
Strange Carnival

Vlad Yazykov, a young man who has been trapped in a broken body for fourteen years finally dies. That seems to be it, the end, but just during this period of time, a dignitary of the dead Arch Shadow needed to perform some sort of ritual ...

uchiha_izuna97 · Movies
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45 Chs

Chapter 9

Labyrinth of Asx.


Climbing out of the bushes where the redheaded beauty had been thrown by her baby sister, Labir was sad. It was frustrating to realize that any argument would continue until Arle used her strength. No matter how much the red-haired girl practiced, no matter how much she learned, all to no avail. One push and the Labyrinth lost. What is knowledge and intelligence compared to naked power?  And Labir isn't particularly smart, Shinshi is a recognized genius of the last generation. Her mother reassures her that if she trains hard enough, she can beat anyone. But Labir did not really believe in it. How do you beat talent? Strength, speed, agility, and animal instincts were all the younger sister had. The older sister was left to rely on her wits and cunning in their sparring. And still she lost. Always. What use is knowledge if it's useless in life? Father's a scientist? So being the third most powerful shinigami dad can afford to be anything he wants! Labir, who dreams of following in her daddy's footsteps, it's not enough to be smart. She has to be the very best. The strongest, the smartest, the most cunning. But being the strongest is unlikely to work, the girl realized that long ago. So she can't have a career as a scientist. The girl's dream was dying. The last hope for the redhead was to study Lizardbear. Lizardbear is a half-spirit, he is not the strongest and fastest of the half-spirits. However, he is considered the most dangerous creature on the wastelands of Terra. All due to his powers of foresight. If Labir "steals" this ability, he will be able to compete with the power of a small one. And then he could defeat Shinshi. But as usual, that little girl's interference could ruin everything. Why does she need that slug? He's useless.


  She was distracted from her thoughts by a rumbling sound from her father's lab. When Arle jumped out of the lab and hid without being caught by Shinshi, she suspected something was wrong. And when her sister got on her brother's trail, Maze was convinced there was a secret. The family was bypassing her and starting to breed secrets! How could it be? Was she considered so useless and worthless that they decided to hide something important? Most likely, her brother persuaded her father to buy this ugly slug, and the little girl decided to make sure that he did not get it wrong! Why is he helping that little brat again and not her? Why doesn't Shinshi love her? She's always been there for him. She even convinced her father to bring a bigger flower from the Tenth Squad's lab. Brother loves flowers! Who knew Dad would bring that ugly flytrap. Maybe that's why Shinshi fell out of love with her. Now he won't marry her like he promised five years ago!  Moisture began to accumulate in the corners of the girl's green eyes. Just a little more and Maze would have burst into tears, but the creak of the closing gate made the girl focus on the current situation. "No slime in this house! By catching them buying I can get them to confess everything! They'll be forced to buy whoever I wish or I'm not the daughter of a legendary Immortal! And when I copy the foresight from the Lizardman, Shinshi will love me anew and we'll be married as agreed!" Shaking her fist at the sky, the nine-year-old red-haired girl dashed from one hiding place to another and rushed after her sister. 


  Residents of District 8 in West Rukongai West witnessed a strange sight today: 

The young heir of the great Asx family walked first. He walked with a calm and confident stride. Many young girls sighed as they followed the handsome man. Although his popularity among the noble Shinigami beauties had decreased, it had increased many times over for the rest of the fairer sex! Previously, Shinsei-sama was another prince from a great family, albeit a very talented one, but he was far from a commoner. What chance did an ordinary girl, albeit a shinigami, have of getting such a husband? But everything changed as soon as the boy publicized the ability of his zampakto. All the great houses, families and clans declared their unwillingness to be related to the healer. The other families followed suit. In general, the representatives of the hundred families were puzzled as to how one of the descendants of the hundred guardsmen had a mendicant. Was the blood of the Asx family weakening? After all, a zampakto with healing powers is only formed by shinigami with a very soft reatsu.  And soft reatsu is the property of "dirty" blood, according to the nobility. 

This attitude to the young man among the aristocrats, the chance to enter the great family, the image of the sad prince and the abilities inherent only to ordinary shinigami raised the rating of the boy and the great family of Asks among the commoners to an unattainable height. This at a time when, due to losses at the front, the trust of the common souls in the ruling class was deteriorating by the day! Some analysts even suspected an intrigue, the family's anomaly was painfully timely. However, ordinary girls did not care about the opinion of analysts, nor the bewilderment of the nobility. They saw in front of them a good-looking young man who loved his family very much and hid his kindness behind a contrived coldness. 


