
3 Yellow Paper Symbol

The yellow paper character was not common in the previous world, but it would not be a rare thing, but Zhou Fan still could not move his eyes, he always felt that the yellow paper character had something to attract his attention.

He suddenly noticed that the crooked lines seemed to wriggle up, like red worms crawling along the black porcelain side of the oil cup.

Is there something wrong with his eyes?

Even so, Zhou Fan would not blink.

Suddenly a wide hand covered Zhou Fan's eyes.

Zhou Fancai blinked, came back to consciousness, he felt a dry pain in his eyes.

"This is a small light symbol, you can't look at it, or your eyes may go blind." Monday wood withdrew his palm, picked up chopsticks, picked up the rice bowl, and said seriously to Zhou Fan.

A little light symbol? Zhou Fan could not resist a glance, and then quickly looked away.

GUI Feng came with a bowl of rice and put it in front of Zhou Fan. "You are a child who has been ill for a few days. How can you forget everything?"

Zhou Fan embarrassed to laugh a few, he does not know how to explain it, even the small light symbol of the moment do not dare to ask.

Monday wood picked up a chopsticks of green vegetables, put it on the bowl mixed with corn rice, swallowed it, and said: "Doctor Zhang didn't say it?" When a person has a head injury, it's possible to forget everything and maybe remember it after a while."

GUI Feng worried: "What if I can't remember?"

Monday wood that dark face appeared a little wooden: "can not remember can not remember, the avatar is fine."

GUI Feng nodded and said, "Yes, people are lucky if they are OK."

"How did I get hurt?" Zhou Fan suddenly asked, he wanted to know more about the situation of this body, as a criminal detective in a previous life, always full of curiosity about the case, of course, his injury will be curious.

This injury caused the predecessor soul to dissipate, Zhou Fan can Hatoyama occupy the magpie nest, or understand clearly.

Monday wood and GUI feng suddenly quiet down.

Zhou Fan stared at their faces, people's emotions will be reflected by the facial muscles first, in the past, when interrogating prisoners, will always stare at the face of the prisoners to observe to confirm whether they lie.

GUI Feng's face showed a touch of worried fear, she unconsciously looked at her husband.

Monday wood's eyes shook slightly, he picked up a mouthful of rice with chopsticks, chewed it down and said: "You fell and hurt your head."

"It was a fall." Zhou Fan nodded, then lowered his head to concentrate on eating.

But Zhou Fan knows in his heart that a person's head is often thrown down, but if thrown down, it should also hurt the front of the head.

His injury in the back of the head, falling back is mostly waist, femur two parts, injury to the back of the head will have, but to very special circumstances will be formed.

The most important thing is that the facial expressions of these two couples give them away, they are lying.

Why would they hide the truth?

It seems that he was injured and there is a hidden situation, Zhou Fan did not ask again, because the other party obviously do not want to say, asked the estimate also ask what, and Zhou Fan also worry about asking each other to doubt themselves.

The food was very bad, but Zhou Fan did not show it, he still ate two big bowls, before stopping, after all, again bad, can also fill the stomach.

After the family had finished eating, GUI Feng began to put away dishes and chopsticks. On Monday, Wood took a black iron pipe smoker and lit it up.

Zhou Fan just sat, he did not know how to communicate on Monday wood, sometimes said more wrong, he simply did not say anything.

Monday wood seems to be very used to such quiet, he smoked a shisha for a while, only to take a look at Zhou Fan said: "You have just been ill, go to rest early, tomorrow hair day is very important, is the event of your life."

Zhou Fan heard the word "hair binding" for the second time, he had read in some history books before, and knew that in ancient times there was a saying of hair binding, hair binding refers to a person from a child into a young age, in ancient times young people can do a lot of things, such as marriage, participation in imperial examinations, travel and so on.

Zhou Fan thought for a while and asked, "Dad, what should I do tomorrow on hair day?"

Monday wood for Zhou Fan's problem is not too big of an accident, after all, he also knew that his son has lost his memory, he spit out the flue: "It's OK, it's not you a person hair, others do what you do."

That was true, but Zhou Fan could see through the dim light that Monday Wood's face seemed to be getting a lot heavier.

This made Zhou Fan frown.

GUI Feng came over with a basin of water and said softly, "Ah Fan, don't worry, parents will be with you tomorrow."

But GUI Feng between the eyes with a trace of worry let Zhou fan perceived.

Zhou Fan frowns slightly. Is there any danger on this hair day?

However, Zhou Fan did not ask again, he also saw that Monday wood two people did not seem to want to mention this topic.

The conditions of this era are simple, Zhou Fan is just a simple wash, ready to go back to his bedroom, but Monday wood stopped him.

Monday picked up the oil lamp on the table, took out the small lamp symbol and gave it to Zhou Fan. "That Yin ghost may come to you tonight, put the small lamp symbol under the oil lamp in your room, and let the light go to sleep tonight. Don't put out the lamp, OK?"

"Got it." Zhou Fan took over the small light, he did not dare to stare at it, afraid of being blind, "but what do you do?"

GUI Feng smiled and rubbed Zhou Fan's face and said, "Silly child, you really don't remember anything, Yin ghosts can only deal with weak people, it can't provoke us."

Zhou Fan then understood, he took the small lamp to go back to the bedroom.

Not long after, Monday and Wood also took the oil cup back to their bedroom.

Once back in the bedroom, the worry on the face of GUI Feng no longer covered, she whispered: "Afan's injury has just recovered, will it have an impact tomorrow?"

Monday wood shook his head and said, "No, I asked people, this kind of thing has nothing to do with whether or not you get hurt."

GUI Feng quickly said: "If it has an impact, then what can be done?"

Monday wood's face slightly sunk: "The woman's worry, even if it really has an impact, is it something we can solve?" Such things have always been left to chance."

GUI Feng slightly bowed her head, she knew what her husband said was the truth.

Monday wood sighed again: "His life is good or not only depends on his own, I believe that Afan's life is not too bad, his injury so heavy can be better..."

Monday wood two people spoke in a very low voice, Zhou Fan naturally could not hear, he pressed the small lamp in the room under the oil lamp, and looked at the darkness everywhere, the feeling that let him fear did not appear again.

Zhou Fan sat in front of the bed, he looked at the flame of the oil lamp and muttered: "Yin ghost... Light symbol And tomorrow's hair day..."

All these make Zhou Fan realize that the world is not simple, it seems that there is a strange unknown danger everywhere.

Zhou Fan originally thought that he had crossed to a certain dynasty in China, but now he has a lot of doubts, which does not seem to be like a certain dynasty in China, even though the theory of ghosts and gods has been appearing in various wild history novels and books, but the official history of China rarely mentions the theory of ghosts and gods.

At most, it brags about the emperor as the son of heaven, but other than that, there is not much talk about ghosts and gods.

Could this still be a Chinese dynasty?

Zhou Fan felt a pang in his head again, and he could not draw conclusions because he had so little valid information, and he was not a historian with the ability to quickly deduce from the buildings or objects in the room which dynasty it was.

Zhou Fan simply did not think much about it, he closed his eyes, even after sleeping for several days, but he still felt very tired, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

After a whirlwind, Zhou Fan found himself in a strange place.

Gray mist curled around him, Zhou Fan frowning, he continued to look ahead.

It's just a lot of fog. It's all gray to your eyes.

Where is this?

Isn't he asleep?

Is this a dream?

If it was a dream, how was he so aware that he was dreaming?

Zhou Fan pinched his face with his hand. He could feel the pain.

Zhou Fan looked at his feet again. There was a gray mist swimming under his feet. He was stepping on a black board.