
Stories of Joy and Sorrow

Come with me~ And you shall see, a whole world of pure desperation.. Take a look, at this world of complete and utter damnation.

VeatVoxCrowne · Realistic
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2 Chs

2. Life's a [REDACTED] Beauty

I never expected this day would come, never would I of known I would finally be meeting a child of my own, much less a child of my blood, and not a illegitimate child.

"Uuuuooohhh.. please hurry, I can fe-MMPH!"

My girlfriends water broke, and we're now rushing to the hospital, I can hear her cries of pain, and it's not helping my anxiety in the slightest.

"Don't worry Regia, we'll make it... definitely"

"You dumbass! Don't bring Murphy into this!"



It's been a few hours now, Regia's been pushing this entire time, cursing me, our child, and even sometimes some random person, I know, I know, she seems violent, yes? Well she's always been too much of a straightforward person, ever since highschool, she took me into her life by force.

"Hey beanstalk! You, me, and some nice cold icecreams!"


Regia huffed then grabbed my collar, pulling me down to her height before trapping me in a deep kiss, no tongue, no moans or pants, just a nice loving kiss.

"You're mine beanstalk, now let's go enjoy some icecream!"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the local Cafe, and before I knew it, it was our sophomore year of college, and there we were, hand in hand, bodies connected, our love being shown in full throttle.

"Come on Regia... you can do it.. do it for the baby.."


I deadpan at her aggressive love, but I just stare at her, even during her worst moments, her beauty never wanes, her beautiful red hair, her wonderful violet eyes, and her perfect body, she's by no means a model, or some jade beauty I've seen in the novels I've read, but she's perfect for me.

And then there is me, I'm 22 years old, 200cm, and my black hair and black eyes make me look like a 'serial killer', as some people have called me, before being beaten to high hell by Regia. I've done nothing to deserve her, but I guess she thinks otherwise.



Me and Regia stare at the baby girl currently being cleaned by one of the nurses. Soon, our little girl is in my girlfriends arms, I take off my glasses and wipe my eyes, chuckling, still in disbelief.

"Man up, you're gonna be the one to change her ass, I'll be the one whipping it into shape HAH!"

"You just spent hours pushing an entire baby out, and yet you still have the energy to be extra.."

"Damn right! ugh, anyways, hold the little shit for a second, the damn turd still pisses me of just thinking about how I spent all my precious TV watching hours, pushing her out of my vagina"

Once again, I deadpan at her, shaking my head at how little shame she has, before looking down at my daughter and gently grabbing her.


"I know right? Your mom's an ass.."

"OI!" Regia looks at my with a scowl, though instead of her usual mean mugs, she just looks like a tired tigress.

"Ma'am, please quiet down, this is a hospital" A nurse reprimanded her, causing her neck to almost snap from how fast she turned it.

"Really? who. could've. guessed" She spat the words through her teeth, before sighing and laying back on the bed and turning her head to me, only to take on my deadpan expression.

"Aye beanstalk, you really crying?" 

I stare at my daughter, who is currently giggling while grabbing one of my fingers.

"She's perfect, absolutely perfect"

I wipe my eyes and stare at my daughter, smiling and rubbing her chubby cheek with my thumb.


Regia was assaulted and beaten into a coma, and Child Protection Services took Minny, leaving me alone, in my empty dark house, slowly losing the income needed to keep it.

Five years had passed since Minny was born, and it all went downhill, I got framed for something and expelled from college, then arrested, I didn't get a lawyer nor did I get any chance to plead my innocence, someone had targeted me, why? I don't know, and I don't need to know, I just know what I need to do now, and that's to just survive.


Another five years passed, I've grown older, and Regia passed away in her coma, Ive tried to commit suicide about three times, twice I had gotten too scared, the last time I had survived and got sent to a mental hospital, I was treated harshly, I was abused. Verbally, physically, and sexually, though only a single women, she had been watching over my pitiful state and one day just let loose.


Two years passed, I was released after the first year for good behavior, and the next was spent getting any bits of my life together, I had a criminal record and had been reported as mentally unstable, which at this point isn't that far-off.

I've been working at a small library, I've taken a liking to reading after making a 'friend' in the mental hospital, I've always like novels and all types of literature, but Regia had always been a outdoorsy kind of person.

"Hello, do you have books on Animal Care?"

I close my book and look at the little girl infront of me, dressed in a little red cardigan with a black shirt, and a little black skirt, cute.

"Why yes we do little miss, would you like a kids book, or are you looking for a more legit piece of literature?"

"I would like a big ol' cat book please"

I chuckle, 'such an adorable girl', I grab a book titled "Cats: Big or small, they always do the big stretch"

I hand it to the little girl, a small smile on my face, 'She looks like Minny, such an adorable smile'.

"Thank you!" The little girl checked out the book and walked away, I then saw her walk to an older woman, before holding her hand and leaving.

"..." My smile start fading, as tears start falling, and I put my face between my arms.

"Daddy's proud of you, I'm so sorry Regia, I couldn't do it.."

I finished my shift and went home, staring at the ceiling in my apartment room.

I never saw her again, and I regret not being strong enough to hold her the instant I saw her.

I chuckle, tears once again flooding my eyes. "Regia would beat my ass for being so weak"


Chapter title: Life is a Cruel Beauty

Forgot to mention but this is my first novel, hope you guys enjoy.

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