
Starting From Tensura My Path to Apex {Multiverse Fic}

Contains spoiler if you don't want to get spoiled don't read synopsis and directly read chapter 1. Good hearted young man from our world dies without knowing what killed him after his death he reachs to world beyond everything a world that his every wish come true thanks too his karma but not wanting to gain ultimate power that he can use for anything and become too strong from start of his new possible journey he rejects ultimate power and firstly wishs a multiverse travelling ability that he can control all of it's aspects and secondly wishes a great start in a fantasy anime world with reincarnating into one of the that anime's character... _____________________________________________ Yet he never taught he will reincarnate as Last Boss(Greatest Villian) of story, lets see how he will reach apex of all multiverse as he travels multiverse.

Feilnaught · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Travelling Otherworld and Meeting Shizu(Edited)

~Early Release~

For Speech and self talk I will use this "....."

from now on.

(.....)for understanding unclear info if you don't understand what I mean in sentence if not you don't need to read it.

I am open to little realistic critism and please point things that can make this story better or if you have ideas please comment it and please give reviews about my story I want to know what my readers think about my story..

(From now on World Beyond Everything will be called WBE for easier understanding of you guys.)


"It's been one month and I finally find my way in Western States I don't know exact reason Kazaream summoned me here but I atleast understand cultures and society of western people and they are not much diffirent than general isekai fantasy world people and medival systems like nobility and kingdoms exist here so you can say there are more educated people in lots of diffirent things and fantastic subjects like being an adventurer, a knight, a magician or etc. but that doesn't change they are still humans...

They love, hate, want, wish, desire, hope and other things all humans possess unlike other Yuukis my goal is not directly related to them so it's not a problem for me but should I make the Free Guild or another organization that can help me fullfil my goal I did not choose for now because I will decide it after I met her.

Shizue Izawa, Conquerer of Flames training under her will help me get stronger easily with her experience related fighting."

"Only problem is there is nothing about how Yuuki meets with Shizu in any timeline so I continued to travel for one month but did not meet her so I'm going to monster hunting with skills I created by Unique Skill:Creator with abilities that is granted by Great Sage it is too easy create skills and I talked with a lot in with Great Sage month and asked tons of questions to it and I think it can gain wisdom and interaction capabilities in next few days.

I created following skills for now: Magic Sense, Keen Smell, Shadow Step, Thought Communication, Sense Heat Source, Intimidate, Ultra Sonic Wave, Perfect Memory, Steel Strenght, Heat Sense, Danger Sense, Paralyze, Charm, Water Manipulation, Magic Jamming, Ranged Barrier, All Seeing Eye, Ultraspeed Regenaration, Explosive Touch and Drain Touch... I know I created a lot but this is not a problem I calculated everything and it seems no permenant magicule or soul energy losing for me because my existence itself can't be harmed by rules of Universes I travel an advantage of owner of world beyond everything(WBE) but it doesn't mean I utilize other advantages and this one is related to me broke my fate in my first life so it's not entierly comes from me being owner of WBE."

"Anyway I did not find any powerful monster and there is they are not worth anything so I gone toward further in this little forest and it seems I'm quite lucky despite not hunting a powerful monster because I can see person that is gonna become my teacher start fighting aganist a monster group."

"She starts fighting monster group which is made of bees that has strong poison in their string she burned half of them them in a minute I think their ranks are C+ or B- but next ones are with out a doubt B rank monsters and one at the end of this group is their queen without a doubt and she is B+ rank monster without a doubt and with her command all monster beside her can reach B+ rank and she her self reaching A rank that means this bee group is a rank A+ which is same rank as Shizu herself this can be dangerous for even her and I don't know how to counter poison without using Anti Skill so what should I do? Showing my strenght will be not good but I think I can defeat them with ranged barrier and water manipulation but it can be very deadly and goreful therefore using just same excuse other Yuukis used I don't possess an unique skill but physically I'm stronger than most is acceptable with me limiting my aura output.

Let's make a weapon I can already use like sword but I did not create a powerful weapon because I focused on skills so how about creating a powerful weapon like Noble Phantasm? Normally I wouldn't do this but with creating skill for a month my understanding of soul and magicules is can be said one of the best but is it still enough?"

