
Stellar Odyssey: The Ascendant Saviour

In a bustling city, orphan Adrian's life takes a profound turn when he discovers a mysterious ring. With it snug on his finger, a seemingly ordinary morning transforms into a heroic saga as Adrian saves a baby girl from a speeding car, sacrificing himself. As Adrian's earthly existence ends, the radiant ring vanishes, carrying his selfless essence into cosmic realms. Unbeknownst to him, the universe witnesses his valor, leaving behind stardust memories in the collective consciousness. The baby girl, now safe, gurgles in innocent bliss, and the world, scarred by loss, continues its journey. What will happen next ??

Ether_3508 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Lixiu , Spirit of cosmos ring

"Hehe , Mr. looks like you really need to know."

Right when Liu Ming's heart was calmed , a sweet and enchanting voice entered his ear.

Liu Ming's face changed and he immediately turned around. With a hawk like gaze , he scanned his surrounding but didn't find even a shadow.

"Hehe, stop searching, I'm in your finger."

Right when Liu Ming thought that he was hallucinating, the voice aimlessly sounded again.

Liu Ming's eyes contracted and his gaze fell on his right hand's black ring.

"You're talking?" Enduring his heart's pounding, Liu Ming try to keep his voice calm.

"Mr. You're quite calm , to not have been scared witless. You're little bit brave." From the ring, a taunting voice sounded. 

"Who are you? Why are you in this ring? What are you trying to do with me?" After calming himself, Liu Ming asked the essential questions. 

" Who am I? Well, I am artifact spirit of this ring . And this ring is my home , I won't harm you because you are successor of this ring . Hahaha, finally after all these years of wait this damn ring found its master who is responsible for saving this world from invaders. "

"Excuse me, can you come out of ring? I want to talk to you face-to-face, that will be more feasible." Liu Ming asked.

In his response a beautiful girl not more than ten years old pops out of the ring. She's like a little star with silver-white hair that flows gently around her face. Her eyes sparkle like glitter, filled with curiosity and innocence. Her face is like a soft painting of wonder, and she's dressed in a shiny gown that looks like moonlight.

Despite being just ten, she seems to carry a magical wisdom in her eyes. It's as if she knows secrets from a long time ago. This adorable spirit is like a mix of a playful child and a timeless enchantress, bringing a touch of magic wherever she goes.

He was stunned after seeing her beauty.

She noticed. "Why are you looking at me like this? Haven't you seen any beautiful girls before?" she asked with a playful smile.

"No, none as gorgeous as you," he responded, captivated.

After some time later Liu Ming asked her

"What's your name?"

"Lixiu," she replied.

Liu Ming inquired"Well Lixiu now tell me why I am here and how I transmigrated?"

"You died trying to save that child, and this ring makes transmigration possible," Lixiu explained.

"Why?" he questioned.

"Because you are the successor of the legacy of Nine Supreme Immortals of Nine Heaven," she replied.

"Who are they?" he inquired.

"Well, they are the strongest beings in this universe," she answered.