
Power Dynamics

Chapter 19 

Power thrums beneath her fingers as she grips the hilt of the blade. Slowly, the blade swings down. It's different this blade than the one she usually uses. It was about the length of her arm with an inward curvature with flame like ridges along the outer length of the blade. The design is certainly not what she requested but in her hands it felt like the blade has come home to her. 

A connection of sorts between victim and killer Zarracen figures. The blade itself was white just like the dragon she fought. The handle appears to have on of its eyes crystalized and embedded onto the hilt. 

Barne Fabron certainly lives up to her name. 

 The deliveries from her came a week after her team had gotten on the swing of things with their jobs. There were a few catches made by Avery and Cauld of individuals coming on the mansion grounds without permission. The assassination attempts had almost ceased then. 

Zarracen had paid Beretta for the weapons in advance with her own funds and the rest was slowly coming through with the sales of the dragon. The money she received well is a lot to place in a treasury. Placing it inside the bank was the wise course of action for her given she didn't have a treasury. 

She can likely make one on that land she has now but it's too far currently to do anything with. Until she can have more guards here, she cannot move away from Princess Isabella. This is too tenuous of a situation. 

Between not liking anyone or being able to trust her fellow knights to having to source out with mercenaries, she would not be able to feel comfortable being too far from the princess. It's why even now she stands overseeing her guards to ensure that they are carrying out their duties properly. 

Overseeing them like this she notes the weariness in them. They've been running ragged pretty much to try and keep up with the training she's forcing on them this past week. Good things have happened of course. Cauld is slowly getting his situation awareness up. Avery is adept at running away better to keep distance while slowly learning a few staff techniques. 

Blakely didn't have much to practice with, so she ran a few drills with him specifically on 'item' protection. Seazuna is still a tier 9 but seemingly faster after he started. They are all doing well. She's happy about it too. 

They'll be in good shape for when the other knights arrive. Zarracen has already apprised Isabella on the individuals that she had sent for using Sir Gibraltar as a reference and she found herself invested in a stack of papers with dossiers on everyone she hired or wanted to hire as a royal guard. 

The amount of information was beautiful. She loves it. Reading about the former mercenaries' exploits. The journeys they achieved and their mistakes. It gave her a read on their character that she can use when dealing with them. It also gave her leverage in case they act out of hand. 

Seazuna has a lovely bunch of siblings he sends money to back home. Cauld has a wife and child within Arthwa. Blakely admits to being born in Arthwa and it was true. He didn't have his own little family unit but did have a nephew on his brother's side that can be leveraged. 

Zarracen exhales slowly wondering when her dossier on the ones Sir Gibraltar sent her way would come in. She needs to know how to fit them into her team. Luckily, they won't arrive for a few more days due to their constraints within their orders. She rolls her shoulders and continues with her stances until the sun is at midday. 

She sheathes her weapon and returns to her room to change into her guards uniform. With her new sword on her hip and a few daggers hidden amongst her body she makes her way to where Isabella is at. 

She senses the princess near her study and walks in that direction. As she gets closer she recedes the energy of her videle to almost nothing hoping to see if Avery and Cauld notice her. As she rounds the corner she feels as if a mist attaches to her and it makes her smile when Avery was there waving at her arrival with Cauld standing at attention next to her. 

"Hard at work ya?" Zarracen motions to herself. 

Avery hums with a smile and the mist evaporates off Zarracen's skin much to her interest. 

"What type of spell was that?" She questions. 

"Trade secret." Avery informs her. The knight doesn't push and instead checks on things inside the room. 

She couldn't hear anything, which meant some sort of spell was up for privacy. She could somewhat sense three people inside despite the fog her senses had to fight through to feel it. 

"Did you vet the guest properly?" 

"Yes ma'am. The man is Alexander Higgins with RIM," Cauld says in almost a rush. 

RIM huh. Zarracen leans against the doorway now wishing she could hear. 

"You two are clear from duty don't forget to do your exercises and advise Seazuna and Blakely that they are done as well," 

Cauld looks grateful to leave while Avery looks forlornly at the door before departing. She leans against the wall near the doorway concentrating lightly on her duty but her mind elsewhere. 

Zarracen passes the time doing some passive meditation to work through her mana as they meet not caring what Isabella, Fiella and the guest they had for the day were discussing. She was curious to begin with seeing as it was a member of RIM. Seeing how the veil wasn't lifted around the conversation means Isabella didn't want her to know yet. 

An hour or so passes and the door is thrown open as the man Alexander Higgins leave with their brow furrowed. The man stops to see Zarracen and the glare intensifies into a sneer before he hurries off. She blinks once then twice at the man departing with raised eyebrow. 