"Before I talk more I heard a voice in my head"

???:"Notice producing items called Noble Phantasms are possible with help of Unique Skill:Great Sage"

Yuuki:"You are Great Sage right?"(He is testing for learning more about it)

???:"Notice this is effect of Unique Skill:Great Sage."

Yuuki:"Great Sage can I create a powerful sword type Noble Phantasm with my current magicules?"

Great Sage:"It is possible to create a powerful Noble Phantasm but it will cost %90 percent of magicules of current magicules and there is seems to be excessive amount of soul energy usage is detected and after effects of it can harm body in the future do you want me repair it?"

"It seems Great Sage is even better than I thought, it's calculation speed is really fast and way it answers my questions are great too and it seems my problem related excessive usage of soul is already can handle by Great Sage I thought I should force infinite regeneration I create yesterday for this but it seems I don't need to do that let's create Noble Phantasm first then I will repair my body."

Yuuki:" Great Sage is it as powerful as a divine construction?And is it possible to recreate a divine constract that fully fuction or should I try to make a Noble Phantasm at B+ rank? And I want you to repair my body after battle when I rested a little bit but not harm my battle stability."

Great Sage:"Confirmed it is not possible to recreate a divine construction with current magicule capacity but it is possible recreate Noble Phantasm of B+ rank which cost %75 of current magicule capacity. Is there a specific sword type Noble Phantasm you want recreate?

Yuuki:"I want you to recreate Caliburn, Golden Sword of The Victorious."

Great Sage:" Recreation of Caliburn started it will finished in 30 seconds."

"Normally this talk between me and skill would have took 3 minutes but not like certain someone I used my skill Great Sage's Thought Acceleration and it took one second in reality with that after Shizu start fighting other half of bees it passed 45 seconds totally and my Caliburn is ready, I looked at it carefully and analyzing it with Thought Acceleration. I need to say it looks even better than I imagined and after done with analizing it I used Shadow Step and appeared behind Queen Bee and killed it swiftly well too much sitting and doing nothing she should have train herself a little bit sadly she is already dead and Shizu who got tired of fighting all of these enemies thanks to my assist killed other bees those still alive before she could take a look at Caliburn I hide it aura and make turn into it's spiritual form like normally servants do with their noble phantasm when ever they want conceal it."

"I could see a beatiful masked woman figure walking toward me and it seemed she was a little shocked when she saw me a japanese same as her then came near me and start talking."

Shizu:"Are you alright?"

Yuuki:"I don't have any problem even a little cut but I think you're tired do you want to take a rest? I already kill other monsters in this area so there is nothing to be alerted."

Shizu:"I think I can take a small rest let me introduce myself my name is Shizu and you are?"

Yuuki:"Sorry for late introduction my name is Yuuki, Kagurazaka Yuuki nice to meet you."

Shizu:"So you are an otherworlder to and as I thought a japanese one it's been a long time since I met a fellow countryman did you have any diffuculties when you come?

Yuuki:"Well I come here without knowing what is happening and I find myself here that shocked me a little bit but I always yearned for a fantasy world and adventures that is why I'm excited about being one myself and it's good to know there is someone from our world and it's better since it's a fellow countryman."

Shizu:"Wait Yuuki-kun being an adventurer is no joke it is extremelly dangerous and even if you have a unique skill it doesn't mean you're undefeatable, I know you defeated that Bee Queen easily but that is not always the case!

How about I teach you about things related this world and adventuring do you wish to be my student?"

Yuuki:"I would like to be your student Shizu-san and learn from a professional like you but you got something wrong I don't have any unique skill but I have a super strong body and few extra skills that's all."

Shizu:"It seems your summoning did not bring you any unique skill that normally that you should have gain it moment you got summoned here but maybe you got few extra skills and the strong body of yours as a compenstation, nevertheless I will train you as best as I can and teach you everything I know."

Yuuki:"Thank you Shizu Sensei!"( Classic respect bow)

Shizu:"You don't need to thank me as a senior that's what I should do."

Yuuki:"What will we do now Sensei?"

Shizue:"Let's go to Ingrassia I normally operate at Ingrassia this time I came here for eliminating high risk factor monsters like Bee Hive we fought few minutes ago."

Yuuki:"Hai Sensei!"

And like this my one month of travelling and forest journey ended and I became student of Shizu.


I hope everybody who reads my story enjoys it please tell me if there is some mistakes please comment it so I can improve myself about those part see you guys soon Goodbye.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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