
Starting off with the weakest ability in the apocalypse

In the year 2050, no one knew that their life was about to change about over 10 billion black holes appear all around the world out of nowhere and started sucking up all living thing. As peter open his eye he found himself in the middle of a sea after a few days of surviving in a new world every human and living thing was transported back to earth where the true apocalypse begin. Monsters: goblin, wyvern, zombie, phoenix, dragon dinosaur, and many more

Oshane_WALKER · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

fire wolf

As soon as Peter pointed at the horde of zombies Jackson look at the parasite beside his foot before he said go.

As soon as Jackson said go, the parasite rush at max speed and cut off the head of the horde of 16 zombies with its sharp foot in 12 seconds before it run right back next to Jackson

"huh" it's strong Peter thought to himself but before he could think any further he heard a wolf growling as he looked in the direction of the noise he saw a wolf growling at the both of them with heat practically radiating from its body.

All of a sudden it growled at Peter and open its mouth shooting a fireball straight at Peter.

Peter put his hand in front of himself to block the fireball but Peter made a great mistake he wasn't blocking an attack like a punch as soon as the fireball came in contact with his body Peter let out a grunt as the part of his body that came in contact with the fireball burn only showing his flesh I am going to kill you Peter shouted as he felt a surge of power suddenly building up in his body as the ground crack under his feet his body shot forward with the speed to run over 150 km in an hour.

As soon as Peter blinked he ran over 100 meters and punched the wolf's head causing it to explode.

[You have absorbed the soul power of level 14 fire wolf]

[mana + 1]

[you have reached level 23. You acquired 2 status points]

[you have unlocked the feature to view your skills and classes description]

A few moments later its body turned into a white particle that started forming a scroll with a strange inscription on it as soon as Peter took up the scroll a green message flashed in his retina.

[do you wish to learn the skill fireball: level 1 yes/no]

After Peter pressed yes a screen appeared in front of him reading [proseger will begin now]

all of a sudden Peter felt a pain in his chest as he dropped to the ground holding his chest.

After seen that Peter on the ground holding his chest Jackson ran over to Peter.

Although it took him 6 seconds cause his agility wasn't high as Peter's.

As soon as Jackson reach next to Peter he got on his knees and looked at Peter and asked if he was alright a few moments later Peter let go of his chest and breathe a sigh of relief as Peter looked at his shirt he noticed that he was completely soaked in sweat.

[fire ball can burn any enemy into ashes, take 15 mana to activate,]

[you have learned the skill fire ball]

"status window," Peter said in his head.

name: peter griffin

level: 23

race: human:49%, raging demon 51%

job: none

title: wildlife survivor

strength: 102 \ agility: 83 \ health: 87 \ stamina: 55\ mana: 58

skill: low monster stats: level 1, simple petrifaction: level 1, fireball level 1

status points: 22

class: ragging demon

[All around the world havoc was happening hundreds of thousands of people were dying every minute]

[In America California a young 17 years old boy was seen on the ground covered in sweat while a black hair kid about 15 years old was seen on his knee next to the 17 years old boy.

As Peter look in Jackson's direction he saw a fire wolf behind him coming closer to Jackson.

watch out Peter said as he pointed behind Jackson, Peter couldn't move to save Jackson's life because he was exhausted, as Jackson turned around he saw a fire wolf leaping toward him.

All of a sudden the parasite lunged in the air and stabbed the fire wolf in its neck before the fire wolf howled in pain as a fireball came out of its mouth and hits the parasite on its head causing it to screech before both the parasite and the fire wolf dropped on the ground.

Jackson ran over to where the two bodies lay on the ground leaving Peter to hop toward them.

As soon as Jackson reach next to their body he knelt on the ground and started touching their body but he find out that they both had died.

Jackson bite his finger making the blood leak in the fire wolf's mouth all of a sudden all its wounds heal as it stand next to Jackson's foot after seeing that Peter asked what happened to the parasite "it's dead if the monster under my control suffer enough damage that one will die" after Jackson said that he walked away from the parasite body and stood in front of Peter.

All of a sudden a green screen appeared in front of both of them.





"Jackson what level are you at," Peter asked looking at Jackson "I am at level 15," Jackson said "good I am at level 23," Peter said looking at Jackson.

As they advance they only meet thirty-two fire wolves Peter broke all their leg and then let Jackson handle them by using the fire wolf under his control, Jackson decided to wait till he found a different type of monster before he wasted his necromancer skill.

Peter and Jackson all so decided to make Jackson kill them till he got to his first tier mission "Jackson what level are you at" Peter asked Jackson with an emotionless face "I am at level 18" Jackson replied a few moments later.After reaching the 7 stories Jackson reached level 20 and got his first-tier mission and he only killed 157 fire wolves, "you have finally reached level 20 stand back I will take care of the rest" Peter said while cricking his finger with a smile on his face.

Peter raise his foot as he kick down with full force shattering the ground under his feet and turning into a shadow for the normal eye but Jackson could eye was able to keep up with Peter in every single of his movements, in a matter of ten seconds Peter was on the eight-story and already kill 23 of them and he continued and when he reaches the 10 stories he saw the last fire wolf that he quickly eliminated.

A few moments later a green screen in front of Peter and Jackson "so is this the reward" Jackson asked Peter, Jackson had been following Peter "yeah it must be" Peter replied.

