
Chapter 178 is a little more noble than scum

Machine Translation

Sha Zhixing's face turned red at the teasing remark.

How shameless!

Luo Xichen was a lot happier when he saw her look. He picked up his knife and fork and began to eat elegantly.

However, his gaze still drifted to Sha Zhixing from time to time as he ate. His eyes were full of indulgence, as gentle as the wind and water. Other than that, there was also a hint of unspeakable depth.

Sensing his gaze, Sha Zhixing suddenly raised her head and looked at him in a daze, her beautiful eyebrows tightening.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Why are you pretending to be so deep?!

"Come here!" Luo Xichen had been restless throughout the day. He was not in the mood to eat at night. He pointed to the seat next to him, stood up, and moved her plate closer to him.

Sha Zhixing had followed him here. She had promised him last night, so she knew that there was no turning back.

Besides, they were just having dinner. She knew that nothing good would happen if she got close to him.

She pushed the chair aside and stood up. She came to his side.

Just as she was about to sit down, Luo Xichen grabbed her wrist and pulled her down. Sha Zhixing stumbled and sat on his lap.

"Aren't you going to eat?" she asked calmly as she pushed him away.

Luo Xichen held her in his arms and buried his head in her neck. He took a deep breath of her natural body fragrance and said lazily, "Just sit like this!"

Sha Zhixing turned her eyes slowly and looked at his god-like handsome face. The corners of her lips twitched. "How can I eat if I sit like this?"

"Why can't you just sit like this?" Luo Xichen's fingers moved down her slender neck and caressed her fair and delicate shoulder skin. He lowered his head and kissed her.

It was obvious that the meaning in his words was different from what she was referring to.

"I'm talking about eating!" Sha Zhixing corrected him as she avoided his kiss.

"Is that so?" Luo Xichen looked up at her with a mocking look in his eyes. "Am I not the same now?"


Sha Zhixing was speechless.

How long had he been hungry before he became so eager?

"Let's eat first!" She pushed him away, turned around, and moved her plate to her side.

She ate a little carelessly at first, and when she looked over, she saw Luo Xichen staring at her as if he was in a trance.

Sha Zhixing had a conscience. Since he had spent so much money tonight, she might as well give him some energy in return.

She peeled a small piece of crab meat with her slender fingers, and brought it to his lips. "Here."

Luo Xichen was a little surprised by her sudden action. He was stunned for a moment, and his eyebrows relaxed a little.

He grabbed her wrist with one hand, bowed his head, and put the food she had brought into his mouth. The corners of his lips curled up slowly.

Ever since they were young, Luo Xichen was usually the one who did these things when the two of them ate together. When Sha Zhixing was young, she naturally thought that he was older than her. He should be the one to help her with these kinds of problems that she could not handle. Wen Lan had instilled the same concept into the two of them.

But now that she thought about it, he didn't have any food to eat either. Who would be in the mood to help her with these trivial matters on an empty stomach? Moreover, it was not Luo Xichen's duty to take care of her.

With that thought, Luo Xichen stood out from the rest of the beasts. He was much more noble than the others.

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