
Chapter 177: a Romantic night on the sea

Machine Translation

Luo xichen glanced at Sha Zhixing as she walked out in her gown. He deliberately lingered on her chest for a few more seconds and smiled faintly.

His technique seemed to be getting more and more accurate!

"Are we going somewhere later?" Sha Zhixing asked casually. She turned to the mirror and tidied up her long hair. She was hesitating whether to coil her hair up or let it fall down. Luo Xichen's smiling voice rang out, "Coil."

Sha Zhixing was wearing an elegant gown. She felt that it was more appropriate to do it, so she didn't think too much about it. She put her hair on casually, and a few strands of hair fell on both sides of her head.

Luo Xichen looked at her for a while, and his eyes were filled with admiration.

He liked to watch her put her hair on. It wasn't a stiff bun. Naturally, it was a little messy. There were a few strands of hair on both sides of her head. It was a comfortable feeling to watch.

Sha Zhixing's skin was very white, and her neck was long and thin. When her hair was up, her long and elegant neck was exposed. Just by looking at it, it was a fatal attraction.

Luo Xichen was very satisfied with her outfit. He carefully picked out a pair of high-heeled shoes that matched her gown in the shop, swiped the card, and took her to the car.

Sha Zhixing didn't understand his purpose, but it didn't matter to her where he was taking her.

It was better to walk around outside than to go back and have sex.

Luo Xichen drove her to the beach and took her on a large cruise ship.

There were only a few waiters on the cruise ship and no passengers.

Sha Zhixing was a little surprised and looked at him in surprise.

He had brought her here for... A date?

"Let's go!" Luo Xichen did not explain. He smiled faintly and put his arm around her waist as they walked into the cabin.

The two of them came to the restaurant and just as they sat down, the waiter immediately brought the dishes up. The dishes were very exquisite and were all Western-style. Sha Zhixing could not name them.

She could not help but sigh at the fact that there were different levels of wealth. She felt like a pauper in front of Luo Xichen.

"Eat more. Don't be hungry." Luo Xichen looked at her with a lazy tone.

Sha Zhixing's hand trembled as she held the fork.

"Shut up!" She lowered her head and ate quietly. She chose to ignore Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen smiled. He did not mind her words and did not look away from her.

In fact, it was his style to push someone down after enduring for so long. However, if it was just a simple venting, he might as well find someone to settle it with. He did not want to be so casual with Sha Zhixing.

He wanted to give her a night that was different from the others...

Sha Zhixing lowered her head and continued to eat. Occasionally, she would look straight at him when she looked up. Seeing that he was lost in his thoughts, she put the cutlery in her hand aside and looked at him leisurely Then, she said something that made Luo Xichen's face darken.

She mimicked his tone of teasing her and said, "Eat, don't get tired later."

"You're so considerate of me?" Luo Xichen narrowed his eyes dangerously and his voice sounded sinister.

Sha Zhixing looked away and pretended not to hear what he said.

Luo Xichen smiled coldly and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you down..."

Words are not included in this paragraph

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