

In the sunny and verdant Archipel of Andimica life is snaking with steam and machinery, but in the darkness of history, there are threats and horrors that slowly devour humanity at its roots. Between the unknown, the horror and the weight of the threads that cover existence, the light continues to shine on this world where secrets never disappear. It is the story of a poor orphan, shattered by the loss of his sister and forced to face the sad reality of his earth.

LudwigSense · Action
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4 Chs


The strong wind of the Pietas' engine swept away the thin layer of snow from the green grass in the partly snowy plain. The steam escaped from the metal joints, driven by the hot order of internal pistons that, at regular intervals, pumped the fuel and lubricant between the gears and the engine.

With a lightning gesture the Steamship crept into the iron mouth of Hangar III, a large structure with a deep black color, built with heavy iron sheets. Under the warm sunlight, the building seemed to shine with purple light.

The air jet began to subside as the mighty vehicle gently rested on the white concrete floor, raising dust and rags in the air.

A buzz announced the shutdown of the Pietas. A subtle whistle followed by a steam jet implied that the doors were about to open.

A long series of small platforms stretched from under the sliding entrance, forming a particular staircase long enough to reach the floor. All plates were held tightly together by thick red wires.

A dry sound echoed in the hangar, the heel of a boot collided with the step directly outside the door, ringing in the air. The steps of the figure became more pressing. She was a woman dressed in a wide blue cardigan and a pair of trousers of the same color, under a nice white shirt with a floral pattern, her blond hair moved by the flow of air that swayed through the structure.

<Come on, Klint, you'll be late for your first meeting!> She said, looking back at the second figure about to come out of the door.

A tall boy, completely dressed in black and with a long beige coat flying in the hangar wind. His eyes were tired and the dark circles under his glasses confirmed that theory. Normally Klint wore sunglasses to protect himself from the sun, as his eyesight was flawless. Unfortunately, Monica only had disposable pilot glasses.

Without saying a word, he began to descend the stairs and they both set foot on the floor. Klint looked around, paying particular attention to the snow outside the gigantic entrance portal.

<Welcome to Dielmon, do you like it? > She asked, tugging him towards the inside of the structure.

<A particular landscape...>Klint answered without looking at her while trying to understand how it was possible the existence of such a cold climate where nature grows luxuriant as in spring.

<The same thing everyone says when they come here. > Monica smiled back as she called an engineer inside the structure, asking for a car.

The man dressed in overalls and with a pencil over his ear nodded, smiling, and after a short bow he fled to a group of red containers. Klint saw him disappear into the vast maze of steam and tanks close to what he imagined to be a warehouse.

Shortly after the gentleman returned to the wheel of a small three-wheeled car, the flamboyant white of the bodywork and its tapered shape, almost like a rocket, attracted much the attention of Klint, who approached it intrigued.

Besides being so smooth and elegant, the car was also terribly quiet and with diligently cared for interiors, black leather seats and touches of purple in the details. The minimal and geometric look enthused the boy, that really liked such a design.

Monica shook hands with the engineer, thanking him heartily, probably even embarrassing him given the red color of his cheeks.

With an elegant and athletic gesture, she jumped inside the car, onto the passenger seat. Her clothes bounced off before resting on the seat.

<Do you want to do the honors and bring this girl home? > Said Monica with a winking look, but tremendously ironic at the same time

<I don't have a license, I've driven a few times and in secret.> Still slightly asleep from the sedative effect, Klint merely responded, feeling slightly guilty and biting his lip. Acquiring a licens in Andimica was rather simple, but required money and time, things that Klint really couldnt use lightly.

<Don't worry, I don't have it either> Monica replied, laughing and grabbing Klint by the sleeve, dropping him into the car, face down.

After settling down and calming his anxiety, Klint fastened his seat belt and made the effort to remember the few driving lessons his owner had given him, he pressed the accelerator with force.

The car flew very quickly out of the hangar, almost like an out of control rocket wrapped in a cloud of white steam and red sparks. Klint, however, seemed perfectly capable of handling the vehicle.

His right hand skillfully maintained the control of the gears and the brake while the left, with delicacy, could manage the steering wheel despite the tremendous speed of the turns.

<Pretty good for a guy who doesn't have a license, right? >Net said as she drew a path to follow on the mirror in the middle of the cockpit. Klint wondered what that instrument was, the same as that strange screen that had appeared in the ship where it had been "transported".

< Actually, I'm amazed, even I seem to be used to it. >He replied smiling with his eye fixed on the road, to avoid regretting his safety.

