you look like this. I am too old and then there is the fact of your Mother. She still thinks your-" 

Ivan frowned as he placed both hands behind Yoshimura's head. He leaned in and whispered in her ear making her shiver. 

"Don't worry about that. No matter what she thinks, I don't plan on quitting on you." 

He gave her a small bite to the neck which made her face flush red. She barely held back a moan as she never realized how much that would excite her. Ivan let her go after that before Typhon who was on his shoulder spat out a new clean shirt for him. 

He sat on his bed after he put it on and simply put on some socks and shoes as he was still wearing his shorts. The cold did not bother him so he could dress as he wanted even this far North. 

As for Yoshimura, she held her hands to her heart which was racing. 

"You're mean." 

He laughed a little at her pouty face. 

"Am I? I thought I was nice. If you are worried about your age, don't be. I have been working on something to make people live longer." 

That confused her.

"You have? How?" 

"Let's keep that a secret shall we? Anyway, just give me another 8 years and I will show you that a few years won't matter in the long run." 

Yoshimura did not speak for a little while before she nodded. She flashed him a teasing smile as she said something that annoyed him. 

"That is if someone else does not come and take me for themselves. 8 years is a long time after all, who is to say my prince charming won't come in and swoop me off my feet." 

Ivan smiled which caused him to look kind of scary with his black eyes.

"I see, so I have to swoop you off your feet before then." 

He walked toward her and placed a hand on her back before lifting her legs in a princess carry. 

"Well, then no need to wait 8 years then." 

Before she could say anything else Ivan tossed her onto his bed before he got on top of her. He pinned down her hands as he leaned into her face which was redder than her hair. 

"You shouldn't have teased me girl because now I don't think I can keep my hands off you." 

"Ivan, w-" 

Before she could finish her sentence, he leaned in and stole her first kiss. She whined a little as he initiated a very passionate French Kiss with his maid. And considering her hands were pinned down she couldn't resist him. 

He let her breathe and pulled back from the kiss with a smirk. Yoshimura's face was all lovestruck as he let go of one of her hands before he stroked her cheek lovingly. 

"Hey. Your first kiss was taken by an 8-year-old."

That made the Red-Haired Maid both ashamed and extremely angry. 

"You little brat." 

He got off her with a laugh. 

"Please, look at me. Where am I a brat?" 

She huffed and got off the bed after fixing her uniform. 

"I am mad at you." 

With that, she walked out of his room making him grin.

'I like that woman.' 

He did not delay any longer and he gently nudged Gustave with his hand to wake him up. The Crocodile had plenty of energy, but if he was not woken up he could sleep for days. Once his pet was awake, with a big bellowing yawn, Gustave blinked a few times as his master had need of him. 

"Come on you big lug." 

As Ivan left his room, Gustave followed after him. It was a good thing he was still small as he still fit inside the house. However, depending on how much bigger he got that would no longer be possible. 

The mansion of his grandparents was a giant home and several maids and butlers worked here to keep it in order. He ignored the maids who walked through the mansion as he walked back down to the main dining room for breakfast. 

When he got there, his entire family was starting to gather. Already, his grandfather and grandmother were seated at the head of the table. When his grandfather saw him, he motioned for him to sit between him and his grandmother.

"Ivan my boy, sit with us." 

"Don't mind if I do." 

When Ivan took his seat, Gustave simply relaxed in a corner of the dining room. 

"Explain to me one more time how your quirk works?" 

"Sure. Well, my quirk Imagination Creation allows me to turn my cells especially my lipids or fat cells into any item I understand the molecular makeup. However, it also gives me control over my own cellular makeup. 

As you know, I made small edits to my body that gave me unique abilities. My black eyes are more sensitive to movement and light, and my nails are much stronger and extendable, but it also makes them black. 

I made my teeth sharper so if need be, I wondered over the last 2 years can I do a full body shift. So, just 2 days ago, I found I could which led to me finally becoming my true self." 

His grandfather nodded. 

"Well, I am glad to hear it. Will you be staying like this permanently?" 

As his grandfather said this, his mother Miku stopped before she entered the dining room. His father Asashi who was with her knew why she stopped so he waited with his wife for his answer. 

"No. I would like nothing more than to stay in this state, but I know that will lead to questions. I will keep this Identity and Momo separate, but last night I did make a new form I can take to act as a middle ground." 

His grandmother simply patted him on his head.

"What matters most is what makes you happy." 

"Thank you, grandma." 

Just then his Mother and Father entered the Dining Room. Miku still looked conflicted while his Father did not. He would accept anything he chose as was his right. 

Miku felt the words get caught in her throat as he sat down in front of him. She did not avoid looking at him and looked him in the eye. 

"I want to hear it from you, what do you want to be?" 

Ivan smiled as he looked at his mother. 

"I much rather be your son than anything else. Sorry." 

Miku had a long conversation with her husband which led to the current situation. Hearing the words from his mouth, made her smile before she started to cry. Ivan felt bad for her as this was all caused by him being reincarnated. 

He did not regret it, but but he did regret making her cry. 

'Everyone can't always be happy after all.'