Lucas is the third son of a prestigious noble family. His father berates him. His mother avoids him. And his siblings are convinced that they're better than him. Lucas doesn't believe that and sheds blood and sweat every day to prove them wrong and make them look at him and what he's capable of. When he turns 10 he demands his personal Knight order from his father, and is given a deceased Knight's daughter, as well as an abandoned plot of land. Just to mock him. He takes what he can get, but why does that girl look at him like he was an abandoned puppy?! Damn you! I don't need your pity! When I grow up I make the world go round and crush coal into diamond. So will you stop looking at me like that!?!
His stepmother looked out the window. Not bothering to look at him.
"Do you still think you're something special?"
She turned away and sneered.
"Just because I wasn't born as a noble, you think you can hold your head up high."
She shook her head and approached the window. The evening sun painting a flawless beauty in ball gown. Thinking back on this day's events, she barely held down a giggle.
"Now you know. You may be born high, but that only means that you can fall just that low."
Felicia glanced at the boy, who looked so much like his mother. Unyielding rage burning in his eyes. For being talked down upon by a mere peasant woman.
'Some things don't change, even if the rest of the world says otherwise.'
"You are less talented than a commoner. No. Lesser than a dog raised in the slums."
Her dress was as green as the spring, but her smile as cold as the winter.
'At least he knows his position'
She thought as she looked at the boy who wanted to see her dead more than anything at this moment, but still held back.
'But that's a problem too isn't it?'
Her smile vanished and she left the hall, back to the festivities. Objects shattered in vain fury, drowned out by the noise of a jolly crowd,
'Now now little rat. Let's see how much we can take from you.'
"I'll kill her! I'll kill her yet!", Lucas hisses between gritted teeth while ripping out the curtain. The metal holding it up clattering on the ground. The windows already smashed, and his fists bloody. The curtains now crimson red. If he only had a speck of magic, this outcome could have been avoided. Reminding him of his failure. His vision dyed red as several veins burst from the accumulated rage. His eyes turning crimson, as he shed bloody tears.
His immature body was already out of breath. The ongoing festivities still fresh on his mind.
The day started out as it should, with the promise of greatness in the air.
His sixth birthday. The time to demonstrate his superiority and claim the magic, which is his birthright in front of the kingdom's nobility.
They came in droves, and he acknowledged their presence. Even dancing with the pompous noble daughters who thought themselves equal to him. While sloppily stepping on his feet. He entertained their little delusions politely and elegantly as befits a nobleman. Even the older bachelorettes were fawning at his handsome looks and grace.
He ate sparingly, from every plate a snack. Enough to sate his appetite, but inconspicuous enough to not get noticed. Steering clear of political traps and obnoxious nobles bent only on wasting his time before the ceremony.
"Lords and Ladys of Enkar! I present to you my proud son! Lucas Hraesvelgr!"
His father announced from the podium, followed by enthusiastic claps from the audience.
"What do you think? Will he be another 'Guardian of The West' or will he leave it to his brother?"
"His brother is good. Good enough to be called a prodigy. Even in the capital, but he's not as good as the old hawk."
"Indeed. If the youngest is worth more than the heir, then why shouldn't he take his father's mantle."
His father held up his hand, signaling the end of the applause and worthless chatter.
Lucas stood in front of the crystal which will reconfirm his status and announce it to the world. Without doubt or hesitation, he lifted his hand up. Touching it.
A bright flash of light disappeared as soon as it emerged, leaving only a flittering spark, phasing in and out of existence.
The room turned silent. Hundreds of eyes, previously very expectant, now confused.
"Is that it?", someone asks. Only loud enough to be heard in the completely silent halls.
Others became emboldened.
"Did a rabbit hide in a fox den?"
"There we have it. Another cuckoo's egg"
"This can't be right? Did a moth land on the crystal? This can't be the magical talent of a human, right?!"