
Starting From Tensura My Path to Apex {Multiverse Fic}

Contains spoiler if you don't want to get spoiled don't read synopsis and directly read chapter 1. Good hearted young man from our world dies without knowing what killed him after his death he reachs to world beyond everything a world that his every wish come true thanks too his karma but not wanting to gain ultimate power that he can use for anything and become too strong from start of his new possible journey he rejects ultimate power and firstly wishs a multiverse travelling ability that he can control all of it's aspects and secondly wishes a great start in a fantasy anime world with reincarnating into one of the that anime's character... _____________________________________________ Yet he never taught he will reincarnate as Last Boss(Greatest Villian) of story, lets see how he will reach apex of all multiverse as he travels multiverse.

Feilnaught · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Skill Creating, Manas:Velda?! and Weird Love Life ❤(Edited)

For Speech and self talk I use this "....."

(.....)for understanding unclear info if you don't understand what I mean in sentence if not you don't need to read it.

(Please give some Ultimate Skill Ideas!!! and give review to my story.)

I am open to little realistic critism and please point things that can make this story better or if you have ideas please comment it and please give reviews about my story I want to know what my readers think about my story..


"After that whole month of travelling and another month of training with Shizu Sensei together with my fellow countryman Sakaguchi Hinata whose a Japanese Otherworlder, fellow student of Shizu. After 3 days I become Shizu's student we saved her from a group of lawless adventurers then we formally meet each other and she became a disciple of Shizu Sensei too and our daily training just ended and I start cooking dinner for us."

"Shizue Sensei nor Hinata had not ability to cook and that is the time I interfered I don't want to get poison resistance by eating something defined as "Food" done with roasting three big monster cow steak on fire that is added several herbs that can increase umami in it which I find in forest all of us feast on this taste that you can't find in a normal food I myself never taste something this great even when I tried lots of recipes in modern world. Fulled or stomaches completly I'm sitting between Shizu Sensei and Hinata."

"When we first met each other she was grateful, reserved and cold but over time I broke her cold mask little by little and when she is gonna heavily harmed I took her place and got harmed in her place when a Serpent type A+ rank monster appeared this made her start harboring feelings toward me a little and an extra skill I created in this time period helped me a lot with Shizu Sensei well it is only normal giving such a reaction extra skill I created is called...

Lucky Pervert:If there's an opposite sex around, indecent situation would rarely happen and will not activate in combat or in serious situations. This skill helped me a lot and since I look like a middle schooler it's more effective on Shizu even thou it is idiotic lots of way I want to have fun while I reaching apex and power without ideals are empty and ideals without power to back them are joke that is why I don't see anything wrong with my current situation and have a great adventure with Shizue Sensei and Hinata. We already stronger than Shizu Sensei but unlike any version of Canon we are staying with Shizu Sensei and I mastered all of my skills thanks to Great Sage and with Great Sage setting my usage and understanding of my skills get reached a higher grade and my body got repaired already."

"Since subject changed to Great Sage let me tell you something I already gained another unique skill, Unique Skill:Adaptive One or you can call it Adaptation this Unique Skill is really great for me, I thought lots of possibilities and this one was best and I did not regret creating it let me explain it's functions:

-Adaptive Resistance: -Allows you to get used to same way of attacks or harm after a few times it became useless as user of skill is unharmable from this type of attack and harm.

-Unlimited Adaptation: -Allows user to adaptate without a limit and time ever since user awakened this skill they adaptate every thing in existence around them even world itself.

-Adaptive Evolution: -Allows user to evolve when adaptation can't cover some type of weakness or condition it happens naturally but if it cause an after effect that displeasure user it will adapt accourding host liking this process can take a lot of time and unknown how long it's gonna continue.

-Owner's Immunity: -Allows user to not harmed by skills that he already has but that is used aganist him.

(Ex:Yuuki has Water Manipulation and an enemy has it and use it to harm him then nothing will happen.)"

"But this is just beginning because Kazaream dwell in I used Great Sage and recreate Magics and Resistances he possed and through some of memories of him about certain powerful figures I know have tons of magic and resistances that not lots of powerful figure doesn't possess normally I already can form Unique Skill:Survivor but I don't want such a skill I already have every boon it possess so it's useless to me."

