
Chapter 2, Part 1

In a dream, the black cat from before was on a hill full of grass, shrubs, and beautiful flowers. He is here for a reason, something that he forgot, maybe his past life, but no. It's not that. These are his memories, far as the landscape could go, memories in the rotting landscape, there are in this part of the landscape these are the ones that traumatized him, even his phobias and thoughts and words that can kill his happy personality, changing it to a different person, the type of person that would change the people around him as the black cat checked his surroundings, knowing that this is his mind then the ground started to shake like the ground was splitting in half. "What, this never happened before?!" HollowKit says as he falls into the black-and-white void.

As HollowKit is expecting that he will fall forever instead of him embracing the infinite abyss of black and white mixed to make some grey spots. He hit the ground with a loud echoing thud, knocked out unconscious. As time passed by, he started to gain consciousness from the fall. Then, he reacted as maturely as possible he could ever be, oh what am I kidding, he isn't even an apprentice yet. "OW! That hurt!" The black cat tries to wobble his way up, falling back onto the ground and getting back up again, then on his twentieth time trying, he got up for longer than ten seconds, but only for him to flop back onto the floor of the black and white void. "Man, this sucks, only if I were not crippled, then some things would have changed." As he finishes his sentence, it echoes throughout the void, yet, some weird thing happens, a light appears before him, and starts to wonder, thus starting to get up. Instead of him stopping, a booming feminine voice echoed through the endless black-and-white void, "What are you doing?! Sit down, you ungrateful child!" HollowKit straightened himself out and sat, mumbling under his breath that he should've done that before, thus making HollowKit feel disappointed in himself, "That's better child." The echoing voice says as voice got a little quieter than the loud one, "Now, let's get to know each other, I am AutumnFire, but call me Autumn." She says. "Huh, hi Autumn, my name is HollowKit, the son of HollowStar!" He says kindly as any kind person would reply. "So, what am I doing here, Autumn?" HollowKit asks, but Autumn is standing like a statue as if she has been traumatized. "Uuuuuuh," HollowKit says while being confused.

Autumn Thoughts

What, did I hear that correctly. did he say HollowStar is his father? Oh no, I yelled at his son!!!! Oh my gosh, he is going to kill me for the things that I said to him, oh, man I'm dead! (Don't you dare..)

HollowKits P.O.V.

"Umm, Autumn?" I say and walked over to Autumn. "Hey, you look, kind of pale Autumn? You alright?" I asks concerningly. Soon as I touch Autumn's paw, she jolted awake and stares at me with fear, I dodge out of the way, or else that tail would hit really far, like that game that the big two-legs play with a stick and a ball. "Whoa! That tail could hit me you know!" I reminded her, because she is a freaking giant cat! She could hit me to StarClan if she wanted to! "I'm really sorry!" She whimpers. "Uuh, change of personality or something?" I reply really confused of what happened. "I didn't know that you were HollowStar's son! I didn't know!" She kneels and begs for mercy, what has my father done to her. "So, do you have any relationship with my dad? And has he done anything bad to you? You don't need to kneel for me, it feels unsettling." I say so that she could return to her sitting posture. "No, he hasn't done anything bad to me, and, well, I do have a type of relationship with him." She says while being embarrassed. "You didn't answer my question. What type of relationship you are in with my father?" I say while getting a little angry, a little bit, but she sensed that I am a little angry and thats how much I need to get an answer. "Well, I am your father's," Autumn says while she dosen't want to continue, cause she thinks that she will die of embaressment, "second mate." She finishes while looking away in pure embarrassment, soon wanting to die of embaressment. HollowKit sat there in silence, his face is pure in shock and more shock as his brain fried into mush after thinking so hard, his thoughts counted as a speed counter, he would break the sound barrier. But after thinking at Mach 100 speed, he collapsed due to putting his head into overdrive. But yet Autumn caught HollowKit in her gigantic paw. Then both teleported into a vast, beautiful island, where the giant cats transformed into regular size at home. Now Autumn is carrying HollowKit on the scruff. Then, a mysterious cat, that a lot looked like HollowKit says. "Leave the child here Autumn, guards, leave me with my son, alone please.

(I don't want to work on one chapter for the whole day!, so I am leaving this chapter as Part 1, wait for Part 2 Tommorow!!!! I will make Part 2, so wait for tomorrow, ok?)


HollowStar64creators' thoughts