<Where are we going? I'm following the instructions on that thing but I'd like to know more. > He asked as he looked from time to time on the map transmitted by the monitor.

<We're heading to the main base, right on top of that mountain. > Monica pointed to a huge mountain, a monolith of black rock wrapped in a violent blanket of dark and flashing clouds.

<A strange place for a base, don't you think?> He said as he took a quick look at Monica and then immediately at the incredible storm that surrounded the structure.

<Everyone says it actually, even I. The base was not there once, before becoming the Commander, Dielmon was shaken by a violent struggle. A horrible war, the landscape became contaminated by the Hel and now this island has become an external place from the seasons or from the normal natural cycle of plants and phenomena.> Monica caressed the tip of her chin while talking, bombarding Klint with dozens of different pieces of information.

<Hel? War? I feel like I'm losing important pieces here. > He thought, before focusing on a very important aspect.

<You're the commander?! DON'T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD TELL ME!?> Klint screamed, taking a bump, bouncing the car sharply and shaking his stomach.

<CALM DOWN!!, excuse me! I should have told you earlier, you're right, but I didn't want to overload you with information, and I don't even realize my role sometimes. > She replied, holding her stomach in pain.

<The way you are saying this is quite misunderstood, you know?? > Klint replied as he tried to tinker with the mirror, becoming curious as soon as he saw the map shrinking every time he pinched it with his fingers.

<You're really mean, you know that? It is not easy to become commander after all that is...> Monica stopped, as if her voice had died in her throat, unable to vocalize any thoughts.

Klint immediately noticed and stopped the car abruptly, putting a hand on her shoulder, enduring the embarrassment. Klint did not know how to deal with women, yet he was extremely capable of empathizing with others.

<I understand you, I also have things I can't talk about, I'm sorry. > He told him trying to stare into her eyes.

She recovered, sighing and matching her gaze, slowly with a finger pushed Klint's head back, smiling.

<You're a good person Klint, you can tell by the look, you'll make a lot of friends here.. > Her flashy smile had completely driven the melancholy from her face a little while ago.

The car resumed the path through the green snowy fields, getting to dive into a forest completely dark and lightly lit by purple streetlights. Klint remembered the shape of those lights, yet when he had seen them they were an intense yellow, almost orange.

That forest brought back in him the memory of the clearing, the blood and the smell of death, those creatures and the figure that had spoken to him in his dream.

<Must still be a bad shock for you? Many people are tough but it's almost impossible to mask their emotions when their reality collapses on them at any moment, I've been there myself. > Monica told him without looking at his face, evidently noticing his discomfort. Her calm voice seemed to echo in the thick forest, though it was masked by the noise of the engine.

<It's nothing hard, I'm just sorry I could not say goodbye to some people, othet than that I'm ready for what awaits me. > Klint replied with a smile.

<Keep your spirit up, you'll need it later! > Monica laughed as the woods became less dense. She reached out to him and raised her thumb.

<You talked about Hel and a war, would you mind being more specific? My optimism can not cope with ignorance, unfortunately. > He answered ironically but with kindness, keeping the mood of the duo steady.

<Oh, you're right, I can tell you in short everything there is to know about the Hel and NOIR but for the most scientific things you'll be explained by our dear head of research. > Monica smiled, snapping her fingers.

<Well, I'm all ears then> Klint again tinkered with the monitor, having fun moving the map to the right and left.

<The Hel is, in simple terms, a place that exists in symbiosis with the material world, you can consider it the afterlife, if I think about it, but it is something more complex and.... intimate if you can define so>

< Intimate? how can a place that seems to have come out of some Legends from 700 years ago be INTIMATE?! > Klint replied, raising an eyebrow, with even more doubts than before.

<Well, let's say that defining it as a place is a bit "reductive". Hel shapes the earth and the life that animates it, phenomena, emotions. That is why I consider it something intimate for our reality. > There was a small pause while Monica swayed her head left and right trying to find the right words.

<The Hel is not a real place, although it is known that it has a geography of its own, but such an entrance exists everywhere in the world, the presence of the Hel permeates everything you see, from the earth to human beings. In one way or another we are all connected to this reality thanks to Hel and some of them benefit... or disadvantage. > Monica lost a lot of vivacity as she explained the details in general.

<Benefits and Disadvantages? > Klint churches becoming even more intrigued.

