
Starting the Multiverse journey from SAO

Inexplicably gifted with a unique system, Rifat is granted the power to journey through an endless array of anime and novel worlds. With the ability to create and distribute subsystems to various original characters, he quickly rises to the top, becoming the most powerful and feared character in every world he enters. But his ambition doesn't stop there - he also indulges in the pleasures of each world, growing his own personal harem and living life to the fullest. Join Rifat on an epic adventure as he conquers one world after another and fulfills his ultimate desires. Warning: 1. Read this story as wish fulfillment. That way, you will not be disappointed if the quality is not up to your standard. 2. English isn't my first language, so you might find some grammatical errors. 3. I am still an amateur in writing, So, please be lenient during giving reviews. Support Me: p@treon.com/gfdsa

Gfdsa · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 002- Missions(Edited)

Rifat has been in the world of SAO for a few days now and he already received his main missions.

There are two missions: the first one is to clear the Sword Art Online game without cheating and the second one is to become the most influential player in the game.

Once he completes these missions, he will be able to move on to the next world.

Rifat also explored the other functions of the system, but he didn't find any special features that could help him learn new techniques or become overpowered instantly.

But Rifat was particularly interested in one feature of the system - its ability to create subsystems.

He discovered that he could assign a subsystem to anyone and have them complete missions that he gives.

Once the mission was done, Rifat would be presented with two reward options. The first option would be to receive a copy of the reward that the person with the subsystem received.

The second option would be to use the lottery function to receive a similar-level of reward.

This was a feature that greatly intrigued Rifat.

Rifat maintained a positive attitude, thinking that even though the system did not grant him overpowered cheats, it was still better than nothing.

He was getting everything for free and thus had no reason to complain. He believed that the ability to travel through various worlds and give others missions through the subsystem was already a powerful ability.

As long as he used it properly, he could enjoy his time and even pursue romantic interests in these fantasy worlds without facing much hardship.

Rifat was straight and felt an attraction towards the female characters in these fantasy worlds.

Now that he has the ability to shuttle through the anime verse, he saw this as a unique opportunity to pursue romantic relationships and not leave any regrets behind.

For those who will get disgusted by this act of him trying to get a Pokémon harem for himself, Rifat doesn't actually care.

After all, these people are non-existent in his life and their opinions hardly matters.

Sometimes, Rifat even thinks that the only reason these NPCs is disgusted with someone having multiple wives is because they don't have the ability the get it themselves since they are bound by societal norms and lack the freedom to pursue their desires.

Only those that have been able to break those shackles understands the true happiness of having a harem of his own.

Having said that, he doesn't want to build his harem by forcing a female.

He might use some tricks to make them interested in him but at the end of the day, the final decision rests with them.

Rifat believes in respecting the autonomy and free will of others.

If the women he meets do not wish to be a part of his harem, he won't force them to stay against their wishes.

However, if they do choose to join, he expects them to stay committed to the relationship for as long as they both live.

Rifat admits to being a possessive person, and if a woman were to leave him without a proper reason, he would not take it lightly.


Rifat checked the current timeline and discovered that there were still three years remaining before the official start of the SAO plot.

The Argus company was still in the experimental phase of developing the nerve gear and had not made any official announcement yet.

Rifat had an idea, he wanted to buy the company and gain control over the game.

Although he couldn't create a cheat character to easily defeat all the floor bosses due to mission requirements, at least he wouldn't have to worry about dying in real life if he got hacked to death in the game.

He didn't know what would happen to him if he died again in reality, so he had to be cautious and take every possible measure to stay safe.

"Uncle George, can you please check the status of Argus company for me? I'm planning to buy a major stake in the company and I need a detailed report," Rifat requested his trusted butler, who had been taking care of him since his parents' passing over 20 years ago.

Out of all the servants, George was the most trusted, and Rifat had no doubt about his loyalty.

Therefore, he delegated the task of investigating the company to George.

"Yes, of course, young Master. I will gather all the necessary information about the Argus company and provide you with a detailed report within a few days," replied George in a respectful manner.

Rifat's current objective is to become a major shareholder in the Argus company and take charge of the Virtual Reality Helmet development project. He believes that he can achieve this goal easily with the help of his connections.

Rifat also contemplated the dilemma of his future position as the major shareholder of Argus Company.

While he had the power to prevent Akihiko's malicious plan of trapping players in SAO, he found it more enticing to let it happen.

This would give him ample time to complete his missions and possibly win over his desired waifus there.

However, he was worried about the public backlash that would ensue once the truth came out.

How he would handle it as the head of the company then?

'Hmm, I still have three years before anything major happens. By then, I would need to come up with a plan to handle the situation and lower the casualty among the players.'

'But, even if things go wrong, I'll only lose some money and reputation. It doesn't matter much to me as long as I don't get caught and there's no concrete evidence against me. With my connections in Japan, I can get away with anything.'

Rifat thought to himself with confidence.

Rifat then pondered, 'What should I do with the subsystems, and how can I best utilize the three years I have left?'

He realized that although he could create as many subsystems as he wanted, not just any character could use them.

The character must be a genuine plot character, not just a random character with no significant role in the plot.

Additionally, if the character failed the test from the main system, the subsystem would be taken away from them, and Rifat would be banned from creating any new subsystems for a month.

Therefore, Rifat had to choose the character carefully to ensure that he didn't waste his time on someone who wouldn't bring him any benefits.

[AN: All the harem members that he will get in this world are posted in the auxiliary chapter. I also posted the worlds that he will be visiting. If you don't mind spoilers, you can go and check there.

Also, if you have any favorite waifu, comment there. I will add her if possible.]

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