

<b>Family Characters:</b>


Chapter 1: Regrets</b>

The day when Charnsley lost against Blackoal. "She's not here anymore Stellla..". Let's rewind 1 month before that all happened.

"You're doing a great job Stella!Now, your siblings can have fun at the festival. You should be happy for them." Risela exclaimed. "Can I come as well mother?" Stella asked. Risela stood up and gave her a death stare and replied with "It's ma'am to you." Before leaving.Stella always tried to be on the right path but there was always something blocking her way.

Stella was getting ready for dinner when she heard knocks from her door."Stella, father would like us to go to the dining table." Shuu said."Coming! Do you think I look nice in this dress brother?" She asked but there was no reply. Shuu had nothing else to say or compliment on. It was like a spear was inside of her that she could never get rid of. She tried to stop the bleeding but it would never stop.

The family was in excitement. "Brother, does my dress look nice?" Nicole asked."Very beautiful on you but why the sad face sister?" Shuu replied. It looked as though someone had kill her beloved. The shock on her face turned into a fake cry. Nicole kept on crying and cried out that " Ste-Stella's dress is just like mine!". She kept on nagging to Shuu and her parents. "Please change Stella. She will keep sulking if you don't change. Don't make me repeat myself." Charles demanded.

"Our dresses are not the same. Some blind person she is." Stella nagged.*<b>Cough </b>*. She spat blood onto her hand and shivered. What's happening to me? What is this? The door creaked open." You better have changed out of that dress already.Mother and father are telling you to come down instantly." Nicole said. Nicole would always and nag and cry if things didn't go her way.

"I have news to tell you all." Charles said and continued " Blackoal emperor have decided to take one of the princesses of Charnsley and make them empress.". Nicole blushed as she imagined the emperor of Blackoal. "Father, can you take me to the doctors tomorrow?" Stella asked. "That isn't related to this Stella. We've decided for Nicole to go and become empress. If she becomes empress, we might be able to rule both lands." Risela smeared.

"It's so cold that I can't sleep." Stella whispered to herself. She looks up at the ceiling and wonders when Nicole is leaving for empress. If she doesn't know when Nicole is leaving and doesn't say farewell to her or get a her a gift, her family will be mad and disappointed at her.

She got up and slowly but quietly went to the dining table when're they had left the mail. She quickly read it. " It's a relief I got up to read this otherwise I might have been in trouble." She thought. Tomorrow was Nicole's departure.

"Send us messages!" Risela cried. "I will mother but.. where's Stella? She's suppose to farewell me and I'm leaving soon!" Nicole shouted. "Sorry I'm late. I got you a present for your departure. I hope you have a nice time other at Blackoal and become empress." Stella said.

"This decease is called Philome. One of the most rarest decease. Though there is a cure, no one is able to perform it. You could possibly die just from trying." Doctor phin explained. Stella started crying at ran home.

"Uhhhh, why are you crying? That face you're making might ruin the family reputation. " Shuu shouted. "Shuu! I went to the doctors today and they said" but before Stella could say what she wanted to say, Charles interrupted her and said for Shuu and Stella to come and see Nicole's letter she had sent them.

"But I have something to say and it's really important. " Stella exclaimed. "This is more important." Risela shouted.The letter said

"Dear mother, father and Shuu,

Me and the emperor, Stevan have just gotten married yesterday but after that, he's always busy in his office and I never get to visit him! We didn't even sleep with each other yet. I guess as an emperor you would be busy but he spares no time and always is out, in his office or I can't go near him. The only time I'm properly around him is when we're eating dinner which as a couple, you have to do once each month and if we're invited to a party. It's only been one day so he might not be ready. I might be over reacting since it's only been one day. The maids never help me. I must get my own food, clean my own stuff and I barely get to go out without permission. Take care!"