
2 Yin ghost

Zhou Fan listened for a while, but no footsteps came, and his ears heard 'hoo... baaaah The faint wind blew in through the wooden door.

Zhou Fan froze for a moment, he opened the door twice today, know that the solid wood door is very heavy, not the wind is difficult to blow open, how is this?

The darkness without any light kept him from opening his eyes, or he might have been so frightened that he could not even breathe.

He had been waiting for the "parents" to come in and light the light before opening his eyes, but now he did not know why the wooden door was suddenly pushed open, is it a prank, open the door outside and did not come in?


There are hands to choke Zhou Fan's neck, cold palm instantly let Zhou Fan creepy.

Zhou Fan still did not open his eyes, so dark there is no light even if it is useless to open his eyes, he clenched his right hand, estimating the position of the other side's head and blasting upward.

In his previous life as an Interpol officer, Zhou Fan knew that the head was the place where people had the most weaknesses, whether it was the nose, eyes or any other place that hit the person's head!

But Zhou Fan's fist hit the air, hitting nothing!

How is that possible?

Zhou Fan was shocked in his heart, the man pressed his feet, pinched his neck, just above him, an upward punch should hit the other parts of the body even if it did not hit the man's head, why...

The hands around his neck suddenly gained strength.

"Well... Ahem Well..."

Zhou Fan's breathing became difficult, and he struggled, reaching toward his neck, trying to break the palms that were trying to strangle him.

But Zhou Fan's hands are still empty, his neck clearly can feel the palm of the hand desperately pinch him, but his palm did not catch anything.

Zhou Fan kept breathing, his heart beating wildly, his hands constantly patting his neck, and his head began to approach the inability to think.

Zhou Fan's foot has been trying to lift up, but can not move a bit.

'Am I dying? With this idea in Zhou Fan's mind, he no longer cared about anything else, opened his eyes and saw darkness.

But his eyes suddenly closed, and he saw a humanoid figure in the darkness, which was squeezing his neck with its hands.

Zhou Fan's vision began to blur.

At that moment, the room lit up, the darkness quickly receded, and the shadows suddenly disappeared.

"Whew... baaaah Whew..." Zhou Fan could breathe. He breathed in, fresh air rushing into his lungs, a burning pain in his throat and lungs.

"Avan, Avan, are you all right?" A haggard woman in her forties anxiously helped Zhou Fan up.

"It's the Yin. It took advantage of Avatar's weakness to target him." Next to the old farm-like middle-aged man said a word, he quickly left, and soon came back with a bowl of water.

Zhou Fan could not speak before he was given water.

Zhou Fan just drank a mouthful, he could not help but cough, this is not ordinary water, with a pungent spicy taste.

Zhou Fan wanted to spit it out, but the middle-aged man did not let Zhou Fan spit out, he squeezed Zhou Fan's chin and shouted: "Don't want to die, drink all of it."

Zhou Fan was still forced into a bowl of strange water, he drank only to feel a kind of hot air rising from his body, dissipating a chill.

"It should be all right." The middle-aged man touched Zhou Fan's forehead with his big rough hands and said with a sigh of relief.

The woman who stood on the side breathed a long sigh of relief, and she scolded, "Ah Fan, how did you not know that you were targeted by the Yin ghost?" Didn't your mother tell you to watch out for such things?"

Zhou Fan caught his breath, he froze and said: "What Yin ghost?"

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "You don't say Afan, we are careless, you forget Afan head now have a lot of things don't remember?"

The woman smiled bitterly and said, "I am confused."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Go to cook first, Afan, you have a good rest."

The couple turned and went busy.

Zhou Fan heart has a lot of questions to ask, but see the couple both left, he can not speak again.

The couple is Zhou Fan's current parents, in the past few days of conversation he knows that his father is called Monday wood, the mother is known as "GUI Feng", but the specific surname of Zhou Fan is not clear.

Zhou Fan smiled wryly, he felt that 'parents' heart is a little big, he was almost choked to death just now, but the two of them after solving, turned to cook as if nothing had happened.

I don't know if ancient people had different values...

Zhou Fan touched his neck, he could touch the neck has a shallow finger scratches.

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, what had just happened was not an illusion, but what was the Yin ghost?

Could there really be something strange in the darkness?

Zhou Fan before crossing is an atheist, he has investigated a lot of mysteries, but has never seen a ghost, and now he has some doubts, perhaps the world...

Zhou Fan looked again into the dark corner of the room where the oil lamp could not reach, and he stared.

He stared for a long moment, and his body no longer had that creepy reaction, as if the horror of the darkness had left him.

Zhou Fan's head was confused. He couldn't figure out what was going on.

After a while, mother GUI Feng came in. She smiled and said, "Afan, let's go to have dinner."

GUI Feng would like to reach out to help Zhou Fan stand up.

"Mom, I can do it myself." Zhou Fan shook his head, some awkward call each other "mother", he knew that this is not past.

After all, he used his predecessor's body, and for whatever reason, his predecessor's parents were his parents.

Zhou Fan had already stood up by himself when he thought so.

While looking at the GUI Feng a happy face said: "It seems that Afan has been well, then your father and I don't have to worry about tomorrow."

About tomorrow?

Zhou Fan asked, "Mom, what's going on tomorrow?"

GUI Feng said: "The hair, originally we thought we would help you to go, but today you can stand up on your own, I think it is OK."


Zhou Fan wanted to ask again, but was pushed by GUI Feng came to the table to sit down.

The Zhou family's mud house is two mud walls divided into three small rooms, the house sits to the south, the east one is Zhou Fan's bedroom, the west one is the parents' bedroom, the middle is used as a simple small room, usually for eating or entertaining guests.

The previous three days were brought to the bed by his mother GUI Feng to feed Zhou Fan, Zhou Fan's head was like a lump of paste at that time, just subconsciously eating, and did not feel much.

This is the first time he's sat down to eat with his parents.

On the square table there was only a plate of green vegetables in a large bowl, mixed with small dark pieces of meat.

Zhou Fan only glanced at the dish. He looked away and focused his attention on the oil lamp on the table.

There was a light flame on the black porcelain oil, and the oil of the oil was naturally not kerosene, but animal fat or vegetable oil, which Zhou Fan did not know.

More precisely, what attracted Zhou Fan's attention was the symbol pressed under the oil cup.

Painted with dark red vermilion, the crooked lines look very unique.