
Starwars: Champion of the Force (SW version only)

this is the redo of the First "Champion of the Force", again, I own nothing but my own OC.

Tealcove · Movies
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23 Chs

The First steps always... the hardest.

The 'Duel' didn't last too long after Komire tired the young Bariss out, using barely any effort to do so as well. When Komire had thoroughly exhausted the Sith-wanna-be he quickly disarmed her using a heavy blast of concentrated Force energy in one of his fists straight to her stomach as she tried for another overhead slash. The punch was so unexpected in the symphony of dancing blades, that even the Jedi masters were stunned at its usage.

As the blades left Bariss' grasp due to the force of the hit causing her strength to momentarily dissipate, Komire plucked them from the ground where they landed using the Force, and turned up to his enthusiastic audience. Bariss lay hunched over caughing behind him, and mostly incapacitated due to the region hit with the force of the Komire's blow. Heavy wheezing was the only sound anyone could hear as Komire looked around him at the viewing audience. With a quick glance up to the balcony above, Komire addresses the Night Sister beside Ahsoka, brandishing the two hilts within his hand for the previous Sith apprentice to see, a slightly teasing smirk hidden behind his mask.

"Hey Little Night Sister Lady, you want these back, or No? sorry never really got your name"

The blatant disregard for anyone besides her rubbed some Jedi the wrong way, but before they could say anything about it, Ventress replied. The weight behind the words giving Ventres' answer no room for doubt... even if she was turning 'red' in either embarrassment... or maybe anger.

"No I do not, and the names Ventress, not 'Little Night Sister Lady'."

"The names Komire by the way little Sister, Zverian Komire." he said.

Ventres' skin turned an ash grey as blood rushed to her head in rage... slightly distorting the air around her as she shouted down at Komire.


Choosing to ignore the womans outbursts as a pair of Sentinals crossed their pole-sabers before her to halt her advance down towards him. Komire just quickly glanced at Ahsoka, and casually shrugged. causing the younge Togrutan to raise an eyebrow in confusion and intrigue.

Tossing the hilts up in the air before him, Komire made one quick swipe with his Ignited saber, halving both hilts midflight causing a small 'pop' as the two tainted Crystal's were shattered and freed from their 'Bleeding' state.

Bariss only just got enough strength back in her arms to raise herself up enough to see this action happen, and the shower of sparks that immediately followed as the saber remains impacted the ground. Blanching at the sight, Bariss couldnt help the shiver of fear she felt over her skin. Not only had she failed her new Masters mission for her... she was unarmed, surrounded, and now she was to be tried by the Senate, and the Council... she had lost everything in that one simple slash of Komire's blade.

Noticing Bariss' pale complection, and dead looking eyes, Komire stalked towards the downed girl.

As he stood over the young girl, she started trembling at the pressure she felt just being so close to the Je'dai, the sight of his armoured metal boots, and the 'Thrum' of his lightsaber made Bariss feel as if the executioners axe was at her throat.

The atmosphere was so heavy that everyone was finding it hard to breathe, all but the Grandmaster Yoda, and other Jedi masters present from the Council. All of which were waiting to see what would become of the previous padawan... Even Ventres mellowed out to watch on in curiosity towards the 'Insufferable' man.

Many of the Jedi Masters looking on from above wished to see the girl put on trial for her crimes... but as they see the similarly aged Ahsoka from the corner of their eyes... they couldnt help but feel a small pang of guilt towards the padawan.

that silence was broken by Komire drawing everyone's absolute attention to himself as he looked at the shivering girl at his feet.

" Life is but a trial, and through this trial we find ourselves..."

Glancing around the small field, komire continues to address his audience. A small feeling of trepidation causing some sweat to slicken the innards of his armored gloves.

"... but what we find may not be what we seek..." Komire looked up to the viewing council members and Ahsoka above,"... it is rumored to be just another step we must take to find balance within ourselves."

...looking back down, Komire continues to speak... a hardened heart, and a singular choice before him...

"Understanding yourself, is first and foremost, the path to inner-peace, and only from there can you bring both the Light and Dark sides of the Force to balance."

The surrounding Jedi were stunned, not just because of the words Komire was saying, but their implications... balancing both Light and Dark side energies in themselves was such a foreign thing that it left them gaping at the said man as he held Bariss' lightsaber loosely to his side, staring down at the still trembling Bariss. All but a lone silver haired Jedi wearing a cloak off at the periphery of the courtyard... a thoughtful look gleaming within her glowing sapphire eyes.

The Jedi masters that had previously acted as an escort for Komire, above on the balcony with the rest of the group, were quite the sight, their stuttering and beet red faces contorting in abject disgust at the prospect of the thought, Murmurs of 'Heresy' and 'False Teachings' spread wildly within the small group... the Council members with them however, seemed thoughtful of the sentiment.

"The Force is imbalanced, and I think I now know why", Komire said after a few seconds of silence.

"Why should we listen to you, your an outsider, and are not part of our order..." an unnamed Jedi master was saying, however he was interrupted mid-sentence.

looking over as the man started to speak, Komire saw it was a newer and younger Jedi master, probably one that had just finished his trials only recently, and hasnt had an iota of common sense and wisdom needed to be in such a position... his flowing tan robes, and dark brown cloak billowing behind him as he strode forth a few steps.

