
Starting from One Piece...

Introducing Kei, a normal guy being reincarnated as Genji D Keisuke in the world of One Piece. #Romance #Harem English is not my first language and I'm still an amateur, but I hope it'll atleast be a interesting fanfic. Cover doesnt belong to me. I just found it.

PandasanSensei · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Crash Landing.

"Oh! I can see Arlong Park!!" said Luffy

"Moo..sob Moo!…sob" Crying tears, Momoo pulled the ship, with great speed.

"Oye, he is saying that you are Demon's, who make him starved and work without feeding it!!" said Kei.

"What did it say!!!" said Sanji in anger.

"Oh, well who cares" said Luffy, while looking towards Arlong park.

Hearing Sanji's angry voice from behind and along with being starved, Momoo, changed his direction with all energy he had in order to reach the shore, inorder to get rid of this demons.

"Hey!! You are swimming in wrong direction!!" said Luffy shouting at Momoo.

"Aaaaa, We are going to crash in the shore!!!" shouted Yosaku in fear.

"Huh? What's that sound??!" thought Zoro while running around the shore.

"Mooo…" Momoo finally felt all his energy drain, due to which he didn't had any energy to change the direction or stop their ship. Finally crashing on the walls of the sea shore.

"Baammm!!!" (Momoo crashing) "Moo.." crying out last time, he get unconscious submerging into sea depth.

While Luffy and Kei along with Sanji and Yosaku were sent flying due to Newtons 1st Law. As they werent able to change it's direction. So inorder to be safe, Kei decided to go inside the cabin of ship. Silently. As he wasn't a M.

"Whoa we are flying!!!' said Luffy while standing at the tip of the stern.

"We're gonna fall!!" shouted Yosaku.

"Oye, where is Kei!!" shouted Sanji, while finding him.

"Woah!! We've landed!" said Luffy in joy.

"But we're not stoppinggg!!" said Yosaku.

While somewhere close, "The hell was that noise just now??, Did something drop a bomb on this island or something??" thought Zoro when suddenly he saw a flying small ship crossing his path.

"Ahhhh!" shouted Yosaku.

"Oh! Zoro!" said Luffy.

"Bro.." said Yosaku.

"Luffy…!" said Zoro habitually on the moment forgetting about getting out of the way of ship.

"Bamm!!!" Finally the ship crashed on walls of mountain, while destroying some of the plantation fields.

"The hell do you think you're doing?!!" asked Zoro in anger as he was injured due to getting tackled by the ship and getting crashed on the mountain.

"What do you mean? We've obviously come to get Nami Back, Haven't you found her yet? Where's Ussop and Johnny??" Luffy bombarded Zoro with questions back to back.

When Luffy mentioned Ussop, Zoro started to run in God knows where. As he was about to run towards Arlong Park, Zoro informed Luffy about Ussop's current predicament.

"It's already to late, Brother Ussop was murdered by Sister Nami!!" shouted Johnny while grabbing all the peoples attention towards him.

Everyone was surprised after hearing Johnny's speech. Well excluding Kei, who already know about ussop, who must be swimming in sea and must have reached a shore.

Kei, wore his Bluetooth headphones and started music fitting the beach theme.

Hearing Johnny's speech, Luffy lost his cool, "Say it one more time, and I swear I'll kick your ass!!" shouted luffy looking at Johnny.

While Johnny stopped talking and stepped back, as he felt as though, he said something wrong.

"Luffy, stop!, it's not as if Johnny's the one at fault here!" commented Zoro in order to calm Luffy down.

"Well he's making such a Bullcrap!, There's no way that Nami would kill Ussop!, We're Crew Mates!!" roared Luffy while grabbing Johnny's collar, disregarding Zoro's comment.

When Luffy was about to fight with Johnny their flow was interrupted by a voice.

"What have you come to the Island for!" asked Nami, keeping her expressionless face.

Sensing another extra presence, Kei, turned his bored face towards Nami.

When he saw her, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets. "Damn, She is really hot!!" thought Kei, while peeking at Nami.

While Luffy explained her that he was here, to take back her and Ussop back, as they were his crewmates.

Nami seeing Luffy's determined expression said, "Crewmates??, Don't make me laugh. It was nothing but a stupid little cooperation."

Hearing this Luffy was silent, and kept on looking at Nami.

"Na..Nami! It's me! Do you remember me? Let's set sail together!" said Sanji smiling towards nami.

"What a Simp" thought Kei, looking towards Sanji.

Where suddenly both Sanji and Zoro started to fight among themselves, like a Cat and Dog.

As she was looking at Luffy, she felt someone's gaze towards her. Following the gaze , she saw a tall boy, with dark blue hair and handsome facial structure and those attractive Deep abyssal eyes. Making her not to look away from him.

Seeing Nami turn her head towards him, Kei, gave her a sweet smile.

Watching that Nami, felt as though her heart jumped out of her chest. Making her thoughts in mess. And she started to act strangely, as she felt as though her cheeks were burning.

Feeling that she was acting weird, she hurriedly avoided Kei's gaze and made herself calm, by changing to her previous, 'I don't care' expression. While she noted in her mind, that she won't look at that boy.

She once again looked towards Luffy and said, "Now get off this island! You're and eyesore!" shouted Nami thinking of her position she is in now. "Farewell"

"Nami" said Luffy, while he kept looking at her.

"..." Zoro, Sanji, Johnny, Yosaku, Kei.

"I'm gonna sleep." saying this Luffy decided to forget about anything after coming to a conclusion.

"Sleep!?" Zoro, Sanji, Yosaku, Johnny.

"I don't feel like like leaving this Island and I don't care anything going on this island at all… Anyway's I'm sleepy." saying this Luffy went to sleep.