
Chapter 22 Tang San Goes Mad, Wishes to Kill Xu Ran_1

Translator: 549690339

Tang San's heart was filled with immense hatred. Why did he have to end up like this?

Wearing a cuckold's cap, how humiliating could that be?

But if he didn't wear it, Xiaowu would sever ties with him.

And if he wore it, he would fall right into Xu Ran's trap, allowing Xu Ran to ridicule him.

He harbored some resentment in his heart. He didn't hate Xiaowu—Xiaowu was also a victim deceived by Xu Ran. He only hated Xu Ran. This despicable and shameless fiend wanted to steal Xiaowu away and make him wear a cuckold's cap.

He and Xiaowu had come this far, and although he didn't know exactly what had happened, he could clearly tell that it was all orchestrated by that contemptible Xu Ran.

"Tang San, don't keep putting on a miserable face, smile a bit. This cap is green, containing the rich Power of Destiny. The greener it is, the stronger the Power of Destiny becomes," Xu Ran said, walking up to Tang San and patting his shoulder. He didn't understand whether he had bullied Tang San, why did Tang San look so sullen?

"To make life bearable, one must wear a bit of green on their head. Such a treasure, infused with rich Power of Destiny, is not something that just anyone can obtain. In the future, this cap may even protect you from disasters and dangers," Xu Ran continued. As long as the Hat of Fate was placed on Tang San's head, his mission would be considered complete, right?

At that time, he would receive five hundred Skill Points.

Of course, the most important thing was—to make Tang San "green". Once the Hat of Fate was placed on his head, it could not be removed again. The Hat of Fate was a special energy artifact created by the System; external forces would find it difficult to destroy it.

"Xu Ran, you're so despicable. The humiliation you brought upon me today, one day I will gradually return it all to you," said Tang San, his complexion deathly pale, watching the hat in Xiaowu's hands getting closer and closer to himself, feeling a trace of panic.

All of a sudden, he became somewhat afraid. He always felt that this green cap wasn't as simple as it seemed.

Meanwhile, Xiaowu was also a bit nervous, holding her breath. She hoped that the Hat of Fate wouldn't glow, that everything that had happened to Tang San before was just a coincidence. Then she could reconcile with Tang San as before, and all of today's events would be directly forgotten by her.

The surrounding atmosphere fell into a strange silence.

Xiaowu took a deep breath, holding the Hat of Fate, and directly placed it on Tang San's head.


As if there was the sound of a latch clicking into place in the air, at the same time, a brilliant green light blossomed from Tang San's head.

This green light was incredibly strong; even though it was still daylight, the green light still enveloped the entire area around them.

"So green."

"It's still glowing."

Seeing the surging green light, Tang San shivered. He had never seen something so green. What did this green cap signify? What exactly did Xu Ran tell Xiaowu?

Now that he was wearing the green cap, Xiaowu should believe him, right?

Tang San took a deep breath, telling himself that as long as he could clear up the misunderstanding between him and Xiaowu, what did it matter if he was humiliated? For Xiaowu, he was willing to endure anything.

"Xiaowu, the Hat of Fate is now on my head, now you should believe me, right?" Tang San said, his head glowing green as he looked at Xiaowu. At this very moment, he still didn't understand what the green light meant in Xiaowu's heart.

"It's glowing."

"The Hat of Fate is glowing."

Xiaowu murmured, her face turning deathly pale, her delicate body trembling slightly, stepping back unconsciously due to the overwhelming emotions. Even though she had known the answer early on, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken when she actually saw it happen.

She never thought that Tang San really intended to harm her.

For six years, he had concealed his intentions, preparing to claim her Soul Ring and soul bone. It must be said, Tang San had concealed it well, so much so that she had been completely unaware. If it weren't for the appearance of the Auspicious Beast to awaken her, she would probably still be foolishly following by Tang San's side. By the time in the future when he, like his father Tang Hao, took away her Soul Ring and soul bone, she would not know it was Tang San who had killed her from behind the scenes.

It would be such a sorrowful event, wouldn't it, to die as cluelessly as Sister Ah Yin? To not even know that it was the person she loved deeply who harmed her.

"Tang San, from now on, we have nothing to do with each other. You walk your sunny path, and I'll cross my own wooden bridge..." Xiaowu's voice seemed devoid of emotion, her eyes slightly closed, while two clear tears fell down her cheeks.

She just thought Tang San was somewhat ludicrous, clearly knowing what the Hat of Fate represented, yet still pretending even after being exposed.

Tang San sure could act.

But then again, if his acting wasn't so convincing, would she have been deceived to such an extent over these years?

"Xiaowu, haven't I just put on this Hat of Fate? What's wrong with you now?" Hearing Xiaowu's even colder words, Tang San roared at her forcefully.

His mindset had collapsed.

He truly had collapsed.

He had worn the cuckold's cap as Xiaowu had asked of him, originally thinking that as long as he complied with Xiaowu, she wouldn't be angry anymore. But why was Xiaowu even more heartless now?

What exactly did this cuckold's cap represent?

"What's wrong with me? For six years, you've deceived me. Six years! Tell me, what's wrong with me, Tang San? Are you still going to keep up the act?" Xiaowu exclaimed in rage, her voice icy and ruthless. She had never seen someone like Tang San before, who stayed by her side like an older brother for six years. What did he take her for? Like those domesticated animals, just waiting until he was strong enough to handle a hundred-thousand-year soul ring and then kill her?

"Xiaowu, I didn't..."

"Xu Ran, despicable and shameless, why don't you come at me if you have the guts? What exactly did you tell Xiaowu? Did you feed her some kind of love potion?" Tang San shouted hysterically, his eyes bloodshot. He charged toward Xu Ran, releasing his Martial Soul, Blue Silver Grass, its thick vines attacking towards Xu Ran's neck.

Xiaowu's heartless demeanor had completely robbed him of his reason.

His heart experienced an incredibly intense pain.

He now understood that to have the well-behaved, stunningly beautiful Xiaowu return to his side, he had to kill Xu Ran first. Xu Ran had been misleading Xiaowu all along, and with him around, no matter how well he behaved, Xiaowu would never believe him.

Murderous intent, the frantic murderous intent made Tang San even forget to use his soul skill, instead opting for the manner of fighting between men, charging straight at Xu Ran.