
Dinner for Five

Chapter 18 

She's settled inside the room lit lowly by the magically empowered orbs attached to the ceiling. A nice breeze that comes in on the occasion through the slightly open window casting shadows from the somewhat moving curtains. The desk she sits at is nearly vacant. Only the duty roster she is working on and the unopened package with a letter strapped to it that was sitting upon the desk when she was shown this room an hour ago by Fiella. 

The roster Zarracen is creating is fairly simple. She after all only has five people in the royal guards or now. Hopefully, the letter that has been gathering dust while she creates the roster will be a tipping point in that. She knows that she'll be taking most of the shifts anyway because she doesn't trust them yet. 

Sleepless nights will become the norm for now. The longest she's gone without sleep, and it debilitated her, is about two weeks. This was going to suck. At least with the way she set up the schedule her days should be free to only monitor them from a distance. 

She'll keep Cauld and Avery together. Avery has good attentiveness and long-distance maneuvering that covers Cauld's weaknesses and will work well with any close-up defensive measures, So they'll be personal guards stationed near princess Isabella while Blakely and Seazuna roam the grounds. Seazuna given his nature, will be better suited to patrolling the grounds with his dynamic vision, smell and speed he could detect a foreign or hostile entity and cross the grounds quickly. 

Given the lack of talking between Seazuna and Blakely during their test the two of them were obviously a good team and react well when the otherakes a move which is also a plus. Besides, Zarracen has a good feeling Cauld can handle Avery's issues better than Blakely and Seazuna whose face would swing from disbelief to uncomfortable. 

With the movement roster setup Zarracen proceeds to make a training schedule for them all to work on their specific issues so it'll benefit her. They'll be free to do so when she relieves them of their duties at midday. She leans back in her very comfortable chair and releases a groan. The problem is she's gonna need more mages to round out the group. 

There were too many of them that were solely martial masters or sword masters. Company management was annoying but doable. She just needs some mages. She has few personal colleagues and old friends she could call upon, but she'd honestly rather slit her throat than do so. She trusted some of them even less than she trusted this group despite knowing them years longer. 

It makes more sense though than to utilize Sir Gibraltar. But, like becoming friends with Kayiback showed her sometimes trusting nobles will get her something. She moves to open the letter on the desk only to distracted with a knock on the door. 

Two raps calm and collected. She senses out the person and finds them to be Princess Isabella. 

Zarracen stands and opens the door with a greeting. She steps aside as if to invite her in to sit. 

"No need," Isabella informs. She stiffens wondering if she was going to be dragged off again somewhere to be put on display like earlier. 

"Then what can I do for you your highness?" Zarracen questions. 

"I've orchestrated a dinner tonight to welcome my new guards. You of course are invited." 

"And by invited you mean I need to come." She smiles and departs leaving Zarracen alone again. 

She returns back to her desk and shudders. That woman is likely going to be the death of her. She summoned cognifiends for her to fight surrounded by fellow nobles. Strong enough that their everyday guards couldn't defeat. The woman was a mystery to Zarracen because why is someone so strong not as well-known as her siblings. It was 

Summoning took time and needed to be prepared for hours and yet she could do it in moments with just a spark of magic. It honestly frightens her. The woman could be summoning the assassins as well forcing Zarracen to fight for her. She wonders how much stronger she actually is as a dragon slayer. 

Most of this nation would bow before her strength but even as a slayer of dragons as a tier 1 martial master she knows that not only her Grand Knights but her knew mistress could dispatch of her if she so please. 

She rubs her face. She needs her own support. She looks at the letter and picks it up. 

Greetings Galt Zarracen Ahktan, 

I have received your letter in a timely manner. I had heard through friends about your new appointment. I give you my sincerest congratulations despite the manner of which you achieved this position. I cannot fathom why our High Emperor would deign Princess Isabella to be in need of a guard, but I can impart it is not for no reason. Perhaps, it'll be best to look further than what you can see. 

As our Star has appointed you to this position it would be my honor to make a few recommendations of soldiers that can assist you in filling the position of guard. I can recommend approximately elven knights who I trust, one of which is my son Reynard and the squire Caleb whom you met at the camp. Caleb is nearing the end of his training and will have the knighting ceremony soon, Ny recommendation for my son is not to elevate his position but to assist him and break through his sixth tier as a martial master. I'm hoping a change of view will help. 