Sometimes the Hel pours into the world, causing Singularities, which often bring destruction and death. However, more rarely do they allow the birth of individuals like us, of the Meta or as those boring scientists call them, human with positive feedback at the frequency Hel.> Monica replied, emphasizing that he did not like that description at all, dwelling that the term Meta, was much nicer and easier to remember.

<Yes I agree, Meta is much simpler. >

< SEE! Everyone says it but even if I am the commander continue to refuse to call it so officially. > He snorted while biting his thumbnail. Klint found his pouty face quite funny.

<But did you mention a positive feedback, if the feedback is negative? > Klint asked with a subtle air of concern.

<If the living being that comes into contact with Hel is not predisposed or strong enough to bear the mutations that takes place.... often dies or becomes something grotesque and obscene. > Monica avoided looking him in the face as he explained, remembering perfectly what the young man had been trought next to her.

<I understand, so those things.... were human? > Asked Klint, his face lowered and his gaze turned to the accelerator. Though he was fasting, he became nauseous at the thought of it.

<Yes, unfortunately those creatures or rather say Helspawn believe that devouring other humans they can return as such, but it is impossible. They are only shells moved by instincts and laments, they can never return to their original self.> Monica's voice was desolate, almost pitiful as she spoke about those creatures.

< NOIR takes care of precisely this, finding a cure and keeping the population of Andimica safe from any singularities, unfortunately those beasts are on the lowest step of obscenity that Hel can give birth to. >

Klint swallowed thinking of the pain that a handful of those beasts were capable of creating and now he learned that those were just docile critters in relation to what Noir had seen and perhaps faced.

<I understand, but then this landscape? It is certainly not something normal. > Although he was sure to be in the summer and on an island, the bitter cold and ghostly atmosphere made it possible for him to think the opposite.

<Yes, of course, I should have gone into more detail about what happened here years ago, for NOIR it is still an open wound although it happened 60 years ago.... >

Her voice was sometimes dampened, making the pain of that memory tangible.

<SIXTY YEARS AGO!? > Klint gasped, realizing that something was definitely out of place. He gave Monica an inquisitive look, only seeing a young, healthy girl, not a decrepit old woman.

< Meta live much more than normal and it's not nice to call someone old! > Monica snorted, glaring at Klint. He apologized in silence, lowering his head despite not saying anything.

< A fierce fight took place between the Association and a Meta, probably the strongest ever recorded, not even the whole agency managed to do something to stop it. We were forced to sacrifice part of the island to exile it into the Hel, tampering with the natural order of things on this earth. > She started explaining again, bringing up that painful memory.

Klint looked at her face, noticing two large drops about to fall from her corneas and a slight paleness in the cheeks.

<Who could have done this? A human being can be so strong? > He swallowed, looking around in awe.

<Oh no, that being could be defined by any adjective, but certainly not human. It was something much more terrifying... NOIR decided that it was better to delete his name from any report or dossier, referring to him with nicknames and names in codes such as Boogeyman, The Count, Obscuritas... > Monica numbered them on her fingers, shaking sensibly every time she mentioned one.

<But now, all these names are too much left to someone like that. That is why now It is simply called: The Unnamed.> Monica Had Stopped, Her Hands Trembled As a Stream of Tears Flowed Down her Cheek, Her Face Had Completely Darkened, And the breath Labored. The name of that thing even creeped Klint out.

<Monica... I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you... I didn't think those memories could be that painful.> Said Klint trying to meet her eyes but failing miserably.

The girl raised her head, her eyes completely shiny and ready to vomit out sadness and desolation, but slowly managed to finish her speech.

<That thing killed my sister and neither I nor the rest of the army could do anything, I swore that I would take revenge and took the place of my sister as the commander even if I was not cut. Do you think I am childish for this Klint?> The boy without answering laid his hand on her head, gently stroking her golden hair. He was struggling to comfort her even though he had the reddest, most distressed face.

<Just like you, I've lost people I loved, I could never think the fantasy of wanting to give the person you loved some peace as something childish. I have been searching desperately for my younger sister for years without any success, yet I never thought of it as a wish that would have led me to disappointment and that is why I wake up every day.. If I didn't hold on to that hope, I probably would have taken my own life years ago. > The girl burst into tears, smiling with a slight blush on her cheeks, her eyes full of joy.

<Thank you Klint, you really are a friend. > She smiled with even more joy, wiping tears.

Klint simply smiled and stroked her hair one last time, looking back towards the road, which seemed to have finally arrived at the exit of the woods.

<Klint, you suffered a lot. I read your dossier and .... > Monica tried to engage a speech, but found herself abruptly interrupted by him.