"Galt Ahktan," must be serious if Isabella is calling her into the room with her title and last name. 

Over the last few nights. She's gotten used to the woman calling to her by her name and has also gotten used to saying Isabella's name without tripping over her trained propriety. 

"Princess Isabella?" Zarracen greets her with a bow and questioning look. 

Fiella was there looking at Zarracen in annoyance. Isabella shoots a look at Fiella who decides to study the wall. 

"That man was with the RIM." 

"Okaaay." Zarracen says after she doesn't continue the sentence. 

"The RIM are the one's investigating your case in Arthwa." 

"Yes, I know the investigation should be done though given it was open and shut." 

"The problem is there are no witnesses," 

"And?" Zarracen shrugs her shoulders. 

"You have an inquiry or at least about whether or not your words were false." 

"I gave witness testimony in front of several other knights and Researcher Moe Bates who using a truth orb. And if you want a witness there was one who watched me kill her comrades in the dead of knight." 


"Knight Captain Alondra. I figured she ain't say nothin the next day due to her hurrying the RIM investigation through but what's the big deal anyway?" 

"I can't remove you from the Valor Roster without your paperwork going through for you to be a royal guard. Surprisingly you have a fairly clean record under Valor Order." 

"So, someone's keeping me from being a royal guard. Isn't that a good thing for you?" 

"Figure that out for yourself. But, luckily your information was useful we can get a truth statement from Knight Captain Alondra and send it through to avoid a trial." 

"A trial why?" 

"You killed a Margrave's son fiancé." 

Zarracen sneers then. Nobility again with there need to be so flagrant against the laws. 

"Knight Code 1 the first one we ever learn those with treasonous thoughts towards to the Star of Ixmtaraza are to be dealt in a swift and firm manner befitting the act. Theft from the high lord of this land of this magnitude only had one answer and I gave it to them. Next time his son should choose a better fiancé." 

"I didn't think you care about such things." 

"Well they betrayed my trust I don't let that go and certain codes of conduct within the Knight code I do enjoy." 

Isabella hums. 

"Is truth is important to that trust." 

"A lie doesn't denote betrayal to me. It's the actions behind the lie that does," Zarracen looks her dead in the eye when she says this. It's a warning. Isabella leans forward in her chair her eyes glittering with amusement. 

"I'll keep that in mind," Fiella clears her throat. 

"Highness, do you wish me to make my way to Arthwa?" Isabella tilts her head. 

"No don't show my hand too soon. Just keep an eye on the Knight Captain. I'll deal with Celeste." 

"The princess is trying to run a roughshod over me?" Zarracen questions then. Isabella simply nods. 

"It's what happens when you become allied to her political enemy. The same thing would happen if you went under Hallow as well?" Isabella informs easily. 

"You nobles and your political bullshit." 

Zarracen's teeth clench angrily as a glare intesifies on her face. Fiella opens her mouth to which Isabella holds her hand up to. She stares at Zarracen for a moment before speaking. 

"You opted into this bullshit when you accepted the offer that Grand Knight of Valor Ulruk Praer gave you." 

Zarracen wants to lash out at her but she knows she's right. Doesn't mean she has to like it though. She rubs her face in frustration instead. 

"I'm aware so what's your plan. You wouldn't have called me in here without one right." 

"Well, given your new information the plan is to do nothing. If they want to make this a trial I can use this opportunity to embarrass them and make them appear foolish." 

"And make me look like a murderous scoundrel?" 

"Wouldn't be the first time." 

Zarracen snarls then and steps forward. She slams her hand on the desk and Isabella meets her eyes. 

"Stop your growling like a wild animal. They already think that of you because of your origins. You could have easily subdued them without killing them and let the law be the punishment regardless of your right to kill them or not. These are the consequences of you not thinking before you act. Perhaps, before killing someone you should think about the ramifications of what will come from it." 

"It was a solid kill." 

"Kills and stop Fiella." Zarracen stiffens there not realizing when Fiella got behind her or noticing the blade that rested at her spine. Is she that out of touch? She glances towards the woman who is slowly backing away with rage plain on her face. 

A hand grips her chin. A little force is used to turn her face to look at Isabella. Their gazes locked again and this time she's unable to run. She smirks towards the knight only for the knight to snatch herself back her eyes and chest feeling hot and uncomfortable. 

"Tread lightly knight." 

Zarracen leaves the room slamming the door behind her. She could not go far but she unleashes a wave of Videle that slams down the hallway knocking down vases, statues and portraits that lined it. 

"You're cleaning that up!" 