All of a sudden two scrolls with strange inscriptions and a pile of gold coins appeared on the ground so Peter and Jackson get on their knee and started touching separate scrool.[do you wish to learn the skill fire burst: level 1 yes/no]

After Peter pressed yes a screen appeared in front of him reading [process will begin now]

all of a sudden Peter felt a pain in his body as he dropped to the ground holding his head Peter never felt such pain in his life, Peter took a swift glance at Jackson that was not doing much better than him.

[fire burst creates a circle of fire wall 5 meters around the user that will protect the user, take 20 mana to activate,]

[you have learned the skill fire burst]

As soon as Peter stopped feeling the pain he looked at Jackson that stop making the pain sound around the same time as him.

[you have learned the skill fire burst]

"I am starting to smell," Peter said as he looked at himself and Jackson that was covered in sweat all of a sudden the pile of a coin split in half and turn into a golden light before floating into Peter and Jackson.

before a green screen appeared in front of them [you gain 17 golden coins you have now unlocked store you can now buy weapons, armors, items, and skills.

After a few seconds, the screen disappear and Peter and Jackson headed back down to the fancy-looking restaurant on the 3rd floor.[Thousands of lights years away from the earth is a black spaceship that is seen floating in the year and a group of 7 men and 5 women is seen sitting in a black chair around a table] "The human race has only decreased by 79% this is taking too long" the blonde hair man said Remember that our faction is rank in the top hundreds and we will take over the earth resource for ourself a red hair woman said with a smirk on her face.

After reaching the 4th story Peter and Jackson saw a random room labeled 123 on the top of the door.

Peter and Jackson look around themselves, Before peeping through the door and saw two male zombies in the room standing up.

Peter and Jackson were prepared to fight from the moment they saw the zombies.


As a door is seen partially destroyed and on fire, the two male zombie rush in the direction that they heard the noise to have their head clawed off by five fire lines.

As their burning head dropped to the ground, they enter and looked at the closet before walking over to it and opening it and they both took out jeans pants, and a black shirt before walking back outside and continue walking for a few minutes till they reach the third floor and entering the bathroom and found the bath area and started to clean up their self.

As Peter put on his clothes he enters his status window.

name: peter griffin

level: 23

race: human:49%, raging demon 51%

job: none

title: wildlife survivor

strength: 102 \ agility: 83 \ health: 87 \ stamina: 55\ mana: 58

skill: low monster stats: level 1, simple petrifaction: level 1, fireball level 1

status points: 22

class: ragging demon


After seeing the shop in his status window he enter and saw thousands of weapons and an icon mark information.

After Peter saw the information tab he pressed it.

All of a sudden Peter couldn't see around him and he could only see light before a man in the red-robed reappeared said I know the knowledge I will tell you after hearing that Peter started to think and he suddenly asked how to level up his skill and the robed man looked at him before saying that will cost 1 gold coin then a screen appeared in front of Peter.

do you wish to trade information for 1 gold coin yes/no?

After pressing yes the robed man started talking to level up the skill you need."To level up the skill you need to use the skill a certain amount of time," the robed man said "really is that all" Peter said to himself because he always had a feeling about that because he would sometimes play role-playing games.

"Is that all you want to know?" the robed man said to Peter "yes please take me back" Peter replied all of a sudden his eye was blinded by a bright light as Peter found himself in the same place he was standing when he enters his status window and Peter started looking for a good weapon when he saw a search bar so he enters the word class skills.

Then hundreds of skills appear in front of Peter but only a few caught his eye.

This ability is only relevant to the Marksmanship specialization by  [Cobra Shot]. Survival has no utility and can't be used at all without swapping weapons in combat, as most of the spec's major abilities require a melee weapon, not a ranged one.

cost 10 gold coins.

Eagle Eye is an ability that allows the hunter to zoom in on things at great distances. It is well useful for surveying long distances away.

cost 15 gold coin

Beast Lore is an ability that allows the hunter to see a variety of extra information about a target beast, such as whether it can be tamed. After Beast Lore is cast on a beast, the information will temporarily appear in the user's retina.

cost 12 gold coin

The aspect of the Cheetah is an ability. It is an Animal Aspect that increases the hunter's movement speed.

It increases movement speed by 90% for 3 seconds and then by 30% for 9 seconds, essentially increasing movement speed by 45% for 12 seconds.

cost 13 gold coin

The wound wasn't deep, but it was enough.[1]

Wing Clip is an ability.

Although it is learned by all hunter specializations, for Beast Mastery and Marksmanship hunters clip off a wing of a flying monster that is under level 25 making it exclusive to Survival hunters from that point onwards.

cost 15 gold coins.

A charge is a warrior's ability and the opening skill for a warrior. Charge rapidly moves the warrior towards a target within an 8 - 25 yd range, roots it for 1.5 seconds, and generates 10/20 Rage.

cost 9 gold coin

Bladestorm is a warrior's ability for arms when you do the bladestorm move the hand you used will be fractured for 2 hours and as a talent for Fury. It deals 100% additional damage for Fury.

cost 15 gold coin

Whirlwind is an Arms and Fury warrior ability that creates a windstorm that deals damage to all nearby enemies and allies. For Fury warriors it also causes their next single-target attack to strike nearby enemies or allies for additional damage.

cost 16 gold coins.

Peter looked at the charge ability before buying it.

All of a sudden a school appear on the ground and Peter put on a smile thinking about the pain he is going to go through all of a sudden Peter felt the ground shaking as he was dropped to the ground on his butt.

what is happening Peter said as he looked around and saw Jackson on his butt trying to stand up but failing.

All of a sudden a green screen appeared on every living thing on earth's retina the earth will evolve in seconds.