< Unfortunately I suffer from Dissociative Amnesia, I remember almost nothing and when I try violent migraines attack me, I want to find an answer to that but my sister has priority, The only thing that intrigues me is a dream I keep having...> He interrupted Monica's attempt to apologize to him, moving the speech away from that document.

<What kind of dream? > Asked Monica, wiping the tears from her face.

< I hear the screams of my sister, a burning forest, a storm and two men fighting in the rain and suddenly a white lightning>

The conversation stopped as soon as the car came out of the dark forest, allowing the giant monolith of dark stone to settle in their field of vision: it seemed like a real mythological creation, a splinter of rock so high as to penetrate the sky and probably to lie for hundreds of meters above.

<If you ask yourself the Monolith is about 9237 meters high at sea level, higher than any known mountain in the entire globe. > Monica explained, noting his dismay.

<How is it possible that this island has remained hidden? Something so immense should be seen from the coast or at least by sea. > Asked Klint still impressed by the size of the rocky column.

<The area is currently saturated with Hel, which makes it impossible to access or attempt to photograph the area even before the accident. This island can be considered as non-existent.> Answered the girl, almost rejoicing in her role as an instructor.

Without realizing it, the two arrived at the foot of the mountain. Monica pointed out to Klint a completely white structure with 2 entrances illuminated by a soft purple light. With a simple maneuver Klint parked the car in the first tunnel that he understood was the elevator for vehicles.

<It could be quite a traumatic experience. > Monica whispered as she held her hand to the seat belt.

< Why you say tha...TTTTTTTT!!! >

He did not have time to formulate the question that the machine flew upwards like a bullet, pushed by a powerful jet of air. His skin trembled as if it were jelly and his eyes struggled to stay open. The climb lasted about 3 minutes, but for the poor boy it seemed like an eternity as he felt his stomach being tossed around inside him.

The car was taken by a mechanical arm and placed on the platform, Monica opened the door and went down extending her arms. In the process, the mechanical claw retreated by puffing jets of white steam.

<It's always fun! Did you like Klint? > No answer, Klint leaned his chin against the car body, completely pale and confused, he thought he had a strong stomach but that sudden flight had shaken him deeply. Making an effort, he shoved everything he wanted to throw out into his throat and got out of the car.

<An interestig...experience> He answered whispering, trying to keep the balance. Monica began to laugh maliciously, bending in two, trying to hold back the tears.

<Your face at this moment is worth a year's salary of work! > Klint's hair had become ruffled and his pale tone made him look like the antagonist of some bad series to see in the fall and all this amused the young woman tremendously.

<Here, I could never make a bad impression on you.> She apologized while handing the boy a pink and very thin comb. Klint nodded and hurried off, looking into the car's mirror.

Now you're ready to make a nice entrance. > Said the girl, as she laid her palm on a black plate, near the gigantic door that separated the platform from the entrance.

A robotic voice echoed through the darkness of the rocky walls, slightly illuminated by the strange purple lanterns present in the forest, this time of reduced size.

<VALID PASSWORD- WELCOME NET- COMMANDER IV.> The door began to whistle as the voice of the security system was completely overwhelmed by the noise of gears and steam from the door.

A dazzling light struck the boy, who promptly covered his face. A slight snap and a faint tickle on his hands made him so curious that he opened his eyes.

A group of people settled in front of him, who sat, who leaned on the stairs and others standing with sparks and small strips of confetti. Everyone stared at him wearing black uniforms or white coats with embroidered N somewhere, except for some subjects.

The boy looked up confused, noticing the huge red and gold banner that bore the inscription "WELCOME NEW RECRUITS".

Klint instantly understood that it was Net's idea and just looked at it with a stern, questioning air, which led Monica to give him a big mouth and throw more confetti at him. Lance found himself covered in shreds of colored paper, becoming like a scarecrow.

<You're supposed to be Lance Klint, nice to meet you, I'm Edvard Ross, a substandard guarantor for orders.> A voice called him from the side, touching his shoulder.

Klint turned, noticing a man averagely tall and muscular, wearing a red shirt in tone with his crimson tuft and at times blond, his hair was quite long, falling on the nape and a little on the sides, his young and energetic face while having a quite fatherly look.

< nice to...meet you, I see that you already know who i am, no? > Replied Klint smiling and shaking his hand firmly, almost intimidated by the figure.

<How vigorous. it shows that you are young, a firm grip is the first step to success. You have passed the first test! > He replied jovial as he shook the boy's arm, slightly numb by the squeeze.

