
Stories of Joy and Sorrow

Come with me~ And you shall see, a whole world of pure desperation.. Take a look, at this world of complete and utter damnation.

VeatVoxCrowne · Realistic
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2 Chs


Sound of animals, of tears of sorrow and joy, some more prominent than others.

They were all drowned out by a boy currently staring at his lap, there lay his cat, a Siamese breed.

At first glance one would think the boy was admiring his lovely companion, but those thoughts would be washed away once the boy heard his name and stood up

"Felix... von Crowne?" A older man shouted to the lobby.

The boy, his name now known to be Felix, walked to the older man, his cat in his arms.


The older man turned around and gestured for Felix to follow him, his white coat fluttering slightly.

As Felix followed the 'doctor', memories of his childhood flashed through his mind, and soon his tears threatened to reveal his reason for this visit.

"I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry I can't do more.." Felix looked down to his friend with sadness and despair in his eyes, knowing that despite learning about animals himself, he still couldn't do anything to prevent this fateful day to occur.

"...Do you need a moment sir?" The doctor looked over his shoulder to inspect the young boy, before looking at his clipboard with a somber expression.

"N-..no, I'm fine... the quicker we get this done the better.."

The 'doctor' nodded, before stopping and entering a room, 2 other people came into view, causing Felix to gently squeeze his furry friend.

"Hello sir... are you ready?"


With a somber expression, Felix nodded before gently placing his friend on the surgical bed, his friend trying and failing to keep herself standing, falling to her side with a gentle thump, causing Felix to clench his fists in self-resentment.

"Nurse, please hand me the numbing agent and the.." The older man looked to Felix, before resuming "And the 'gentle release'..."

Felix sat down with his head hung low, as memories started flooding into his conscious, memories of his childhood, his memories of his successes and failures, and of his final moments with the last of his blood.

Tears soon fell as he heard the weak meowing of his companion, and the sounds of feet slowly shuffling around the room.

'I couldn't do anything, all those years of studying, all those hours of sleepless nights helping out at animal shelters, all those wonderful scars and cuts he got from playing with his friend.

'Once I lost everything I almost committed suicide, but your adorable face and bright blue eyes brought me out of everything' Felix clenched his fists until he palms bled, causing a gasp from one of the nurses, and a pair of bandages to be wrapped around his hand.

"And finally.. we let this poor soul go.." 

Felix lifted his head up, only for his eye to meet his friends, their previous oceanic glow reduced to a dull shade of a dark navy blue, staring at her owner and best friend through lidded eyes, before closing then when the price of item was felt.

Felix saw the liquid in the syringe slowly enter his friend blood stream, before his eyes slowly widened

A weak meow was heard, causing Felix to slowly rush to his friend side, gently petting her head and kissing her nose.

But what happened next caused the room to fall silent, and Felix to let his tears loose.

The Siamese cat struggled to stand up, before slowly limping across the small gap that divided the two, before leaning forward and gently headbutting Felix, and falling over, closing her eyes for last time, and taking her last breath.


Felix silently stared at the wall, the space that his friend occupied, before suddenly, his sweater was drenched in tears.

No noise, no expressions or actions.

Just silent suffering and despair, before after minutes he finally got up, scooped his deceased friends body, and walking out the door.

He walked to the front desk and paid for everything, before walking out the Vet.


Felix unlocked his apartment door, as he walked through, his eyes reflected the inside.

A dull and mundane apartment, his living room hostimg a simple couch and a scratching post, along with a cheap flatscreen TV sitting on a desk.

Felix simply walked through the apartment, turning off all the lights, and grabbing two items as he walked to his room.


A day had passed, and Felix had not moves from his spot, of course he went to the bathroom and made sure not to soil himself, he always went back to his bed, staring at the two items in his hand with a blank expression, his dark maroon hair laid flat against hid nape, his black eyes darker than normal, as he remembered the times he would often get judged and verbally abused.

"Hey hey, did you see that new kid?!"

"I know right!? He's so tall! But, his eyes look so creepy"

"For sure! Who the hell has red hair and black eyes? I bet he's just doing it to look cool"


Everyday, every. single. GODDAM DAY!

Felix was always a unnatural kid, at the age of 16 he was already 195cm, add that onto his dark red hair and his 'creepy' black eyes, then he's clearly a freak of nature.

But today, he'd finally be free, he'd be able to escape it all, he'd maybe see his parents in hell.

He then raised one of the items to his mouth and swallowed it, before raising the second one up, tears he thought were all gone came flooding out, as he spoke his final grievances.

"I'm sorry... Vimmy"

And then, bang.


Chapter title: I'm sorry, my friend