There are a few knights around Illuvia that I would recommend because they have not yet been touched by the politics of the capital. Their names are Xan Colet, Xan Fenedrel, Sir Dorian, Sir Jeane, Galt Jehanete, Galt Irisa, En Isata, En Ymenia and Galt Annet. There are a few others that I know of but these nine are knights who I trained personally and know them as well. They each have a noble heart and strong minds. 

Galt Ahktan you do not have trust my word on this. I would not be angry if you ignore these recommendations but I hope you'll at least look into them yourself. I have also to assist you by enclosing a few etiquette books for your perusal as I know of your recent sojourn into noble status. 

The princess will likely be able to help with fine details but as a royal guard your actions are not only a reflection on yourself but her highness as well. 

Zarracen finishes the letter there and sits in thought. So, he's not going to accept the position himself. She acknowledges he might be right not to he is a Margrave after all. But, he's sending his son. Can't be a firstborn so likely a second or third son. She'll have to look at the records for some of these knights in her personal time. 

For now, she pens a letter back inquiring about the squire Caleb and advising him to send the individuals to her with letters of introduction dating the middle of next week. She seals it and resolves to send her reply tomorrow. 

With that out of the way she decides to meditate to check her mind's eye. She settles in her chair relaxing as she recedes into her inner. The sight of aura shaped into orbs of power within is ignored in favor follow that white gold strand of mana that has been elusive these past few days. 

She feels and reaches for it. The golden videle transforms into mana in her mind. The feel of it forming in her mind accepting it as a part of her body. The eye is still closed but soon if that slit down the middle is saying something she'll be able to open the eye just a bit to have proper access to mana. 

Zarracen sits like this until night begins to fall signaling it was almost time for dinner. She stands up from her seat and leaves the room. On her walk to the dining room, she does not meet anyone else on the way. 

Upon arrival, she knows why. 

Everyone was already seated in their seats. The only spot left was the spot beside Isabella on her left-hand side while Fiella was on her right. 

The dining room seems to have a calm ambiance allowing the food to take center stage. It was a work of art in comparison to the rest of the mansion. The light glinting off the amethyst crystals of the overhead chandelier increases the cheerful ambiance the room gives off. 

It's welcoming. 

Zarracen sits beside Isabella an apology on her lips for tardiness. Isabella takes in her apology with a smile before speaking to the others. 

"I know today has been a bit of a day for each of you all as you have now been given duties as royal guards. I thank you for your service and would like to get to know you over the course of this dinner," Isabella announces. 

"It's our honor your highness," Avery says just about glowing in her seat. Cauld who is beside grunts something before speaking up to the princess. 

The others do the same and the meal begins. It was like a well-rehearsed dinner given how they would pass the food and speak of their days. She notes that Blakely, even with his commoner background and Avery had the best table manners in comparison to herself Cauld and Seazuna. 

"I notice different accents about so you all must come from different places, what made you want to come to Illuvia?" 

"From a mercenary group that ended up breaking apart. Came to Illuvia for more jobs. I wanted to see if I was good enough to get in with some of the groups here. Turns out I was so I stayed until I left for a different job," Cauld informs. 

No one chimes in after him leading to Isabella's eyes to wander to Avery who was eating calmly but with gusto. 

"And you Avery. I notice that you move like you were part a church," Isabella addresses Avery. 

"I was a member of the Church of Tximuria." 

"Ah, why did you leave the church to become a mercenary. Did you fall out of faith?" 

"Never!" Avery gasps with horror eyes wide as Zarracen freezes in her seat wondering why Isabella decided to interrogate her of all people. 

"That's good I'm happy that the fallen star still rests within your heart. But, why did you leave then?" 

"It's just a small reason why. I attacked a High Priestess because she decided to destroy my precious shrine," Avery admits without a lick of guilt a wild smile and look in her eyes. 

Confusion descends upon all of them and Zarracen studiously looks at her own food as she eats unilaterally deciding to stay quiet while Princess Isabella's eyes start twitch with confusion. Seazuna literally chokes on a bite of food and swallows his drink quickly to not choke 

Cauld rubs his face in frustration. "That's all you want to know about that your highness," Cauld says and Isabella takes the advice and moves to Seazuna. 