<Test?> Klint wanted to ask him but Monica took him away, by pure chance she had the impression that she had told him not to talk about it but maybe it was just her impression.

<You can give me your coat if you like. > A voice called him back, gently holding his sleeve.

He turned and noticed a girl with long white hair and slightly covered by a black bow. She was tall enough to reach just above his chin and wore a slightly revisited maid's uniform: A dress with a long dark skirt, leather shoes of the same color and over the black and white dress a beige blazer that Klint found perfectly in tone.

Embarrassed by the girl, Klint quickly and furiously took off his coat, eventually getting caught and needing the help of the maid to escape.

<How rude of you to be Klint! You're embarrassed and you don't even say your name. You can tell you dont have manners > Said Monica tapping him on the nape with her fingernail.

<I'm.... I'm so sorry... I'm Lance Klint.> He replied, reaching out with a mechanical gesture and decidedly far from a normal social interaction. The waitress smiled, perhaps she too was slightly embarrassed and while taking off her glove she handed him her slender fingers.

<Oh but I already knew that. I am Arte Gentil, the servant of the base. > She presented herself with a small bow, lifting the edges of her skirt with her free hand.

< How much elegance, I definitely feel out of place. > He thought, smiling with a strong discomfort, simulating the bow of the girl.

Although her hand was so thin and light, her grip was much stronger than Ross, so much so that Klint had to strive not to be impressed.

<Come on, sit down. > Said Monica clinging to Klint, throwing him on the long blue sofa with a circular shape. He fell on the soft cushions of the sofa, caressing the slightly stretch and velvety fabric, a pleasant smell hovered in the room and perhaps the sofa blankets were responsible for it. Looking around he saw a strange chandelier with an almost spherical shape from which several transparent pipes branched out, where red liquid flowed.

<Would you like something to drink? > Asked Arte while carefully and diligently hanging the coat on a particular wall hanger. Klint wanted nothing but Monica's smile forced him to accept.

<If it's not too much, I'd like a cup of tea. > Klint answered timidly while trying to get small on the sofa, unfortunately it was quite difficult to be "small" for someone like him.

The maid smiled and hurried off into the white corridors at the sides of the room, making the soles ring out on the thick, metallic floor.

Monica sat next to him, attracting the attention of many members gathered there, especially one on the stairs behind the sofa, who had been watching Klint with a grim air since he had entered.

< Klint is talented and is a very good person, he is simply a little shy.> She introduced him to the whole group, grabbing his arm and lifting it in his place.

<I'd appreciate it if you didn't speculate about me.> He answered as he tried to slip away from his grip, waving his hand like a snake.

Suddenly a figure began to approach in a hurry and fury, while losing various paperwork from the folder under his arm, without deigning to collect them.

At first glance he looked like a tall man wearing a coat decorated with yellow stripes and very large, but a detail continued to nag the view of Klint: In the head he wore a gas mask of white color, in tone with the gown, with some metal plates that appeared to be lead.

The figure leaned over Klint, bending his back in a supernatural way, breathing anxiously from behind the mask. All that scene led Klint to shake his head several times.

<I'm the head of research, Lucas Hoppenheimer, you can only call me Lucas.> He showed up with one hand while the other held the precarious collection of cards.

<The pleasure is mine, Lucas...> Klint replied, hiding both his embarrassment and his dismay. Another piece of paper fell from his file, and it ended up right in Lance's lap.

<Meta Categorization Proposal, Written by Lucas and Monica.> Read Klint intrigued, as he moved the sheet abruptly to prevent both Monica and Lucas from filming it. Unexpectedly his curiosity overcame his embarrassment.

<I'll give it back if you want, but you'll have to answer some questions. Please.> Said kindly Klint as he laid the paper on the table in front of the sofa.

<Whats this paper??> He asked with a childish smile.

<Following numerous researches and discoveries concerning the Meta, I and the Commander Net decided to list a number of categories in order to be able to classify them in terms of capabilities.> Lucas made his debut, his tone of voice slightly distorted by the mask filter.

<I'm curious about this categorization, there are many things that I would like to deepen and this seems to me the first step to overcome. > Klint said smiling as he prevented Monica in every way to take back the file.

<Names were chosen by the commander, with great care I would add. > Lucas continued preparing to argue with Klint as Net swooped into the cushions trying to hide from embarrassment.

<After the many discoveries just mentioned, we saw the need to catalog the Meta in different degrees and sections in order to increase the research rate and our defense measures against them. > Lucas spoke while Klint was silent, listening attentively and without deigning to mask the glow of his brown eyes.

