
Stay With Me Mr Ceo

24 -year- old Eloise crosses paths with New York's fast-rising billionaire. Derek Stone finds colour in his monotone life as charming yet shy Eloise spins her way into his life with a cup of coffee and a spritz of shocking Eloquence. Derek has only seen marriage as a means of mutual and financial gain. Trying to prove a taunt wrong he is prepared to marry any lady fitting his requirements. All Eloise wants is stability and comfort, not old-school fairytale romance, agreeing to a bizarre proposal seemed the best choice. Facing disapproval from family and friends Derek decides to make this marriage with no emotional attachment work. When Eloise begins breaking his walls, he realizes this theory is not as foolproof as he once thought. Join us as Cupid once again takes a long shot.

sleepy_flower · Urban
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3 Chs


"I have a reservation at table 6," Derek said looking at his watch.

"This way sir" Stella a waiter chimed quickly.

Eloise let out the breath she held in ever since Derek walked in.

The man had a very commanding presence about him.

He looked rich, powerful too, and probably even lived the life she had always dreamed of living.

Derek stared at the portfolio of the ladies he considered suitable for marriage.

Eloise with bright eyes and a radiant smile plastered to her face weaved her way between tables notepad in hand to Derek's table.

"Good morning sir what can I get you,?" Eloise asked her voice sweet and melodic as she stood by his table.

Derek looked up from his thoughts his gaze meeting that of Eloise. His piercing eyes softened and a genuine smile graced his lips.

"A cup of black coffee will do please"

With a nod Eloise jotted down his order, her pen gliding across her notepad

"Coming right up sir," she said before making her way to the kitchen

As minutes ticked by, Derek's gaze wandered his eyes following Eloise's graceful movements. He couldn't help but notice her dedication and kindness towards each customer.

Eloise returned with a steaming cup of coffee, placing it gently in front of Derek.

"Here you go sir, enjoy" she said her smile never wavering.

"Thank you" Derek replied.

He took a sip of the coffee, the rich flavour warming his soul

'The waiter is very polite' he thought

Her demeanour was on par with the young interns in his company yet to experience the brutality of the world; untainted innocence at its best.

The sound of a chair being pulled at his table pulled him away from his thoughts the second time, it was a very beautiful young lady

"Good morning Mr Stone, My name is Alice Sinclair".

"May I sit"

"Yes, yes you may"

"Miss Alice Sinclair, It's a pleasure to meet you"

Alice reciprocated the gesture, her eyes scanning the diner with casual disinterest.

"Mr Stone" She replied her voice laced with indifference

"What would you like?" Derek asked

"Coffee will do, thank you," She said

Derek called for a cup of coffee and got to business

"Shall we get straight to the point?"

Alice put off her coat, her lips curling into a subtle smirk

"By all means Mr Stone let's not waste any time I need to get back to shopping".

Taking a deep breath, Derek began his voice laced with formality

"I would like to propose the idea of an arranged marriage, an alliance that would bring mutual benefits and enhance our respective social standing. Its an agreement based on practicality and shared interests, with no expectations of emotional attachment"

An awkward silence ensured when he finished.

Alice scoffed and after an additional 5-minute silence she began "I appreciate your straightforwardness, Mr Stone. However, I must confess that I have no interest in such a transaction".

" My life at the Sinclair family is already curated to perfection and the prospect of an emotionless union holds no appeal to me".

Derek felt a mix of relief and shock at her rejection. She looked overly pampered and selfish. It would definitely pose a problem if issues arose in the future and needed the collaboration of both families.

His ego would not take it if she rejected him again.

At this moment Eloise came over with the cup of coffee. She suddenly lost her footing spilling coffee over Alice's fur coat

"My coat!" Alice exclaimed.