
Chapter 2: Letters each day from Nicole

Each day and ever day, letters would arrive from Nicole and she would tell about the emperor, the maids and the tea party. The other day, she wrote

" Everyone at the tea part was so mean! The inviter spilt tea over me and it was steaming hot. They embarrassed me. I hate it here. Everyone is so mean. I wish to go back. Within this week, I'll tell the emperor even if I'm not aloud in his office or near him. I'll make sure to deliver the news to the guards. Stella should be here instead of me! I sacrificed myself for her. She should at least be welcoming when I come back. Make sure to tell her that. I'm sorry I wasn't empress. It's just to hard for me. Is being an empress bad? Cant wait to see my family again. By the way, each time you guys send a letter, it's always ripped. Don't do that next time because I suck at puzzles."

Stella had finished with the paper work when Charles, Risela and Shuu came up to her and accused her of ripping up their letters to Nicole. "Just because you're jealous of Nicole or she only got mad at you one time doesn't mean you can wreck important stuff. Nicole haven't been able to read any of our letters thanks to you ripping them apart." Risela shouted. "Since you're in trouble, you can do my paper work for me." Shuu sneered. "It wasn't me! Why would I do it? What if it's someone from Blackoal who's doing it?" Stella asked. "Stop yapping and accusing . You're getting on my nerves. Right darling?." Risela asked. "Stella, even if it was someone from Blackoal, why would they do it? At least with you, we have reasons how it could be you.Nicole even sacrificed herself for you."Charles said.Stella was infuriated that they thought it was her. She snatched the letter and said " Nicole said everyone was mean to her. That's a reason for someone to mess her up! I'm not even the one who delivers the letter. Father, you do!" Stella shouted. There was utter silence.

"It's been one month a since I left. Everyone here is acting weird around me. There are guards spying on me and taking notes on me. Maybe it's because emperor is looking out for me? I'm going to visit soon. Cant wait! See you guys soon!Bye". Nicole was soon going to visit her dear family that she had miss all this time.

"My sweet daughter is going to visit today. Maybe we can ask the emperor if we can switch out our daughter for Stella." Risela said. "Shh she can hear us" Shuu whispered. "What happens if she isn't able to come visit?" Stella asked. "How dare you ask that? You can not think bad of your dear sister like that." Charles shouted. There was silence in the house all sudden. *Ding dong* "Mail! Get your mail!". Shuu rushed outside and claimed the letter. " This isn't Nicole's handwriting." Shuu uttered.

"Dear Sentak family,

We have your daughter, Nicole, hostage. What're you going to do? Your sweet daughter has been taken away from you forever " but before they could keep reading, Charles ripped it up and told everyone to prepare for war.

"War is going to happen between the Charnsley and Blackoal! They have Princess Nicole hostage. What do they want? " Rumours had spread around town and the town was devastated.

There was only one person who could possibly make Charnsley win the war and that was…" Please Stella!We need your power to save your dear sister!" Shuu plead. Although Stella wanted to help, she was deadly sick. "I want to but I don't have my powers." Stella replied. "Darling, what do you mean you don't have your powers? We know about your powers so no need to hide it from your family." Risela asked. " You guys know the decease Philome?" Stella asked. " One of the deadliest deceases. You can nearly die from just trying to learn it but what has that got to do with your powers?"

Charles replied. "It also causes you to lost powers if you have any and if you have Philome but no powers, you die faster. Guess who has that?" Stella asked. No comments. The room was all silent. They only started panicking once Stella had gone to her bedroom.

"No no no! Father, mother, what are we going to do to get Nicole back?!" Shuu asked.No one uttered a word. Though they would probably lose during the war without Stella's power, they still at least had a chance of winning and Nicole would be mad at them for not trying. " We'll win. Just be optimistic." Risela shouted.

"I don't know…The war is…" the villagers murmured around. "Please don't lose hope everyone. It'll be okay. We'll rescue princess Nicole!" Shuu shouted. Everyone was motivate but deep down, they knew they were going to lost the battle against Blackoal.