
Stealing Beauties In Modern Apocalyptic World

Edwin Elric unlocks a special ability through which he can enhance his own strength and abilities through physical contact with women. The more intimate the physical contact, the greater the gain in abilities. And Edwin uses this special ability to slowly dominate the beautiful women in his life.

YuoHuyao · Urban
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38 Chs

Celebrating With Cute Little Sister Mira

Back at home, Edwin caught up with his sister Mira and dropped the bombshell: he was treating her to a fancy dinner at a top-notch restaurant.


Knowing Mira's love for sushi, Edwin had picked out a stellar Japanese place in Miami.


Mira, practically bouncing with excitement at the prospect of sushi, dashed into the dressing room to glam up. The brother-sister duo then hailed a cab through an app, heading towards an upscale sushi joint near their home.


As they embarked on the journey, Mira couldn't contain her curiosity.


"Come on, spill the beans! What's the big celebration for? Why all the suspense?" she prodded, her eyes fixed on Edwin.


With a mischievous grin, Edwin teased, "Hehe. You'll find out when we get there."


The anticipation only fueled Mira's excitement. If Edwin was taking her to a swanky sushi spot, something good must've happened, she figured.


Soon enough, they arrived at their destination—the Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar & Grill. Mira eyed the exterior, convinced that this place screamed expensive.


"Edwin, are you sure we're in the right place? I swear you put in the wrong location!" Mira quipped, giving her brother a skeptical look.


Edwin, unfazed, reassured her, "Don't worry. This is the spot."


Soon enough, the siblings found themselves at the Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar & Grill, settling into a table for two. Mira, curious and hungry, perused the menu. However, her excitement took a nosedive when she saw the prices—each dish cost a couple of thousand dollars, way beyond what she expected.


"Uh, brother, did we take a wrong turn? Are we going to end up scrubbing dishes for a month to pay for one meal?" Mira quipped nervously, eyeing the extravagant prices.


Edwin leaned in, a mysterious glint in his eyes. "No worries, Mira. Something great has happened. My ability has fully awakened, and it's a game-changer. The head of management caught wind of it and offered me a new job. My base salary is 100,000 dollars."


Mira's eyes widened in shock, but a radiant smile quickly replaced her initial surprise, "Well, in that case, let's not hold back, Edwin."


Edwin's expression turned serious, and he cautioned, "But here's the deal, Mira. You can't tell anyone about this. Not even your BFFs. Officially, I've been booted from the guild. I'll be working independently and need to keep a low profile."


Mira's eyes shimmered with a mix of pride and understanding.


"Edwin, I'm proud of you! That's amazing news, and I promise, not a word will slip from my lips," she declared, tapping her index finger playfully against her lips.


Edwin grinned, appreciating his sister's support. "Thanks, Mira. Now, let's enjoy this feast and celebrate!"


As they indulged in the extravagant array of sushi, the atmosphere lightened. Mira couldn't help but be impressed by the quality and flavors of each dish. She pointed at a particularly exquisite piece of sushi, "Edwin, what do they call this one? It's like I am tasting three different flavors at the same time. "


Edwin, playing the part of the seasoned sushi connoisseur, replied, "Ah, that's the Dragon's Delight Roll. It's got a mix of spicy tuna, avocado, and a special eel sauce. I think it is really good too."


Throughout the meal, the siblings laughed, shared stories, and reveled in the newfound success that had graced Edwin's life. The ambiance of the upscale restaurant combined with the delectable food created a perfect setting for their celebratory dinner.


As they wrapped up their meal, Mira leaned back in her chair, content.


Edwin soon called out the waiter for the bill. After paying with his card, the duo of siblings left that expensive restaurant.




Starting the next day, Edwin shifted the rendezvous point with the thirty women to another spot—an exclusive warehouse owned by Tronte in Miami. The location boasted top-notch security measures, ensuring privacy and safety.


The private warehouse hummed with an air of secrecy as Edwin, masked and enigmatic, gathered the thirty skilled women—Hunters—underneath the concealed glow of dim warehouse lights. The latest security measures cast a sense of exclusivity over the clandestine meeting.


As the women took their seats, anticipation mingled with curiosity. Edwin, or rather, the mysterious Sir Johan, took a moment to let the atmosphere settle before speaking up.


"Good evening, ladies," Edwin greeted, his voice masked by a modulator, adding to the mystique. "I hope your day has been filled with successful hunts and, of course, a touch of magic."


The women chuckled at the pun, appreciating the levity before nodding in unison.


"Now, before we delve into business, let's get to know each other a bit better, shall we?" Edwin's words hinted at a genuine interest, his masked eyes glinting with intrigue.


One by one, he engaged with each woman, uncovering their stories, aspirations, and experiences as Hunters. Their tales ranged from epic monster battles to the more mundane struggles of balancing hunting life with the everyday.


Edwin found himself drawn to a woman named Siena, who spoke of an exhilarating encounter with a colossal wormhole creature. "It was monstrous, Sir Johan! Its tentacles were practically skyscrapers, and my team and I had to think on our feet to bring it down."


Edwin, leaning back in his chair, responded with a nod. "Impressive, Siena. Quick thinking is a valuable asset out there."


The conversations flowed seamlessly, laughter and shared experiences breaking the ice. A woman named Anya revealed her penchant for collecting rare monster artifacts as souvenirs, showcasing a peculiar charm bracelet adorned with otherworldly trinkets.


As the evening progressed, Edwin skillfully steered the discussions, learning not just about their hunting exploits but also about their personalities, strengths, and vulnerabilities. He carefully crafted a tapestry of connections, weaving a network that could prove indispensable in the future.


Towards the end of the evening, Edwin couldn't help but comment lightly, "Ladies, that was a rather fun talk. I didn't even realize the passage of time. I guess it's time for all of us to go now."


With nods of agreement, the women dispersed.


The following days flowed smoothly for Edwin. He had set the price for each minute of physical contact at $1000. As a result, he raked in $60,000 every day. It was a reasonable cost for the hunters who could easily afford to invest $2000 for a boost in their mana circuit quality.


However, just to be safe, Edwin would leave the warehouse only after every single woman had left. He didn't want them to follow him and find out where he was living.


Well, as they say, no matter how good you prepare, there is still no escaping trouble. And sure enough, trouble came to find Edwin very soon.