
The story of a ROB(Random Omnipotent Being) (171 Words)

Im kneeling before my toilet and vomit my breakfast out.

It may not be the most beautiful time to begin the story but it is the moment the interesting started so yeah.

After the third attempt to get ride of the content of my stomach I finally stop and clean my mouth with toilet paper.

,,Phaaa I swear to anyone and anything that I NEVER again eat that satans snack!!,, I say out aloud while thinking over the horrible taste of the ,,Divine nut cream bare,, That managed to bring me back from my well deserved drunken state on this Friday evening.

But before I got to the sink and drink some water the world just disappears and I stay in a black space with a flying rectangle in which stands.

[You got selected to become ,,Random Omnipotent Being,, by the lottery from Akashas Record]

And that is it!!! Nothing else!!

But it makes some sense if I think about it because it literally has the word ,,Random,, in its description