
Starting off with the weakest ability in the apocalypse

In the year 2050, no one knew that their life was about to change about over 10 billion black holes appear all around the world out of nowhere and started sucking up all living thing. As peter open his eye he found himself in the middle of a sea after a few days of surviving in a new world every human and living thing was transported back to earth where the true apocalypse begin. Monsters: goblin, wyvern, zombie, phoenix, dragon dinosaur, and many more

Oshane_WALKER · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

A night we will remember forever

"This is the big boss territory what are you doing here without permission "a man's voice shouted.

All of a sudden Jackson raised his hand to start attacking but Peter look Jackson in the eye making Jackson cancel the attack.

"The both of us are at level 21, please can you take us to your camp?" Peter said with a trembling voice "okay come with me" the man said while started running in that direction.

Jackson and Peter were stronger than their level said because they both fought enemies stronger than them and absorbed a small part of their status points.

Peter and Jackson slow down to make it look like the man was faster than them after a while of the three saw a big mall with a guard outside and they saw the man in front of them they open the door without hesitating.

As the man walked in Peter and Jackson was going to walk in but the guard raise their hand and said stop moving to Peter and Jackson after Peter and Jackson stop moving the man stopped walking and turned around.

After seeing what the guard is doing to the two new people he brought to the mall "let them come in" the man's voice said causing the guard to let Peter and Jackson in.

"Jackson where is the blazing wolf?" Peter asked while looking at Jackson the reason you don't see it. It's beacuase I got a class to store monsters under my control in my body and I can store it in normal-grade treasure" Jackson said with a smile on his face.

"Ok," Peter said while fixing his gaze on the man's back again after a few more seconds of walking the three of them came incantact with a door that the man pushed open.

As the door flew, open hundreds of eyes landed on the three of them Peter and Jackson were temporarily shocked.

As Peter and Jackson walked through the door hundreds of eyes fell on them leaving Peter and Jackson shocked.

How did they gather up so many people and what about the amount of food they blow through a day and hundreds of them do nothing to help?

"Wait here while I go talk to the boss" the man that brought Peter and Jackson here said.

Peter and Jackson sat in a corner and Peter took that time to enter his status window and enter the shop and found the frozen heart skill that cost exactly 100 gold coins but Peter still bought it.

As the scroll was about to drop beside Peter on the ground Peter caught it and call over Jackson and told Jackson to protect him while he learned the frozen heart skill.

[Do you wish to learn the skill frozen heart: level 1 yes/no]After Peter pressed yes a screen appeared in front of him, reading [proseger will begin now]

All of a sudden Peter felt a pain in his chest as he dropped to the ground holding his chest.

After seeing that peter was on the ground holding his chest Jackson wished he could help Peter but Peter was learning a skill so he had to go through the pain.

After a few minutes later a green screen appeared in front of him.

[frozen hearts: creates a circle of friends of 3 people around the user that will be accepted, also the user's sexual urge is also suppressed and the user will now be able to kill without even batting an eye, this skill is passive which means it will be with you for the rest of your life,]

I finally learned the skill Peter said as he cricked his finger.

Status window Peter said as he had an expression that not even showing the slightest bit of any emotions.As Peter was about to open his status window a man walked up to peter and Jackson and started talking.... "sir the boss called you guys just follow me" the man said.

As Peter and Jackson started to move a scream echoed and a strong wind blew across the area destroying everything as far as the human eye could see.

A few seconds later crimson bloodshot red As a dragon with a red scale that looked to be the hardest thing alive. Peter tried to use [low monster stat] unable to analyze it.

That means we should wash out for it if a level 3 cockroach can battle against a level 10 human.

As it took to look at the nearest building a blue blast came out of its mouth destroying everything in its way after seeing that Peter and Jackson started to run as well as all of the people.

As Peter and Jackson made it to a house someone shouted let's make the women and children go in first after hearing that Peter and Jackson didn't care if these people live or die.

As everyone reached the house that the dragon almost reached...

All of a sudden the dragon roared and blew down the house everyone was in causing them to run into a different house as everyone was about to make it in.

As Peter and Jackson were about to reach in they were pushed outside by a bulky guy and locked out.

As the dragon flew down and try to bite Peter in two half but Peter swiftly got out of the way in return for one hand.

