
Chapter 1

A girl sat on the table right beside the window, her eyebrows furrowed and hands focused on the paper in front of her. Heaving out a sigh, she reached out for the eraser and erased the whole rough sketch before sketching again.

Sketch, and then erase, sketch again, and erase again. It was evident that she's frrustrated although it doesn't show on her physical features, but by how tight she was holding her pencil.

'Why can't I sketch something?! Come one!'

She mentally begged the world to give her at least a smeet idea on what to draw, but it seems like she can't have anything good to do today.

Watching the sky getting darker as minutes went by, running her hands through her long pick locks before turning her head around when she heard a few knocks on her table and saw a smiling woman.

"Here's your crepe cake and your iced choco-mocha. Please enjoy." The waitress smiles and the pink-haired girl mutters a small 'thank you' which the waitress only nods her head in response before walking away from her table.

'I really want to draw something today... Even if it's just a rough sketch. Sketching was supposed to relieve some stress, yet here I am, getting more stressed instead.'

The pink hair thought, still looking up at the sky as she slowly ate her cake. Taking another sip from her coffee, she sighed and finally decided to open some of her previous sketches to gain an idea. When she finds an idea from her previous sketches, she immediately starts drawing.

Minutes turned into an hour and she finally was done with her sketch. Stretching her aching limbs out, she took a glance outside the window and saw that it was already dark outside. Pulling her sleeves up, she took a look at her wrist watch for the time and it was already a quarter to seven.

Finishing her crepe cake that she only got a bite of and her iced coffee that's now warm due to how long she was sketching. Deciding that it's time to go home, she quickens her pace as she writes a small note that's related to her sketch in a small sticky note before sticking it to the drawing.

Grabbing her scattered stuff on the table and putting it inside her bag, but taking it out again when it couldn't fit before rearranging her stuff inside her bag.

Since the pink hair was so focused on fixing her bag, she didn't notice when a group of boys pushed each other until the grey-haired boy bumped into her table, hard causing a wince to leave the boy's escape and a gasp left the pink-haired girl.

The sound made the boy's attention towards her, and after realising that her coffee was knocked over and was spilling all of its contents, his eyes widened when he saw her sketch that was now soaked with half of it. The drawings on the last page also got smudges and so is the sketch that she just spent hours doing since she finishes it using a pen.

"Ah,I'm sorry!" The grey-haired immediately apologised and tried to help her, but she glared daggers at him for ruining her sketch that she spent at least an hour on.

Grabbing her stuff, she shoves it in her backpack, not caring whether it's in order or in mess before standing up and walking to the door of the cafe to leave, ignoring the eyes that were on them, making sure not to look back at them because if did, she might feel more frustrated and bad might become worse.

The grey-haired boy stood there, watching her leave the table, his eye's following her every movement as he remembered the death glare she flashed at him.

Sighing and rubbing his temple, he picked up the cup that he spilled on her, and placed it back in front of her seat, before turning on his heels and walked away from the table and headed to an empty table at the very back of the cafe followed by the rest of the boys.

"Ahh, why was she so angry? It was an accident."

"And besides, it's just a sketch anyway, what's the big deal?"

Sighing again, the grey-haired boy just ignored his friend's comments and looked out the window, his chin resting on his palm, green eyes flashing guilt.
