
End of Chapter 2, Beginning of Chapter 3

HollowKit's POV.

"Owww, what is this place," HollowKit says while rubbing his head "If I should be asking questions, where am I?" HollowKit says while wobbling up, "It feels like I should know this place? I don't know!" looks at the great statues. "No way, am I here? Is this-" "The Great Statues of Virtues, yes, you are here." A tall, strong-looking cat sat right next to him, "You know your history child, I am grateful for that." The tall tom-cat says. "Say, you look, like someone I know, do I know you, sir?" HollowKit says questionably. "hAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the tom-cat bawls in laughter. "What's so funny? Did I say something wrong?" HollowKit says with little sadness, "No no no, there was nothing to be sad about, that question made my day, oh gosh, that made me laugh so hard, I feel more joy than I was king here. Thanks for that HollowKit." The tom-cat says as he rubbed his eyes and ears with his paws. "Wait a minute," HollowKit takes a step back, "how do you know my name, even though I never told you!" The kit says while in a battle stance. "Cause I gave you that name, based on my family," HollowKit backs up a little bit, but the tom-cat doesn't care and continues to speak his history "The Hollow Family was the greatest family out there in the 2 clans, they were rich in loyalty and kindness, they are rare these days as they were kicked out of their own homes, cause we are different than the other 4 clans, so we made our own clans, the clan of Light and the clan of Darkness or Hollow as I would call it." The tom-cat says as if he were giving a lecture about his history. As I was in shock, I needed strength to say-

~end of chapter 2, and beginning of chapter 3~


"HollowStrike!?" HollowKit's words finally came out of his system. "Yes?" HollowStrike says as he was being questioned. "Dad!" HollowKit says while tearing up and running towards him. "Son," HollowStrike says while they bump heads, like a hug, since they can't hug since they can't stand. "Oh, I can finally meet my father after so long," HollowKit says while embracing the moment. "It's nice to see my boy. So," he says while sitting formally, "how is your mother, normal? Cause I miss her so much, I wish that I can just take off this stupid floating crown and just go down and see your mother again, it's been ages." HollowStrike says so desperately. "Well, she is normal, but bossier than ever, and she acts like she is like a queen or something, but yet it's only been 2-3 moons( for people who don't know, months ), so it's not that long father," HollowKit says while trying to comfort HollowStrike with news and his word's. "So, how well you were doing here father, do you like your position here?" HollowKit questions his father. "Well, it's nice. Being a leader of a clan is stressful, but I get through it from time to time. And I like my position, but I hate that people up here are so, nice. They give me gifts and treasures, and you know me, I don't like being given gifts all the time, makes me feel too special, but I like giving things to your people down there, like food, heat, and basically the seasons. So, it is an ongoing cycle of rising day and night, making sure I change the seasons and counting all of the citizens, rearranging dreams, leading dead cats to StarClan, etc. So, yeah, really busy all the time." HollowStrike says while taking a breather. "Ok, so that's all of what I have to say up here, so, do you want to see something cool?" HollowKit's father says with a lot of excitement with his words. "Yeah, I haven't seen anything cool for a little while!" HollowKit says, also excited. Soon HollowStrike was closing his eyes, then opened them up as his eyes changed into a new pair of eyes, his left eye, was orange, and the other was purple. And the white parts of the original eyes were now black. "See, it's so cool! I got 'em when I was your age" HollowStrike says while acting like a little kit. And HollowKit was stunned as he changed his eyes into new eyes. "So, when do I get mine!" HollowKit says while jumping up and down as well, acting like a child, just like his father. "Soon, and you must pass your apprentice test, then you get them, so it's probably that time, and oh crap," HollowStrike turns his outer paw towards him, like checking your watch in irl, but the watch is on your hand. "Gotta getcha home sport. See you really soon!" HollowStrike says while pushing HollowKit into a whirlpool of light, "Sorry, but what the actual living fu-" The push made him fall, thus making HollowKit wake up back at home, like it was all a dream...

4,773 characters, man what a long chapter, sorry for taking so long to make, so sorry about that, but anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, so see you soon in chapter 4!