  After a while, his little sister ran through the streets of District 8, following the boy's footsteps. Ri, the old legless shinigami, watching the graceful animal-like running of the younger princess only clucked his tongue. The once eighth junior lieutenant of the eleventh squad, the meat squad, marveled at the young mistress. He had only seen such movements from his captain, but to compare the third Kenpachi and an eight year old girl...However, looking into the eyes burning a heavenly blue, following the little girl's easy jogging, Ri saw the ghost of another person. He saw a young woman with black unruly hair who would trample the Arachni and Menos into dust with her bare hands. Smiling to himself, Ri spoke in an old cracked voice:

-How fortunate Master Dodgy is with children, and how unfortunate that my Beroske will not be able to dance his dance on the corpses of the young mistress's victims. 

  However, neither the ordinary citizens nor the old veteran could notice the red-haired girl who was quietly running after her sister as if blending in with the terrain. And the fact that the man who used to be called "Clear Eye" Ri did not notice such a brightly colored hair, speaks volumes.


Shinsei Asks.


"I should have known it would be like this," the boy pondered phlegmatically, his gaze fixed on the two girls of about the same age. "Should have relaxed for a moment and underestimated the sisters and this is the result. The lousy thing is that if I start insisting on going home, I'll get hysterical. I hate women's tears. I hate even more the ones who make those little buggers cry. What to do?"

-What's your excuse? Wait, we'll start in order of precedence, you have the word of the mongoose.

The boy's hand pointed at the redhead. Shinshi knew how to deal with these individuals. If the eldest of the sisters was given time to think, she would get out of even this situation.

-Don't call me that!" the girl blurted out, her round face reddening in anger and her eyes narrowing dangerously.  Labyrinth hated her nickname.

-What else should I call you? Why did you follow Arle? Why didn't you talk me out of it? А? Answer me, sister.

It was as if steam had been blown out of the girl. A moment and her face turned blue. Her eyes filled with moisture and her shoulders slumped. Her whole look told her that the redhead was ashamed.

-I just thought, well, you were going to bypass me to buy an animal, and that, well, I thought I'd catch you! There! Sorry, bro. Squish. My bad. Squish. I'm so sorry!

Shinshi barely restrained himself from his impulse to run and comfort his sister. He hated himself now, but he couldn't let her off the hook. Labir had already gotten too close to him, and she was about to grow intensely. No matter how bad things got. Shinshi was afraid, afraid that the little redhead would see him as more than a brother.

He put his palm on her fragile, trembling shoulder, which made the girl shudder and stop looking at the pebble on the road and turned her eyes to her brother. Shinshi tried to add as much coldness to his words as possible and said:

-That's enough. I get it. You've jumped to conclusions again, I'll tell Mother how intemperate you've been lately. Now you explain yourself to me, Arle.


Shinshi tried to say the words as threateningly as possible, but... Arle still stood there smiling. The eldest son had a hard time dealing with this kid. If Labir behaved like a nine-year-old girl, even if she was a genius, the younger one was not so categorical. At times she is a normal girl, but sometimes something comes over her, like when Solomon's question came up. When Shinsei had first learned of the sword's abilities, he had brought it up for a family discussion about whether or not to make the information public. It was during that discussion that Arle insisted, with tears and screaming, that this step was necessary.  No one had expected such an outburst from a six-year-old girl who usually slept quietly at such family meetings. There was a feeling that the girl knew something, something inaccessible to everyone else. As time went on, there were more and more such instances. And now, when he caught the two sisters, as they say by the hand, Arle at first saddened and, mumbling about some weaklings, almost roared, and then, as if there was an epiphany, and now the black-haired kid is standing and smiling toothily.


-I want a kitty cat! No bears or slugs! Brother, let's catch an empty kitty!" the girl exclaimed enthusiastically, gesticulating emotionally and rejoicing at something.

-Is that why you decided to follow me? You wanted to let me know you wanted a kitty? - the boy wondered. 

