
Not A Chapter

I'll delete this after I get my desired response.


I'm about to lose my mind. Does anyone know any good fanfics to read; Marvel, Dc, Naruto, One Piece, HxH, anything, (no Dark sh*t, I can write dark stories, but I Cant read them.) 

Thank Youuuuuuuu!!!

It would be a waste to end it here soooooooooooooooooooooooo.....



Answer truthfully, or I won't upload tomorrow, muahahaha!!!!!

1. Have you ever accidentally sent a risqué text or photo to the wrong person? What was their response?

My answer: No, but I've received one, it's my phone wallpaper now.

Your answer:

2. What's the most awkward thing that's happened to you during an intimate moment?

My answer: She Farted

Your answer:

3. Have you ever had an embarrassing moment while trying to be sexy? What went wrong?

My answer: this one chick shook my hand, and I was about to blow a kiss at her only to find out she lightly smeared hot sauce on her hand; it didn't really burn at first, but after a while, I literally started sweating.

Your answer:

4. What's the most cringe-worthy thing you've said in the heat of the moment?

My answer: why are you this moist

Your answer:

5. Have you ever been caught in the act by someone? How did you handle the situation?

My answer: Hmm... Yes I seem to have been caught watching The Haven of the Hens of tai. how did I handle it, I asked the person if she wanted to join.

Your answer:

6. What's the most embarrassing thing you've googled related to sex?

My answer: Sexy realistic Furries (that sh*t not cute, never googled it again) saw a woman doing the deed with her dog (ya, Fcking ewwww)

Your answer:

7. Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction during a romantic encounter? How did you cover it up?

My answer: Dumb question (this is America, why cover)

Your answer:

8. What's the most awkward place you've ever tried to get intimate? How did it turn out?

My answer: Church parking lot

Your answer:

9. Have you ever tried to talk dirty, and it came out completely wrong? What did you say?

My answer: she asked me if I wanted her to call me daddy, I said "only If you let me call you mommy" (cringe)

Your answer:

10. What's the most unexpected thing that's happened during a romantic moment that made you laugh or cringe?

My answer: My answer to question 9

Your answer:


I'm low-key curious to see your answers.