

 Megan is a successful professional who only prioritized her career above all else. She is not just any lawyer but a renowned and very intelligent one.  She is among the best in the country and has never lost a lawsuit. But what happened when he met Timothy White? One of the wealthiest bachelors in the city and is thought to be the third richest bachelor in the entire city of New York.  He's used to girls chasing after him. He is recognized for being the city's best playboy and for being ruthless and vicious. He dumped the females after using them as playthings.

Yenc · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 12. She's A Con Artist

Megan got a taxi home because Tammy was unable to pick her up from work. After taking a shower and changing into her cozy pajamas, Megan went to the kitchen to find something to eat. She decided to order pizza because she didn't feel like eating what she had. Fifteen minutes after placing her order, the delivery man arrived. Megan sat down on the sofa to enjoy her pizza and read the guidebook Doctor Taylor handed her earlier today before reaching into the refrigerator for a bottle of soda.

Tammy entered the room not long after.

She sat on the couch next to Megan and said, "Hi, babe." She dropped her handbag down on the tabletop.

"Hello, I ordered pizza for our dinner."

"Thank you", Tammy grinned. When she noticed the book Megan was reading, she grinned, even more, a book that serves as an introduction to parenthood.

"So how was your appointment with the doctor?" she inquired.

Before responding, Megan finished the pizza she chews. "My next appointment is in three weeks. It went well. We talked, and she gave me some medications and this guidebook to read."

"I swear to go with you the next time," Tammy exclaimed eagerly.

"I'll appreciate that. I need all the help I can get now that I'm a single mother," she said to Tammy, who gave her a puzzled look.

"I went to see Timothy after I got out of the clinic, and even though I'm hurt, I'm not shocked by how he responded. He called me a gold digger, he said I fabricated the test results to get money from him, and he said I'm not pregnant and even if I was, he was undeniably not the father. He said the father of my baby must be Ryan. I don't even know anyone named Ryan," Megan muttered.

"I believe I caused a misunderstanding between you both," Tammy was frightened.

"Why do you say that?" Megan enquired.

"I'm sorry Megan, I didn't want to get in between you two. On his Dad's birthday, I inadvertently inquired about you and he replied it was none of my concern. To make him jealous, I mentioned to him you were with one of my co-workers, Ryan. I told Timothy that Ryan loves you and was preparing to ask you to be his girlfriend and maybe the mother of his future kids."

"You shouldn't feel bad about anything because Timothy is a jerk. He knew he was the first man who makes love to me, and the test results were crystal obvious that our baby was conceived that night, but he decided to disregard those facts and believe in some nonsense you told him. He is not necessary for my life; my baby and I will be fine without him."

"Are you certain you don't want me to try to reason with him?" Tammy asked.

"He made himself clear in his office, Tammy, so you don't need to. I'll simply have to handle this on my own."

"His parents will be devastated," muttered Tammy.

"I would prefer not to have any involvement with the Whites, so please refrain from saying anything to them," Megan begged.

"Are you sure? Timothy's parents won't treat you as he does. They'll instill some common sense into him."

"It's better that they remain unaware of me or the baby, Tammy because I've already experienced enough drama in my life." Tammy hesitantly nodded.


All day, Timothy had a feeling of seeming to be floating. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to concentrate on anything. He kept thinking back to his encounter with Megan and reviewing the test results that she had forgotten to bring.

Timothy went home earlier than usual to his apartment. He invited his best friend David to visit him when he finished his work. He needed to talk to someone because he felt like he was losing his mind.

After a while, David arrived.

David entered and sat down on a sofa, saying, "This should better be important, dude. I had to postpone my date to come to see you."

Timothy closed the door. He sat down opposite David.

"She visited me today," he said.

"Who?" David asked, perplexed.


"Okay," David said, not knowing where the conversation was headed.

"I was shocked when my receptionist informed me she wanted to see me. I thought she had come to beg for us to get back together but I was completely mistaken," Timothy sighed. "Megan is expecting a child and she said I'm the father."

David remained still as he tried to speak but couldn't find the right words.

Before grabbing his glass of red wine from the center table, Timothy fiercely ran his fingers over his hair. He sipped a little.

"But you're normally so careful, didn't you use protection?" David questioned.

"That's it. I've always been cautious, but whenever Megan is involved, I lose all mental and physical control."

"What did you tell her? What are you planning to do now?" David questioned.

"I don't think she's telling the truth. She's the same as Alice and the other women. She's looking for a method to attach me to a child in order to make a fortune out of me."

"Didn't you claim you were the first man to make love to her?" David questioned.

"That still doesn't make me the father of the child she's pregnant with," he said, "at least not if she's actually pregnant. She gave me the test results, but I'm certain she hired somebody to do it just like Alice did."

Sighing, he asked, "What if Megan is telling a lie?

"And what if the innocent woman is speaking the truth? Perhaps she's so absolutely right about you. You're more than just a jerk. You've done nothing but harm this woman. You've turned her life into a living nightmare. I'm certain she must have despised the day she met you at the club."

"Aren't you supposed to be defending me?" Timothy remarked. "I'm your best friend dude, or are you fucking her too, just the same as Ryan?" he said before he realizes he had spoken too much.

"You're crazy Timothy, you've become a frigid animal and I barely know you anymore. I guess I'm done with you. Megan certainly deserves someone much better than you."

David walked out of Timothy's apartment and shut the door behind him.

Later that evening.

Another glass of whiskey was poured by Timothy. He decided to get drunk because he was unable to accept the truth with the notion that Megan was expecting a child and that he was the father.

Several years ago,

He was overjoyed when Alice informed him that she was expecting his child. He was prepared to give her everything and, most significantly, to propose to her, but it turned out that she was a liar and a con artist who manipulated him.

After Alice wrecked him, it took him some time to put his life back together, and since he met Megan, things have only gotten more difficult.

Timothy acknowledges that he has an emotional attachment to Megan that he has never felt for anyone else, not even Alice, the woman he initially believed would be the mother of his children.

But he was having trouble thinking clearly due to his rage, pride, ego, and fear. He was overjoyed when Alice informed him of her pregnancy a few years ago, but when Megan said the same thing today. He became fearful that it was history repeating itself once more.