<There are 3 different meta categories, each with different subgenres. Normal, Null and Singular and finally Korrupt. Normal Meta have a skill as a trait of their past character or experience and therefore you can refine it, of this branch we have various categories depending on the level and compatibility with the Hel of the Meta in question: Zwei, Schritt, Herscher or Kaiser though I prefer the latter, the commander opted for the former because she called it more catchy and did not cause confusion with a certain rival of NOIR.> Klint smiled as he listened, turning to Net, who had holed up in a fort of blue and white pillows. The only thing that came through the fortress were the blond tufts and a greenish eye.

<What about the other two instead? > Asked the boy looking at the scientist straight in the glass of the mask. Lucas tilted his head, looking back.

<Null and Singular are very particular Metas, which do not have characteristics compatible with any of the categories or are exceptions of the same, are currently reason for study by the research group, while Korrupt are Meta who have gone too far, becoming more like a Hel creature than a human being. Some may be classified as Korrupt at the moment being referred to as Berserk, but if the stage progresses and the subject can sustain substantial mutations, they become a Monstrum or even worse a Teufel, but these are rare cases. Often the initial stage is stopped in time or the subject becomes an Irre, a Meta still human but with symptoms of various mental illnesses.> Lucas finished, taking a breath of air through the filter and straightening in the shoulders.

<You have a list of these Meta...> Asked Klint with even more curiosity in his body. He was scared, yet all that information could definitely help him in his new life.

<The most dangerous Meta and potentially capable of triggering a catastrophe were placed in the Seat, but there are some who were excluded completely from this category. > Hesitant, Lucas decided to respond, this time much more vaguely.

<His he referring to the Unnamed? > Klint thought, only to find himself struck by Lucas' gaze.

<I know what you're thinking, I guess Monica told you. That question better stay in your mind for a while. All you need to know is that for him, two members of the seat weren't nearly enough.> Lucas anticipated it, speaking now in a tremendously cold and severe tone.

<I'm sorry for asking. > Klint answered, getting up and bending his head, both because of guilt but also because of a disturbing pressure that was hitting him.

<Curiosity is important Klint, don't worry. > Monica answered from under the pillows as she brought Klint back to the ground, pulling him by the shirt.

The atmosphere lifted when Arte returned with two trays and Oriental-style teacups. She elegantly laid the silver plates and began to pour into the brown cup, decorated with a leaf-like green motif, the boiling tea.

The greenish liquid emanated a warm steam, which gave Klint a sense of warmth he liked. He reminded him of the little comfort he had found in his apartment when he first moved in.

He took the cup, his sleeve receded toward the shoulder, showing his arm elegantly carrying the cup to his mouth. The boy's eyes widened in surprise and satisfaction, the warmth and rich taste of tea had him awakened.

<It's very good, thank you. > He said as he put the cup down, noting that the whole room, apart from someone, was looking at him in awe.

<What? > Asked Klint, turning to Lucas and Net, both slightly shaken by Him.

<Listen Klint.... Are you sure you're 18?? > Monica asked looking at him. The question was the same for the entire room staff, who nodded in anticipation of an answer.

<I don't understand. Yes I'm 18 years old, why shouldn't I be? > Klint replied, smiling but obviously embarrassed given the number of eyes on him.

<Mr. Klint... Your muscular tone and your manners are completely out of line for an 18-year-old. > The expression of Klint disappeared, his face had become empty, one could expect anything but a secret association to call him old and, above all that, the person who was announcing him was a chemist masked with a protection of the Great War.

<LUCAS! You misunderstood Klint, you see... we were saying that you behave in a very mature and elegant way... yes... ELEGANT! Here is the appropriate adjective! > Said Monica trying to bring back Klint, who had passed out on the couch. He noticed better the proportion on the boy's body and continued turning her head.

<On the muscular tone I definitely agree with Lucas.> Looking at him better, you could definitely see the inserts and reliefs through his shirt.

< Changing the subject.... to whom would we be waiting? > Klint asked while stealing pillows wherever possible to create a fortress against the eyes of the room, especially from Monica.

<Our second recruit. A lovable girl and also your teammate, you will get along really well.> Monica smiled, trying to tear away the soft armor off Klint. Before Lance could speak or ask anything, a sound of footsteps echoed across the hall from where Arte had disappeared. It did not take long for the figure to make its entrance into the hall.

Tbh, i feel that i should really start hitting more calves

LudwigSensecreators' thoughts