-Shinshi-baka! You're so silly! - The little girl cheered even more. - We don't need an empty slug at home, it's not cool! We only want a big, tough slug! But a slug is also weak, so what's cool about it? And Shinshi-baka will bring something bad home again! I have to keep an eye on it! Who else but me? The redhead's too smart, Shinshi's a fool. Only Harlequin can help Mommy and Daddy! And maybe Harlequin will be trusted to come up with a name for the baby brother or sister! And that requires a not-so-cool blank cat yet!


-The boy was confused by the younger girl's reasoning, but the redhead had stopped crying and was just nodding. "Damn! The educational effect is definitely lost. Labir has come to her senses and seems to have thought out a line of behavior. Her eyes are sparkling! The sly one seems to have decided to play the game of female logic. Shit, what should I do?"


-Yes Shinsi, Arle had "it" again, I was afraid to tell you, I thought if you knew the truth you'd be scared! Squish. Sniff.

"There seems to be no point in looking for logic anywhere. I've lost."  Shinshi realized that if he started questioning and trying to push, he would only confuse himself even more.


-That's the one. Sorry to interrupt. That's the most important thing. Of course it's all very important, this very thing. But what about the case? That's the one. - Asked a tall, six feet tall, thin man of European appearance. His slightly naive gray eyes swept over the strange family and there was a question in them.

-Yes, Mr. Shirt, we'll be right there. Only I'd like to expand our contract. Two more hunter-guards are needed. I don't care about the price." Shinsei turned his attention to the man. 


When the girls heard that they were being taken with them, they even hugged each other with joy...Then they really bounced away from each other like from fire.

-Well, that's that. You're welcome. For your money, you can visit Nemesis. That's right, wait a little while, two of our, uh, specialists will arrive and we'll go. Yeah, that's right, you're not color-biased, are you? No? Good! That's the one! - The lanky man rejoiced. Using a strange magic that was not like the kido Shinshi had noted, the man quickly and imperiously said something into the void. At that, the whole impression of him as a simpleton evaporated. The tall blond man clearly knew how to command.


-That's right, they're coming. Wait a minute, that's it.

After a while, the space rippled and the gate flaps appeared in an empty place. A moment and two souls of different nationality and gender stood on the road. The first soul was a short, pumped-up negro, his skin was not just black, it was dark blue. In his hands, the stout man held a club. Just a club. However, Shinshi was not deceived, after the disaster, only the strongest were able to make it to the Japanese mainland. They were settled in a reservation on the border of the 'gibbous strait', where they constantly fought against the Nemesis-infected High Spirits of the elements and beasts.  So the Negro was probably very strong. Even though he was in his underwear and carrying a club. The second soul was clearly Italian, she was very beautiful. High breasts of the second-third size, brightly shaped hips, curly black hair and kind brown eyes. She was dressed in a black tuxedo, with a coiled chain hanging from her belt. The girl's entire appearance radiated sexiness. Shinshi might have fallen in love if he didn't know this person. Maria Vast. How such a beautiful girl could express herself like that, the guy didn't know. It was because of her profanity that she was expelled from the second year of the academy.

-Hey, fuck, Victor. What's with all the little kids and the faggot next to you? Did you change your orientation? Sissies. Don't be sad, Pedro, I didn't give it to you, but there are plenty of a-holes in the slums, take any of them, even by force. Syssyssyssy. Bah! It's Mr. ex-popularity! What are you doing with underage fuckers? Ha, ha.

The girl did not have time to speak, and the guy for a moment overcame the distance separating them and grabbed the brunette by the throat slightly lifted. Looking into the eyes of the beauty, the prince of the great family minted every word and said:

-One more. Once. Insult. My. Sisters. I'll kill you. If you understand, blink three times.

After Mari blinked, the guy shoved her aside and turned to the head of the squad.

-I hope there won't be any more misunderstandings, because you need the contract more than I do.

-That's right, she's been at it for a long time, but she's good. Even better than Rumba. That's right, you'll be good Marie, won't you?

-Kha! Oh, man. That monster, I didn't even react in time to see it move. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Sorry, prince, just a little test. Pussyfoot.

-How stupid that cow's laugh is. - Labir grumbled, but no one heard her except her still happy sister.

-That's the one. I take it the goal remains the same, this very thing?

- Yes. The goal is to capture an inferior void, if possible intelligent and not disgusting in appearance. Of course my sisters must not be harmed," Shinsei explained the purpose of their mission to Victor.