"Now I can easily defeat an Unawakened Demon Lord and if I play my cards right I can defeat a True Demon Lord but don't think every True Demon Lord if I tried to fight Guy Crimson I will be dead in a few seconds. Knowing this angers me and makes me hate myself for being with that is why my desire is always get stronger and stronger one day I will become stronger than others and where is suppossed enemy I'm sure there is isn't it Manas:Velda that should be with me what happen to it?

Aestoroia:"It is currently sleeping for eternity Master."

Yuuki:"What do you mean it's sleeping for eternity? Does it mean it died or couldn't defeat me while try to possess me?"

Aestoroia:"Because of your existence he can't even harm you a little bit and he got purified by your power and when you broke down your limits and evolve Creation will evolve directly to Ultimate Skill:Lord of Creation Ahura Mazda without a doubt."

Yuuki:"Can I interect with him and did he connected to Great Sage?"

Aestoroia:"It already get erased when it tried to possess you but if you want you can undo erasing and communicate with it and he can't connect Great Sage and even if he tried it he must first connect you which he can't do."

"Well good to know and I'm really did right choice for not wanting Aestoroia don't help me unless I am in an extremely bad position.

If not I can't even have little amount of fun in my journey.Like this I stopped using Thought Acceleration and started a conversation with Shizu and Hinata."

Yuuki:"What will it be like from now on?"

Shizu:"Is there a problem Yuuki-kun?"

Hinata:"Humm (nodded her head) did something happened?"

Yuuki:"Well I want times like this to continue more but I'm scared that it will end one day and I really love both Shizu Sensei and Hinata-chan."

Shizu/Hinata:"What do you mean with that?

Hinata:"And don't call me with -chan just call me Hinata!!!

Yuuki:"Don't get me wrong but I think I'm falling in love with Shizu and Hinata it makes unable to think anything else but you two...

I normally do not wanted to tell it to you but I think it will not harm if I say this to you I want to be stronger so strong that nothing can harm my loved ones and since I love you will you follow me?"

Shizu:"Yuuki I think I can't accept your proposal I don't hate this world but living in it is not something I can accept even now what makes me continue is you guys and I hope you can find happiness with Hinata but I can't do that(she brokes down)."


"I knew she had tons of emotions that sealed under that masks of her but I don't care about her death is inevitable or she doesn't wish to leave I can see in deep inside of her she wants to live to that is why I'm not gonna give up."

Yuuki:"Shizu Sensei I think you got something wrong when you and I talked about what type of life we lived before summoning here I find something wrong with your way of describing and that was how you summoned did you ever thought did your mother wanted you die in those flames? She wished for your goodness and you summoned to another world don't you think you're lucky and you are still alive like your mother wished therefore there is nothing wrong with staying alive or summoned, I left a family who cares about me and friends that is dear to me but I don't want you to give up Shizu in the end you were the one who gave me the hope and if you don't like this world we can go to another one."

"Shizu finally got released of her chains and I can see Hinata too weirdly enough I think this emotional situation made her broke down too and Shizu continued."

Shizu:"Yuuki you know I'm very old are you sure but it?"

"She was asking me this but this was more like begging me as her voice got lower but I think using charm and my manipulation like this is works really great especially part where I said she gave me hope, with this I'm a scum I know but that doesn't mean I will stop loving her our give less love to her maybe she did not gave me hope but she gives me a happiness I never imagined, love is really weird and as someone that not believed it before it came too fast to me like an invisible jab yet no regrets."

Yuuki:"Absolutely!!!" and said it with my classic Yuuki smile."

"Like that Hinata explained how alcoholic and abusive his father and she killed her for fearing him killing her, I knowing already acted like learned just now and Shizu got sad for Hinata and they both released their accumulated stress and both of them accept my deal so a big applause for my Charm skill and my natural manipulation skill.(not a skill)"

"Yeah my life is weird in every possible way... but I really love it!!!"


(Hinata is added in Character Images chapter)

I hope everybody who reads my story enjoys it please tell me if there is some mistakes please comment it so I can improve myself about those part see you guys soon have a great readings from now on too, Goodbye.