[player is cursed by level 7 cursed dragon with severed damage no wound can be healed by the player in the next 10 days]

As Peter's arm was bit off he kept a calm expression on his face but on the inside inside his head, it was killing him."I will kill you," Peter said as he remember the bulky guy that pushed him and Jackson outside.

All of a sudden Peter felt a surge of rage.

[player rage have reachen over 200% if player rage continue player will be consume by the power of rage and become 67% ragging demon boosting all stat by 60% when angry and player will start looking more like a ragging demon]

As the green message flashed in Peter retina he didn't pay it any mind.

All of a sudden the dragon roared and rushed at Peter and Peter eye glow red as he started to grow 2 black horns body turned into a black fog of smoke.

With a speed that can be compared to the red dragon, Peter side step the dragon as he throw a punch at the dragon massive body crushing part of the scale on its body.

Bang!!! as Peter punched the curse dragon cracking part of its scale crack before Peter could do anything else a bang noise was heard as the dragon tail slam Peter through a few buildings making him spat out a mouth full of blood.

Splat!!! the clothes Peter was wearing was rags at this point.

All of a sudden Jackson summoned his blazing wolf and his blazing wolf started charging up a fire blast meanwhile Peter and the dragon were fighting after Peter was slammed into building after building for a few seconds the blast left the mouth of the blazing wolf.

Bang!!! Rooooooooooooaaaar!!!

As the blast came in contact with the curse dragon body it started to screech in pain.

All of a sudden Peter came out of nowhere punching the dragon head making its head explode.

[you have absorbed the soul power of level 7 curse dragon]

[strength + 21 agility + 20 stamina + 17]

[ you have reached level 29. You acquired 2 status points

[ you have reached level 30. You acquired 2 status points.[Player has reached level 30 and unlocked the feature of inventory of the system]

[Inventory can store up to 50 items and can only be stocked by 1 item and 12 inch worth 1 stocked]

All of a sudden Peter rushed to the place that he and Jackson were pushed out of.

As Peter reached in front of the building his entire body started to grow to a red spike as he felt an extra surge of power.

Peter walked up to the building and punched a giant hole in the wall before he began to look around and saw everyone looking at him with fear in their eye "a monster please don't kill me" everyone said "a monster, you guys pushed me and my friend out to fight that dragon and now my hand can't grow back right now" Peter said with an emotionless face.

"Please forgive me" the bulky guy that pushed out Peter and Jackson said with a sorry face but before the man could even blink his right arm was ripped off by Peter causing the man to squirm and scream on the ground in pain and again before the man could even blink all of his remaining limbs were torn off by Peter and the man blood started to flow from where his missing limb was supposed to be.

[You have absorbed the soul power of level 23 human Kile]

[strength + 3 agility + 5]

"AHHHH-AHHHH-AAAHH" All of a sudden everyone screamed and started to run outside but Peter didn't do anything causing all of them to reach outside.

As all of the people reached outside they saw the other person that the bulky guy pushed out and beside him was a wolf emitting blue flame and a giant fireball in its mouth that launched straight at them.

As the blast impacted the people they found felt a surge of pain and fear before their bodies turn to dust.As the blast burn turn all of the people's bodies into ashes the blast was about to come in contact with Peter's body but he just gritted his teeth and move out of the way and ran beside Jackson and said "Are you stupid" "sorry" Jackson said whit an emotionless face.

Peter sat on a rock on the ground as his body started to turn back to normal.

"Damn that man now my arm is gone," Peter said while sitting on a piece of rock.

status window Peter said while he started to crick his finger.

name: peter griffin

level: 30

race: human:49%, raging demon 51%

job: none

title: wildlife survivor

strength: 119\ agility: 88\ health: 87 \ stamina: 55\ mana: 58

skill: low monster stats: level 1, simple petrifaction: level 1, fireball level 1, frozen heart

status points: 36

class: ragging demon


After seeing the number of status points he had Peter instantly put all of them into stamina so he could fight in a longer battle.

After doing what he wanted to do he stood up and look at Jackson and said get ready we will continue heading for the school but on the way, we need to stop and get some disinfectant from a hospital.

After saying that Peter stood up and ran in the direction of the massive dragon's body and stood in front of its body.

could the dragon scale make armor or weapons who know, maybe the scale can be used after all.

This world is exactly like a video game after thinking that Peter bent on his knee and touched a 10-inch piece and started to think of inventory hard.