-Syssy. A rich boy decides to get his own pet? If Shinsei-sama promises to feed and care for Marie. Then Mari is ready to be a foxy pussy for the young prince. Vast licked her lips sexily. 

-Brother's not interested in horny women! Leave him alone, you old hanger-on! - Labir couldn't take it anymore. She was so outraged by this witch's behavior that she was ready to throw herself into a fight.

-Oh! -Syssy. The little princess has a brother complex. How cute - Pretended to be mortified by the beauty.

-*STOP! Maria, that's enough! Shut your mouth or I'll sew it shut. You stupid Italian whore, don't you realize how important this contract is to us? If a young aristocrat refuses our firm because of you, forget about defense! Shall I explain what your ass will become without my protection? If you understand, then shut your pretty mouth and work in silence! That's it! - The leader of the little squad gave a rant.

-*Okay boss. I'll be quiet, I'll be quiet." Marie raised her hands conciliatorily. She knew exactly what happened to beautiful ladies in the slums. Being a whore didn't appeal to the Italian.

-This very thing. If you'll excuse my ward. She's just a little out of sorts. These days. That's the one.


Everyone, even the phlegmatic Rumba-Kumba, who couldn't understand Japanese, nodded understandingly. Mari's face contorted with anger, but she held back and said nothing. 

-If the conflict is resolved and all matters are settled, it is time to open the door to the world of night. That's right, as a member of the great family, you have permission, am I right? Excellent! The raid will last five spiritual hours. Then we'll go into subspace, rest a spiritual 24 hours and then search for another five hours. We have a spiritual month to complete the whole thing. Just so you little ladies know, you must obey us in all things, always on your guard. Rumba will put shamanic protection on you on the spot, but you still need to be vigilant. There's always a chance of running into Adiukas or, God forbid, a Vaster Lord. Marie and I will take care of the capture and search for suitable empties. It's up to you to choose, and we'll bind them in subspace. Is everyone clear on that? Then let's go with the Forefather!

  Shinsei stepped back a little from the group and began reciting the family kido of the transition to Hueco Mundo.

-Go away let me into the shadow of the father of the rider of discovery, the eight roads of one petal of the blossoming daisy the eye sees, the fire of the dead tree of the desert, a thousand bees and one hornet, the flowers to the east born dead, the sky, the lake of the eight gates!

  The space near Shinshi crackled, then burst like a bubble, and the wooden gate flaps appeared where nothing had been before. Everyone watched with genuine interest. It wasn't often that one saw a family kido in action. While the children were interested in the special effects, the adults were more interested in the shades of reatsu that were used in the words of the spell. 


-Done. I'll go first, followed by the sisters, then you, Mr. Shirt. I'll be followed by your subordinates. Arlie and Labir, I hope I don't regret taking you with me.

Shinshi looked at his sisters expressively, and they nodded their heads and assured his brother of their obedience. 

After passing through the gate, eight roads opened up like rays coming out of the platform where the group was standing.

-That's right, wait young master. Maria uses her zampacto to search better.

Shinshi gave a very expressive look first at Maria, then shifted his attention to Victor.

  - Mr. Victor, explain yourself. How can the zampacto help us if we're not even out of the light spirit world yet? Is your ward really that powerful?

-Pssh. Don't underestimate me, you little virgin! You think I just got into your fucking academy without competition? I unleashed my powers when I was eight, I was the most fucking talented girl in this fucking shithole! All right, watch and learn, mama's boy.


Maria concentrated and pulled the chain off her belt, releasing a small amount of reatsu into space. Waving her short meter-long chain, the girl proceeded to unleash the power of her "sword", saying in a whisper:

-Kiss me El Cesar.


The chain flashed with golden light and a bright yellow ball about half a meter in diameter was formed at its end. Then the girl commanded her power loudly and confidently, ordering rather than asking as she had done before:

-The second route of power! Finding the safe route!

The orb flew around its mistress, forcing her to turn clockwise. The golden orb made a full circle and jerked sharply, pulling the chain toward one of the roads.

-The power of my zampakto is multifaceted, at the moment I have used my search powers by asking El Kesar to show the most peaceful forest of menos, so you don't have to worry about safety, the number of adyukas will be minimal...Though my powers are not enough to determine if there is anyone stronger than the vaster lord. 

Maria smiled charmingly and made an inviting gesture to the young prince with her free hand. Shinshi could barely keep his hormones in check, as Maria was so beautiful at the moment.