When Komire did speak, interrupting the wayward Jedi... all of the Jedi throughout the whole temple felt a shiver crawl down their spines, as his voice echoed within the Force itself. The pressure was not powerful enough to effect the younglings per say... but for anyone truely specialized as 'Force sensitives' it was like a punch to the gut.

"YOUR, order has to many flaws, weaknesses, and is nothing but a shell of the true Jedi Order of the Golden Age or of the Sith Wars, and no, I'm not a Jedi, I am a Je'dai, and I have no qualms about destroying such a broken Order." Komire had about lost his patience with the Jedi Order, and was seriously considering the words he was saying to the man. Cold echoes of Komires armored greaves were the only accompaniment to the words Komire spoke, as he strode powerfully towards the younge 'Master'.

The once proud Master Jedi stood there trembling under Komire's 'Deathly Gaze' as he backpedaled away from the now advancing Komire, which had him fall flat on his rear looking up at the armored face of komire... the shadow of the temple making it seem as if their was a fire burning in cold fury within those glassy lenses. No one bothered to help because it's as if the weight of the world itself held them at bay.

When Komire finnaly looked away, back towards Bariss back behind him. The Jedi shivering like he had stepped out of a cryochamber, but the lingering ambiant Force surrounding him , although unseen, swarmed angrily and chaotically around the Jedi, acting almost like a mother berating a bad child...

"Is this part of the reason you defected young Bariss?" Komire asked with a thoughtful, yet cold tone. as he looked at her rather closely, he could see some similarities between their thoughts about the order... but not their consequent actions.

The young girl merely bowed her head, her body still wracked with spasmatic shivers, but she still answered, although, her voice came out as a terrified whimper, "y-yes s-s-sir, the Jedi have become nothing more then pawns... my attack on the Temple was an attack on what the Jedi have become: an army fighting for the Dark Side, fallen from the Light that we once held so dear.

Komire sighed heavily, both agreeing with the young girl, and trying to think of some sort of way to get out of this situation he had backed himself into... Bariss was driven by her beliefs, just as the Jedi had in following theirs... but IF something were to change, he couldn't change them as it stands now. Looking at the surrounding Jedi, younglings, and padawans, he can't help remembering his previous life...

"It is as if the Blind are leading the Blind, and yet the fool's can see, but choose not to."

Deactivating his violet blade with a loud 'shooooop', Komire looks back to Anakin, whom still held both his, and Bariss' saber hilts. Holding out his hand towards Skywalker, the Jedi tosses Bariss's deactivated saber hilt towards him without any hesitation. The hilt sailed smoothly through the air, and rested within Komire's palm. With a bit of pressure on the activator, a rich Blue blade thrumed to life again.

"A lightsaber is said to be the Forces connection to the soul of every Jedi, and yet I see nothing of what you have become within this blade Ms. Offee... someone who would destroy your closest friend for your goals; so then I ask you this, What is the Force to you?" Komire said, as he looked from the resplendent blade, to the now still form of Bariss as she lay slumped on her elbows, and her head held low.

A resounding 'Ding' echoed within Komires ears after asking his question, and after looking at the notification, he couldnt help but raise an eyebrow at the corresponding 'request' his Limiter had given him. even giving him access to Force Lightning in a second joined message. Looking through the messages quickly, Komire had a few ideas on what he could accomplish with said 'requests'... but it could also become extremely troublesome later on if he even took the route suggested... but an even better idea was beginning to form at the edge of Komire's mind when he spots movement from below him.

As Komire had glanced at the two notifications, Bariss looked up at him, a firm determination burning in her eyes.

"The Force is the understanding of Light and Dark side of the Force in everything, but not becoming some tool for its use." she said.

Seeing as Bariss had mostly taken his words and twisted them slightly, Komire couldnt help but slightly frown, but also remembering some of the aspects of the Jedi code, Komire also admired the determination behind her eyes. Taking a few strides towards Bariss, Komire leveled the blade at the downed girls face, her eyes moving from him, to the blade, and back.

"Well then," Komire said while looking down at Bariss once again, " If that is your belief, will you stand by it, even under threat of death?"

In one smooth motion, Komire brought the young "Fallen Jedi's" saber to bear, pointing the tip at the young girls forehead, ready to pierce forward and strike her down if even a fraction of doubt flitted across her eyes. A false belief was far more dangerous, then a misguided one.

Komire had no idea if he would be able to do what he had just thought of... but he would be damned if he was going to let the Jedi Order he had once admired from the books and shows from Earth become something so foul... and if he was able to... he had some serious work to do, because Bariss wasnt right... but she wasnt wrong either.

So much History has been erased from the little Komire saw in the Archives it was disgusting. there was no need for a guiding hand here... but an Iron Fist.


Meanwhile, along an intangible plain, viewing the events happening with Komire, a perverse yet joy filled laughter echoed within its endless expanse.


if I missed anything, PLEASE message me, or use the comments, I do read them often, and it saddens me that only a few actually do respond... love the fact that everyone likes the revised version, but I would still like some help from you readers, anyways. May the Force be with you, and cya later! :P

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