
Starting From Misery

Why is life so unfair...? Not only do I lose my husband to that woman but also my only daughter! And now I'll die as a tyrant queen without knowing any forms of love.

ushiosnow · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Death is a time when family members mourn the loss of a relative. It is not fun or happy time. Showing a smile during the funeral is considered rude and disrespectful, since they expect you to bawl your eyes out as if shedding enough tears would bring the person back to life.

But the emotions I felt when they told me that Lady Beatrice had passed away were indescribable. I could feel a smile crawling onto my face while my eyes began to water with tears. I couldn't understand if I hated her so much that I would cry tears of joy, or if I felt that it was customary to shed a few tears even if the person that died was someone you were not close to.

During the funeral I caught a glimpse of Celia who cried like a baby. Lady Beatrice died right after Celia's 15th birthday, which may have had a bigger impact on her. The tears she shed reminded me of the times when Lady Beatrice would cry whenever we had a misunderstanding. She always resorted to tears when her situation became difficult. I couldn't stand Celia being the shred of evidence that Lady Beatrice existed. Because of her sudden death, it gave Celia and I more time to be together. I didn't feel the same way about her as I did when she was just an infant, so spending time together became much more difficult.

Celia's eyes were red with tears. It made me wonder, if I died before Beatrice, would she have shed the same amount of tears? Or maybe more? Due to his Majesty's unstable emotions due to grief, I had the role of Celia's guardian. Even though I was her guardian, just being in the same room as her was suffocating. Everything she did, every breath she took, even her appearance reminded me of Lady Beatrice. I couldn't handle her anymore so I gave her a rule:

"Don't come looking for me unless it's absolutely important. If it something your teachers or maids can help you with then ask them but don't come looking for me."

Admittedly, those weren't the most consoling words I could say to a 15 year old who just lost her mother, but I couldn't help but be childish. The woman shouldn't have brainwashed the child if she was going to die this easily.

It was around summer when I noticed something strange was happening with Celia. Even though I never paid much attention to her before, the change seemed too noticeable.

I kept in contact with her teachers to find out how her studies were going, since slip ups would make me responsible. They all said the same thing:

"She is always distracted."

"She hums while doodling on her homework."

"She falls asleep on her desk, and sometimes talks in her sleep."

Maybe the distractions during lessons was due to her not getting enough sleep at night. But I had no answer for her humming and doodles since I had never heard the girl sing before. Yet to my surprise, in the rose garden, I could hear a small voice singing a melody.

It was sweet and warm. The owner of that voice was non other than Celia herself. Her cheeks were blushed pink, and her eyes were dazed as she looked into the sky with a bright smile on her face. I asked a maid to investigate why she behaved so strangely. It didn't take long for her conclusion to be love.


Who did she meet to be feeling that asinine emotion?

I had to confront her about it. I sped over to her room. I knocked on the door several times, but there was no answer. She would never ignore her door so many times, even if it was me. I opened it, but she wasn't inside the room.

I could hear faint chatter coming from outside the window. I looked over and there she was. She stood under the big tree that was planted just outside her bedroom window. She laughed happily with the person next to her. He was a boy that didn't seem any younger than her. Maybe even a few years older. He had crystal blue eyes and dark hair which looked almost navy in the sunlight. They looked perfect together, but that jaded me that much more.

"Celia!! Why are you not in your room?!" It was the first time I had ever shouted at her. Her body froze in shock. She looked up at her bedroom window and almost had the look of fear in her eyes. The boy next to her seemed confused as to why her reaction was so intense. I made my way down to better assess the situation.

When I joined them, Celia kept her head down as if in shame, while the boy protectively stood in front of her. "Who's this?" I scanned the boy. I noticed a family crest on his shirt and a sword by his waste.

The kingdom of Magona. It wasn't that far from here and I heard the King of Magona was meeting his majesty.

"H-he's..." Her voice trembled, just like Lady Beatrice's would when she felt wronged.

"I'm Lucas Elias Von Magona, your Majesty." He interrupted her as if it was too much for her to answer me.

"I see. And what is the Prince of Magona doing here?" I asked, skeptical of the situation.

"His highness and my father are having a meeting so I was staying in the palace for a few days." I already knew that, my question was directly aimed at why he was with Celia and not with his father. Even though he was Prince he couldn't just wander around the palace like it was a playground.

"Celia, you're teacher is waiting for you in the study."

"Yes, your Majesty." She said reluctantly walking away from the prince. Her head stayed down as if she was being scolded. I never did scold her though.

That was a mother's job. Instead I told her never to meet that boy again. Both Celia and Lady Beatrice always got what they wanted without any struggle, so how was I supposed sit back and watch their perfect fairy tale unfold while I lived in misery.