-Okay, even if there's a complete one there right now, I have a way to send the sisters straight to the family estate. However, I would only want to use the family's patrimony as a last resort.

Before leaving, Kay handed her son the instant teleportation enchanted coins just in case. There were twenty-three of them in the family, the legendary ancestor of the family unfortunately did not specify the method of their creation.  One such coin, when activated, instantly transports everyone with Asx blood within a radius of three kilometers to the safest place. The criteria of this safest place is unknown. It could be an estate or even some cave in Hueco Mundo. Shinshi was an honest guy and honestly admitted that he would abandon the mercenaries in case of complications. Of course the guy was disgusted with himself, but his sisters' lives were above all else for the eighteen-year-old shinigami. The mercenaries said nothing, but Viktor nodded slightly.


Some time later. Midway between the worlds of Sun and Night.


-Brother, tell me, who are the "Full Ones"? If Isako-sensei doesn't answer my questions, he says it's not time yet. - Labir decided to take a chance and find out the information she was interested in. The girl herself could not find information on this topic anywhere. There was no information in the public domain, her parents were silent, and her sensei said it was too early for her to know about it.

Shinshi thought for a while. It was too early for the girls to know such things, but he himself disagreed with the conventional wisdom. The sooner Labir and Arlie knew the unseemly truth, the better it would be for them in the future. "It's decided, I'll tell part of it, they'll find out the rest like I did at sixteen."

-Good. Arle, come closer. You should know too.

After waiting for the girls to approach, Big Brother began his story.

-I warn you at once, I will tell you only a part of what I know myself. Don't ask me why, Labir, you'll understand later.

-Okay, bro.

-So, as you know, the lower void are unstable souls. They are basically all brainless creatures trying to fill the void inside. Under certain conditions, an inferior void evolves into a menos, that is, its soul becomes "negative," and that's where the weirdness begins. The soul cannot be only negative. According to all the laws we know, this is not the case. But the menos ignore this rule. They continue to absorb positive and zero souls over time, becoming stronger, smarter, more cunning. And through the sheer amount of "material" absorbed, a soul transformation takes place. The menos turns into a complete one. In this case the soul becomes both positive and negative at the same time.

-It can't be! Only the king of souls has such a soul! But he's a god...So what?" Labir said, dumbfounded, as she began to guess the reason why this information was forbidden to children under sixteen. 

-You got it right, Labir. Menos is becoming a god. But this is not the end of the evolutionary journey of this race. In addition to the simple Full Ones, who are mere parodies of gods, there are the so-called Superior Full Ones. There are currently five of them. We only know the names of two. "King of the Hungry Rats" Crokes and "Emperor of the Proud Penguins" Pamurail. And don't make fun of Pamurail's name Arly, it is the most powerful creature currently known of the entire tri-world. As for Crokes, it was he who wounded our King. And you must realize how powerful a creature must be to take away our god's hand. 

-Shinshi, but how is that possible! You can't get that kind of power in five hundred years! So in a few centuries there could be a few more godlike ones? So the shinigami are doomed? -Labir was a smart girl and understood the magnitude of the catastrophe. 

-No Labir. At most one or two more Highs will appear, no more. No need to ask why. You'll find out in the future. Just as you will know about Nemesis. But believe me, the High Fulls are not a threat to the society of souls at the moment. 

Labir looked at her brother and nodded reluctantly. She wanted to know more, but if her brother said she couldn't, then she shouldn't ask him...not yet.

-I'm also unpleasantly surprised, little miss. Who said five hundred years. That's five hundred years for us, in Hueco Mundo time is much slower. And it's speeding up all the time, you should have learned that from your teacher. Tell me how many seconds are in our spiritual hour.

Labir pouted, she knew the answer of course, but due to her surprise she couldn't put the facts together.

-Three seconds. 

Shinsei only hummed. The rest of the journey was silent. Harlequin let all this nonsense pass through her mind. Why would the girl need any fat people, she needed a cat. Only an empty cat could help their family. The girl herself didn't understand why, she just didn't give it a second thought. Harlequin knew.

-We're almost there. That's it, you feel it?

