
Stories In Another World: Making Peace

The story follows two people first, 20 year old Asher Lee Graham and second 15 year old James Arthur Bell. They try to make the world a more peaceful place. But not always by the most peaceful of means.They will have to overcome great obstacles and try to stick together through it all. This is the first story I'm writing so please be patient with me as I work it out. Have a great day or evening or night.

Be_ll · Fantasy
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34 Chs

9: Home but for real this time (Asher)

Monday, November 23nd, 7 Years Before The Sacrifice

Asher awoke 20 minutes after the pair left. He looked around for James but could not find him.

"Where the hell is he now?" Asher says

Asher went out looking for the pair.

"Is that all you got?" a voice says

seconds later

"That's not very nice," another voice says

Asher begins looking for the source of the voices. It doesn't take Asher long to find the group all attacking James.

"James!!!" Asher says

Asher runs over to the group and grabs one of the people's heads and slams it to the ground.

The others look at him and ready themselves.

"Shit," one of them says

Asher kicks one of the people in the kneecap and breaks it forcing them to fall to the ground I'm in pain.

"Two down two to go."

After saying that Asher is stabbed in the arm by one of the Beast-kin.

"Not so tough now," they say

Asher grabs their hand and breaks their fingers. Causing them to scream out in pain.

"Not so tough now," Asher says

Asher punches the beast-kin in the throat and they fall down.

"You want some too?!" Asher says

The last Beast-kin runs off.

Asher picks up James and walks back to the stables.

"Is he ok?" the beast-kin girl says

"Oh your still here?" Asher says

"Yeah probably," Asher says

"Where are you going?" the girl says

"Home," Asher says

Sometime later

"Damn this really hurts, "James says

"That happens when you get in a fight," Asher says

James places a hand on his chest.

"Heal," James says

A green light appears around James's hand.

"Much better," James says

"You mind," Asher says pointing at his stab wound

James places a hand on the wound.

"Heal," James says

A green light appears around James's hand and Asher's wound closes.

"Why didn't you use your magic to defend yourself?" Asher says

"Because I don't want everyone to know I can use magic," James says

"That's how people get kidnapped or worse," James says

"People get kidnapped for using magic?" Asher says

"Yep either to enchant weapons, heal people, or get turned into mana potions," James says

"People can be turned into mana potions?!" Asher says

"More specifically people who can use magic and the higher the magic aptitude the better the potion," James says

"So it's easy to understand if you're a sorcerer then people are going to come after you," James says

"How do they get the mana out of people?" Asher


"Their blood," James says

"Actually I've been making a couple mana potions for myself," James says

"Now I'm sure you can see why not everyone needs to know I can use magic," James says

"Yeah I understand now," Asher says

The two talk for some more and then they finally arrive home.