
New Beginnings

Kyra stood on the gravel floor of the under construction side of the University looking at the man in front of her, who seemed likely to steal her ability to speak.

She has never experienced anything like that before. Her heart was doing somersaults inside her ribs as she continued to stare at the man in front of her.

The man in question frowned. He was a tall man about 6'3 with built like a wrestler, his grey eyes deep and felt like it can take you to places, you would never dare to go. His full luscious lips and his hair styled the way that can make you want to run your hands through them. He was still staring down at Kyra with a cold gaze, his eyes already asking, what does she want.

Kyra pulled herself out of the trance and cleared her throat. She was embarrassed staring at the stranger.

Wait! Scratch that.

She was practically ogling at him instead of asking for real purpose. So, she collected some courage again and asked, "Do you know the way out of here? I'm actually new here and kinda lost my way to class."

The grey eyed man stared her down and looked at the map in her hand. Without saying anything, he took the map out of her hand and looked at it for some time before waving the map in front of her face with a raised eyebrow.

Of course he was asking, 'How could she get lost if she had a map with her.' But this action made her face more red, that she was confirmed that by now, she looked like a human tomato.

"Uh...well... I'm not good at reading maps." Kyra said with an awkward smile and in return met with a cold gaze.

The grey eyed man looked at her intently, as if he could see through her heart, which might be true looking at his gaze. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and dragged her to the direction he came from. Kyra realized that the man was taking her out of the construction building and in front of the entryway to her class. All the while, she only looked at her grey eyed man and his cold expression. His cold expression couldn't put any dent on his dangerously handsome face. His grip on her own hands were firm and steady but gentle at the same time.

Soon, he reached her class with her trailing behind him holding on his hand. The grey eyed man turned to look at her and pointed his chin at her class on the right side.

Instinctively, Kyra let her eyes followed the direction and saw that the class might already have started. She looked back at the man again and smiled gratefully. "Thank you for helping me."

The man simply nodded his head and let go of her hand. As soon as he let her hands go, she felt empty. So, Kyra awkwardly crossed her hands in front of her as the grey eyed man started to leave but just going few steps, he turned, "Try not to get lost again." Kyra was surprised. The deep sound of his voice resonating, sent Kyra's insides go tinging. She had never in her whole life experienced this type of feeling with anyone. It was new and refreshing but also lingering danger.

What she didn't realize that this feeling was not new to only herself but also to her grey eyed man, who used up all his control not to run back to her side. This strange feeling, they never expected it to bloom any further.


Xavier was in a daze as he was returning to his friends. He was still thinking about the tingling sensation that sent through his body when he held that girl's hand. It was such good feeling. Looking at her innocent hazel eyes and the way light fell on her face making it look angelic, he had to control his body from grabbing her hand and keeping her in his embrace forever. This was new for him. Get never felt any pull towards any women, except for their looks. But this woman, not only her looks but her sweet voice was still resonating in his ears. He didn't speak the most of the time, thinking he might speak something that will only embarrass him later. So, to be on the safe side, he kept his mouth shut until when he was parting with her. He couldn't help it.

Xavier shook his head. No, this might be just one time thing that will disappear soon enough. No need to keep his mind busy with her thoughts until then.

"Did you deal with her?", one of his friends, Ray asked Xavier as he returned to their sides. He leaned on the nearby tree and let out a sigh. "Yes, I did. She just lost her way to astronomy."

Raven frowned, "Didn't she get the University map with her schedule?"

Xavier closed his eyes and Kyra's gentle face filled his mind. " She didn't know how to read map."

Raven raised, "Wow! How does she look like? Curvy? sexy? gorgeous?" The talk about woman always interests Raven in an attempt to make a move on them.

"Enough talk about her. Can we discuss the main purpose of coming here?" Xavier snapped and stood straight, now in a serious mode. Xavier like this, was the main reason for his cold expression. He commands attention without even trying. His voice making everyone around him to obey and listen to him.

Xavier's life is not a smooth sailing boat but a ship sailing through rough storm and thunder on the raging waves of the sea. He has seen ups and downs in his life for a long time. It was only him, his little brother and his father. After his Mom's death, everything changed.

The roughness around him and the dangers that used to lurk behind the shadows in his childhood and teenage years, has made him alert and composed over the time. His maintained his cold expression on his face that made people reluctant to approach him.

It was years later when his Dad again started his company Telco.Com, he started helping his Dad build an empire.

But here, Xavier had no idea that his carefully built composure was to be broken soon. By certain someone.

But how would that happen? *take a guess*

Hello everyone! I'm the author of this story and it's my first attempt to write on a public platform like this.

So, if you are reading my story, thank you so much for choosing this story. I can assure you I'll try my best to give out good content and keep you entertained with this story.


Cold_frostcreators' thoughts