Arle felt a strange odor of spiritual power. It was neither nasty nor disgusting, but rather a fresh smell. Strangely enough, the girl had encountered a similar scent on Terra when she and her family vacationed on the ice floes, the eight year old girl liked this scent of spiritual power. Labir, on the other hand, sensed a terrifying spiritual force that came from something ahead of her. Fear began to stiffen the body of the red-haired princess, but here she felt her brother's hand on her shoulder and the fear passed, only the certainty of a reliable soul by her side remained. After a while the road in the void ended in a dead end. A huge rippling black wall blocked the path of the group. Shinshi approached this wall, said a few words in the dead language and the wall, like a curtain in a theater, began to split apart to reveal a view of a huge cavern in which darkness reigned.

-We're here, this is one of the eight menos forests belonging to our family. There are periodic sweeps. If Ms. Maria's right, no one stronger than a Gillian is here. We have five hours. Mr. Victor Shirt, my healing powers are at your complete disposal for the time being.

-Thank you. Maria, start looking for suitable candidates amongst all the scum in these woods. Rumba quitte razk'virt qu'vait three this very thing. In the meantime, I'll prepare my zampakto to subdue the creature.

Rumba, hearing the order in his native tongue, nodded quickly, swung his club and cracked it on his head, a low clang sounded and a brown film covered all the members of the squad.

-Pssh. Don't piss, that's the power of our African fuck. Now, all damage done to you will be taken by the nigger. And this black face has diamond skin in addition to steel balls. - Maria explained in her own manner, while manipulating her chain.


-The sixth path of power. Search for the minion! -After the command, the orb separated from the chain and disappeared in a flash. Maria staggered, nearly falling, and her nose bled. 

-Shit. I always feel like I've been mouth-raped by the whole eleventh squad. Shit, there's a shitload of fucking empties out here. The closest one's a couple kilometers west of here.

-That's right, thank you, Maria. We'll follow Maria exactly. Rumba's defense will save us from a direct hit from the gray wizard lord, but let's not risk it. Prince, please prepare your sword, if disaster strikes, your strength will come in handy. I will destroy any weaklings that dare approach us, that's it. 

-*Father give my friends and me the eye of an owl!" Viktoror said in his native Croatian, and all the members of the small group had a view of the menoso forest. It was as if it was daylight, no Japanese kido could compare to the blessings that the witches of the Slavic mainland could bestow. Another thing is that there are no attacking blessings. It was the lack of attack magic that led to the fall of the northern lands, but that's a story we're not interested in yet. 

-Wow! -Look Shinshi, there's a bird! And there's a crab!

-Shut up, Arle-dumbass! You'll get us noticed!

-You're the one who's stupid, you redhead! 

-Come on, we're not on a walk. If you continue to behave like this, the whole expedition will be canceled and we will go home, of course without the pet. Do you understand? 

-Sorry Shinshi.- Both girls shamefully lowered their heads and tried to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Having solved all the questions, the group began to move quickly towards the nearest target. The monsters that attacked them, Victor killed quite skillfully with his stick. He didn't use any abilities, but one blow to any part of the body of the impudent empty ones was enough.  After a while, their target showed itself. Unfortunately it was a spider-like void, which due to the war with the Arachni could be misunderstood. After putting the creature to rest, the squad went to another target. So they went on ignoring the gilian, killing the inferior voidlings and looking for a suitable one. Shinigami are not humans, they can go for months without sleeping or eating without any hardship. 

Several hours passed at this pace and the squad was preparing to enter subspace when they felt attention. It wasn't reatsu or spiritual pressure. It was just a feeling that someone had examined, sniffed, tasted, and evaluated them. Shinsei tensed up and prepared teleportation coins just in case. Maria gave such a speech that if there was grass here, it would have wilted by now. Harlequin and Labir hid behind her brother's back. Everyone got uncomfortable. After a very long minute, the feeling disappeared. Victor sighed quietly, he wouldn't want to meet a vaster lord, he tried not to think about the full ones.

-Gotta get out of here, that's what.

-NO! We have to stay another twenty minutes! Otherwise it'll be too late! - Harlequin surprised everyone with her monologue.

-Arle is no joke. Something dangerous has spotted us, I may not be able to activate teleportation in time.

-NO! Shinshi-baka! This is the last chance for father, mother, the redhead and you! The cat has to get into our house!" the girl shrieked. 

Madness took hold of the little girl. Something ancient whispered and screamed, cried and pleaded, vague images of despair and death began to appear before the young princess's eyes. 


A huge rat devoured her mother before her eyes. She and her sister weep behind the barrier that her mother put up, giving life to the unborn child. Harlequin is powerless.

