
Chapter 23 Tang San's Mental Collapse_1

Translator: 549690339

Before Tang San could reach Xu Ran, Xiaowu directly attacked him. Her long scorpion braid tightly coiled around Tang San's neck, and her slender legs forcefully kicked into Tang San's abdomen, instantly throwing him to the ground.

"Tang San, are you throwing a tantrum out of humiliation?" After knowing the final outcome, Xiaowu had completely abandoned any fantasy towards Tang San. Actions speak louder than words, and Tang San had nothing to say in his defense.

The red glint flickering in her beautiful eyes was startling, and the bloodline hidden within her began to tremble. She was a hundred-thousand-year soul beast, and no matter how naive, she was still a rabbit that had lived for a hundred thousand years. Deceived by Tang San for so long, she had entrusted her feelings to the wrong person. How could she not be furious?


"Xiaowu, you actually struck me?" Tang San lay on the ground, clutching his stomach, the intense pain from his abdomen twisted his face. But the pain in his heart was even more acute.

"Xiaowu, all of this was orchestrated by Xu Ran. Xu Ran has been playing us all along. Remember how good our relationship was before Xu Ran came to you? We went to school together and cultivated together. But since the moment Xu Ran arrived, everything changed. Xu Ran is a devil, a demon, don't believe a word he says," Tang San said anxiously, almost babbling.

In just a day or two, Xiaowu had been so bewitched by Xu Ran.

He did not even want to think about what she would become in the future.

Would Xiaowu come to regard him as an enemy?

Thinking of the purely beautiful Xiaowu, whose chest was heaving slightly, now so indifferent towards him, he could not help but feel heartache. He even saw deep hostility in Xiaowu's eyes.

Xiaowu, now do you view me as an enemy?

"Tang San, just like you, to accuse others of what you are guilty of," Xiaowu trembled with rage upon hearing Tang San's words. She could not understand how the world could bear such shameless people.

Tang San was well aware of the significance of the Hat of Fate, putting it on and emitting green light spelled out everything. Yet here he was, trying to turn the tables and accuse the Auspicious Beast.

What status did the Auspicious Beast have? By nature propitious, the Auspicious Beast was the treasure of The Soul Beast Realm. Even with just one year of Cultivation Level, it remained a paramount presence in The Soul Beast Realm. The Auspicious Beast could accelerate the growth of soul beasts, and the Power of Destiny could help soul beasts with their Tribulation. With such abilities, all powerful soul beasts needed to curry favor with the Auspicious Beast, not daring to show the slightest disrespect.

With such status, could the Auspicious Beast possibly deceive her?

Given the status of the Auspicious Beast, what could it covet from her? Even if it was her appearance that the Auspicious Beast really wanted, how could she possibly resist? Even if the Auspicious Beast intended to harm her, would it need to be so troublesome? When the sovereign commands, the subject must die. Should the Auspicious Beast call to arms, countless soul beasts would come to kill her in order to please the Auspicious Beast.

It was laughable that Tang San didn't even know Xu Ran's identity and was still slandering him.

But indeed, even Tang Hao probably did not know the identity of the Auspicious Beast. How would Tang San know?

"Xu Ran, let's go," Xiaowu said, no longer paying Tang San any attention, grabbing Xu Ran's hand and striding away. Now, just seeing Tang San made her feel somewhat sick. But she couldn't do anything to Tang San right now; after all, Hao Tian Douluo was behind him, someone whose strength they could not contend with.

Even as the Auspicious Beast, they were not the match for Hao Tian Douluo right now.

"Xiaowu, don't go, don't go with him," Tang San felt somewhat desperate at that moment as he frantically rushed toward Xu Ran and Xiaowu. Right now, he didn't hate Xiaowu at all; in fact, he even felt some pity for her. It was Xu Ran he hated for being so despicable. If Xiaowu were to follow him, who knows how much she would have to endure?

"Scram." Xu Ran let out a faint smile and with a kick sent the already distraught Tang San flying. Looking at Tang San, he found him somewhat laughable. No matter how shameless Xu Ran was, he would never let Xiaowu be sacrificed, let alone allow her only friends, Da Ming and Er Ming, to be sacrificed. What could Tang San offer Xiaowu?

Following him, Xiaowu would only face various grievances.

Xu Ran looked at Tang San's green-topped head with some amusement. What would Tang San's expression be once he realized he couldn't remove the green hat that had been placed upon him? In the future, wearing the green hat Xu Ran had given him, Tang San would be cursed with unending misfortune. As for the effects of the green hat bestowed by the System's Miss, even Xu Ran was not clear about its future capabilities.

All Xu Ran knew was that the hat's shade of green would deepen with his growing closeness to Xiaowu. Most importantly, when he was embracing Xiaowu, the green hat would even glow, constantly reminding him of his status.

What status? The status of being cuckolded, of course.

"Ding, congratulations, 'Host' has completed the mission."

"Congratulations, 'Host' has gained five hundred skill points," said the voice of the System's Miss. At that moment, she was somewhat flabbergasted. She never expected Xu Ran could complete the mission so quickly. The relationship between Tang San and Xiaowu was so strong, and yet, the 'Host' forcibly turned them into enemies.

But then again, who would have expected Tang San's father to be Tang Hao?

With such a distinguished heritage, Tang San still ended up as a Part-Time Student, making friends with her. Anyone normal would start having doubts. And Tang Hao's character had long since collapsed in Xiaowu's eyes.

Ah Yin was a hundred-thousand-year soul beast who had become friendly with Tang Hao and ultimately turned into a Soul Ring on Tang Hao's body.

How similar was all this to her relationship with Tang San?

All these coincidences, even if Tang San had the gift of the gab, he would find them impossible to explain.

"Ah, too easy. Now Xiaowu no longer trusts Tang San. In the future, it'll be much easier to pursue Precious Xiao Wu," Xu Ran secretly thought to himself, looking at the pretty girl in front of him with the freshness of a young girl, long legs that were slender and smooth, walking ahead of him while the long scorpion braid swayed on her jade back, giving off a unique charm.

"Xiaowu, Xiaowu…" Tang San watched ahead as Xiaowu and Xu Ran walked hand in hand together, looking just like a couple. Seeing this scene, tears of pain streamed directly from his eyes.

Men do not easily shed tears unless faced with great sadness.

The events of today nearly shattered his mindset. Xu Ran was despicable and shameless, constantly glancing at Xiaowu's long legs and chest.

Without even thinking about it, Tang San knew Xu Ran wanted Xiaowu. It was precisely because he saw the bond between Xiaowu and himself that he schemed to break their connection.

Now Xiaowu already regarded him as an enemy for some unfathomable reasons, all because of Xu Ran's manipulations.