"Right of course, and you Seazuna. I know fox brutees prefer areas near lakes and the seas to live." 

"I wanted adventure your highness. To move from home to home. Land to land. I wanted to see our great empire to its fullest. It's why I became a mercenary for money because they tend to go to the most places. Sadly, I wasn't able to go to many and ended up here in Illuvia." 

So Seazuna essentially got stranded in Illuvia without money pretty much. Zarracen shakes her head. Isabella moves on to Blakely who answers before she can even ask. 

"I'm from Illuvia grew up here in one of the commoner districts," Blakely informs mildly. He must've realized quickly that this get together is more of an interrogation. 

Avery was too busy fawning over Princess Isabella. Cauld was too busy being uncomfortable and Seazuna was gorging himself too much to realize. The more Avery fawned though the more killing intent was leaked out by Fiella and ignored by everyone else at the table. 

In all honesty, it wasn't a surprise to know who you would be putting trust into and inviting onto your home. Blakely answers were the most succinct and short. The man had grown up inside the capital not unlike Zarracen though he was more well off though he wasn't good at most menial task but was with a blade and chose to work with one. 

The curiosity within Avery could not be held much longer as she soon asks why they were given a chance to become royal guards in the first place. Zarracen answers then. 

"I was appointed due to my achievements by Emperor Bhaltair." 

"You've served the rising stars well then," Avery nods her head in approval towards Zarracen. 

"Remember you work for me." Avery simply smiles before staring at Isabella who was dutifully ignoring it. 

Dinner passes with amicable silence after this with Isabella carrying the conversation about her activities within the country and some of the duties, they'll have to attend to which segways perfectly into Zarracen bringing up their rotation. 

She advises them that two will be guarding the grounds and the other two will be on the princess throughout the day. When Zarracen reveals Cauld and Avery would patrol the grounds it looked like the former servant of Tximuria faith was going to throw a tantrum. 

Fiella looks relieved at this as did Isabella. The dinner ends after the dessert is served. Or rather once it magically appears on the table. When everyone begins to leave the plates vanish and the newly appointed knights bid farewell for the knight so they could be up early to take post. 

Zarracen hovers back waiting for princess Isabella as the knights leave. 

"Escorting me to chambers?" Isabella questions. 

"Of course," Zarracen states. She holds out her elbow which Isabella loops her arm through. "Did you enjoy your interrogation session?" 

"Yes, I learned vital information from all of them that Fiella could not glean from her own investigations." Zarracen arches a brow at that. 

"Do you mind if I look at it?" 

"Of course not, you can speak with Fiella tomorrow." 

Right Fiella. Zarracen sighs. 

"Now, then Galt Ahktan why are you escorting me to my chambers." 

"Night duty is mine." 

"Hmm. Will you stay the night then." Isabella's tone is sultry. 

"Don't make it sound like that," Zarracen grunts. 

"I know not what you mean?" 

"I need lessons in etiquette. I've been reminded that I can't stay purposefully ignorant." 

"I'll allow that change of subject. Since, I can give you personal lessons." Zarracen glances downward towards the somewhat shorter woman. 

"Fiella can do that right." 

"Do you not wish my aide a proper rest?" 

"She sleeps?" Zarracen quips. Isabella laughs lightly. 

"Does it not appear that she doesn't." 

"Hmm not at all in fact sometimes she doesn't feel like she's human." 

"Careful, there it sounds like you're insulting my aide." 

"Apologies your highness I didn't mean it so. I was just remarking on the aura of her Videle." Or rather how it feels like she's lacking it at times. 

"Don't remark on it too much." 


An uncomfortable silence descended then and Zarracen is happy that they arrived at her bed chambers soon after. Opens the door for the princess who let's go of her not before running a finger along her arm. 

"Will you join me for a drink?" Isabella turns and asks as she walks into her room. 

"I believe I am on guard tonight your highness. Have a good rest." 

She closes the door then not caring how rude it was. She just needs to get away from those eyes. And yet even on the other side of the door she can feel Princess Isabella's gaze. 

Trying to make more lively personalities is tiring but fun. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

LaxenBriecreators' thoughts