Her father is murdered by a tall man and the man looks at her sister strangely. Crying and pleading to the Labyrinths, begging them to stop, and they are like beasts raping her sister. Blood, blood everywhere, the smell of blood and semen from her sister. Why doesn't she react. Her eyes look up to the sky. The sister is dead. The blond man's words and laughter, she is tied to a pole. She's next. Twenty-four hours of pain and despair. She is powerless. The image of her brother covered in blackness and a white crown on his head. The death of his tormentors, the sad smile of his brother. The hole in his chest.

She's an adult fighting a monster. The creature is strong. It has six arms, each with a claymore in them. A crown on the monster's head, a hole in its chest and her brother's mask on its face. I'm sorry, Shinshi. The brother is dead. She is powerful, but powerless.

The Council of the Hundred is dead. The King of Souls is eaten. She killed them all for all they had done. She destroyed all their families. She killed and devoured their children. She laughs, she cries. A mask on her face, a hole in her chest. She will laugh and cry for this world, she will eat it. For she is no longer Harlequina Asx, Harlequina Asx was powerless to prevent anything or protect anyone, now her name is NEMESIDA!


Images began to crumble, memories jumbled together. 

She's in the desert. She's a little older. She's only ten. She's scared. She's been kidnapped. She is powerless. A vague image of something bright in front of her, calms her. She is saved. Soft silver fur, calm, serene. She's been rescued by a friend. She is safe.

She's older, sixteen years old. Mom, Dad, a rival sister, a handsome brother and his wife, cute twin sisters, and her friend. A swaying image of a short kid, unknown yet. She and her friend are off to war. She's happy. 


Scary images of the most probable future drove the girl crazy. The girl's consciousness could barely hold on, and she would probably have forgotten everything she had seen, because the prediction was so terrible, but only one single memory of her friend stabilized her mind.



  Before anyone could react, the girl was tearing at breakneck speed towards the fading attention. Shinshi was shocked. Harlequin was using triple shumpo! Even he only wielded a double!


-That's it! Stop her! She's getting out of range!


Shinsei grabbed Labir, threw her on his shoulder, and squeezing all he could and beyond, ran after his little sister. He was terrified, but even in this situation he was not only thinking of Harlequin, but also of Labirinth. He would never in his right mind leave one of his favorite sisters with unknown mercenaries.


Harlequin was racing across the desert, but the girl was very strong for her age, but frequent use of one of the most costly shinigami techniques was not without consequence. She was tired, her reatsu was almost gone, and she did a quadruple shumpo! She collapsed on the sand with exhaustion and broken legs. The pain in her legs cleared her mind and she saw a huge slug with a bear mask right in front of her. The creature opened its mouth in anticipation of the feast and approached the stunned girl with its long tongue and began to lick its dinner-lunch-breakfast. Harlequin cried out from these disgusting touches, horror, all-consuming horror took possession of the little girl.


Shinsei couldn't keep up with his eight-year-old sister! She switched to quadruple shunpo! Labir on her brother's back cried out in fear for her sister. She's a good for nothing selfish creature! After all, she saw that Harlequin wasn't all right, but the desire for adventure had prevailed, and she hadn't told her brother that this time it was much more serious! And now if anything happens to her favorite sister she won't forgive herself!  Even though Harlequin is stronger and more talented than her, let Shinshi only socialize with the little beast! Let her! As long as her sister is okay!

  Leaping out from behind another tree, Shinsei screamed with helplessness. He couldn't make it in time! Some creature was already preparing to devour the little girl! An ugly mask with an open mouth was practically at the girl's face. 


-*Mrya!!! Let's get with the mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


Something shining with a silvery-blue light came down from above the slug. The creature was yelling in an incomprehensible language. The slug simply burst, and in its place, hovering over the girl, stood another blank. It was a big fluffy silver cat. His face-mask was so amusing that the little girl, who had recently peed herself from fear, could not contain a smile. What can I say, children's emotions are more malleable. However, looking into the cat's eyes the girl's smile faded. She was drawn into the cat's silver glowing eyes. Someone wise and all-knowing seemed to be looking at you.  Calmness radiated from those eyes. The girl smiled slightly, but it was a different smile. It was the sad smile of a woman who will never be Harlequin again, for the girl had found someone who would save her. She had found her friend.