

 Megan is a successful professional who only prioritized her career above all else. She is not just any lawyer but a renowned and very intelligent one.  She is among the best in the country and has never lost a lawsuit. But what happened when he met Timothy White? One of the wealthiest bachelors in the city and is thought to be the third richest bachelor in the entire city of New York.  He's used to girls chasing after him. He is recognized for being the city's best playboy and for being ruthless and vicious. He dumped the females after using them as playthings.

Yenc · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 13. A Restraining Order

The following Day

When Timothy returned from a conference room meeting, he discovered a white sealed envelope with the print "McKenzie Sans & Co." on it on his desk.

Through the intercom, he phoned his secretary and asked for her assistance. His secretary entered the room right away.

He pointed to the envelope on his desk and asked, "When did this get here?"

"The receptionist said a McKenzie Sans & Co. intern delivered it this morning."

"Did the intern inform the receptionist who sent him or her to bring this?" he queried suspiciously because he had never dealt with anyone from McKenzie Sans & Co.

"No sir,"

"All right, you may go," Timothy muttered.

Then, Timothy sat down in the chair behind his desk after taking off his suit jacket and extending both sides of his sleeves to his elbows.

He grabbed the envelope and ripped it open. He discovered several papers that were addressed to him specifically. Timothy carefully read through the documents. When he realized what they were all about, he was shocked.

The fact that he had to sign the documents implied that he had waived his parental rights, giving the baby's mother full custody of the child.

The final page of the documents was a restraining order prohibiting him from ever approaching Megan, the mother of his child, as well as the child after the child is born.

Timothy gasped in terror and flipped over the documents once more, unsure if he had read the right thing.

"Is she doing this to embarrass me or earn a fortune from me indirectly?" he muttered under his breath as he went for his phone and contacted his lawyer, who answered almost instantly.

From the other side, his attorney said, "Yes, Timothy."

"Jon, please, I must have you come to my office quickly it is of the utmost importance."

"Okay, I'm on my way." Jon hung up the phone right after.

Timothy spent his time going over the documents once more and pondering whether everything was real or if Megan was pulling a costly stupid prank on him.

Jon, Timothy's attorney, soon entered.

The White Company had a lawyer of its own, and Jon was in his late thirties and was Timothy's personal attorney.

Before settling in next to Timothy, Jon added, "This better be extremely important."

Then he looked over the documents Timothy had given him.

"The documents are very clear, Timothy. The mother is demanding complete custody of the child. If you sign these documents, you officially renounce your parental rights and obligations. You have no say over the child, and you are not to be near him or her. Basically, you will be a stranger to the child."

"Additionally, a restraining order against you has been filed in the second document, which forbids you from being near the expectant mother or the kid once it has been born."

"I understand what the documents are all about, I invited you here so you can advise me what to do," Timothy remarked, visibly annoyed.

"Timothy, I can't give you advice on what you should do, the choice is yours. Either you sign the documents and renounce your parental rights and become a stranger to the child, or you don't sign them and take the matter to court if you want to be involved in the child's life."

"The mother only wants full custody and doesn't want any money for child support at all, so I'm really shocked that there aren't any stipulations tied to this," Jon murmured, his eyes glued to the documents. He turned to Timothy and asked, "So do you want to be involved in your child's life or not?"

Timothy struggled to comprehend how his entire world was like collapsing in front of him. He realized at this point how bad things were.

"How can she ask me to give up my rights and not involve in my child's life when there is a possibility that I am the child's father?"

"Did the mother come up to you to inform you about the child? Timothy nodded in response to Jon's question.

"What was your response?" Jon questioned, giving him a 'you better not lie to me so I can save your ass' expression.

"I told her she was faking the results, the baby wasn't mine, and she was inventing lies to obtain a fortune from me," Timothy muttered.

In disbelief, Jon shook his head. "Therefore, she had every right to submit these documents."

"Look, Jon, I've been duped by other women, several claims to be pregnant with my child and it turns out they were either telling lies about being pregnant or the baby turns out to be someone else's. That's why I responded that way to Megan. But if the baby she's been pregnant with is mine, I would love to be involved in the child's life."

"Wait, did you just say Megan, as in the woman who is carrying your child is Megan?" Timothy nodded in response.

Jon stared at Timothy with sympathy as he went over the documents once more. "Timothy, you've meddled with the wrong person."

Timothy was perplexed and questioned, "What do you entail?"

When Jon stated, "Your baby's mother according to this document is Megan Heard, she is the same woman who filed these documents," Timothy still appeared perplexed, attempting to understand what Jon was saying.

Then Timothy understood. He was so surprised that he inquired, "Megan is an attorney?"

"She is not just any attorney, but a very smart and renowned one. She is one of the finest in the country and she has never failed any lawsuit. Unfortunately for us, Family law is one of her specialties, and to be frank with you, if we took this matter to court, there is no way we would succeed against Megan Heard. She is simply the best," Jon stated.

In dejection, Timothy hid his face in his hands. Can his situation get any worse? He thought she was chasing after his money when in fact she was nearly as wealthy as he was. He had an incredible Megan on a golden platter, but due to fear, a lack of trust, and pride, he lost her and perhaps his child as well.

In defeat, Timothy raised his head and questioned Jon. "What's next?"

"I'll propose you find Megan, apologize to her, and possibly try to mend things with her because you're interested in being involved in your child's life."

Timothy realizes how badly he had damaged himself. David had cut off his communication with him after refusing to return his calls or messages. Because of his arrogance, he had looked down on Megan and now had lost both her and his child.

Timothy was able to attend his meetings and complete some work. He completed all of it, but his attention was nowhere.

He left his last meeting a few minutes after 5 o'clock and went to his parent's house.

"Good evening Sir" he was greeted by one of the maids as soon as she opened the door for him.

"Where's mom and dad?" he questioned one of the maids.

"Your Dad went out but your Mom is in her room," she said. He nodded at the maid's response and headed to his parent's room.

David would often be the first person Timothy would turn to for help, but the two currently did not get along.

In all honesty, he had no idea what he was seeking in his parents' house. He only knew that he needed someone to cry on.

His mother invited him to enter after hearing his knocks.

On the side of the king-size bed, Victoria was seated. She had a laptop in her lap with her head resting against the headboard.

Timothy went over to his mother, picked up the laptop off her lap, and put it down on the nightstand. He sat down next to his mother and sobbed while burying his face in her lap.

His cries became louder when he realized that he had lost Megan, his child, and best friend and that all the tears he had been fighting back during the day had immediately started to flow down his cheeks. Never in his life had he felt such loneliness.

He believed he was guarding himself against getting harmed, but in reality, he only ruins both his relationship with David and himself. Victoria last witnessed her son in this manner when he learned of Alice's true color. She was unable to determine if Timothy's reaction now was good or not. She was taken aback that he turned to her for solace, but it didn't stop her from making him feel better. She brushed her fingers through his hair, saying, "Cry it all, my son. I'll always be here for you."