
Chapter 21: Tang San's Mentality Explodes, Inexplicable_1

Translator: 549690339

"Xiaowu, what's wrong with you, Xiaowu?" Gazing at Xiaowu's stunning face, Tang San's heart couldn't help but ache. At that moment, the golden sunlight poured down, casting light on Xiaowu's delicate body, making her even more strikingly beautiful, like a jade beauty stepping out of a painting.

But this beautiful Xiaowu wanted to break off her relationship with him. How could this not make him feel heartbroken?

The six years he spent with Xiaowu at Nuoding Academy were the happiest times in both his lives. In his previous life, he, as a Tang Sect disciple, was solely devoted to researching hidden weapons and Tang Sect's Secret Skills, which was a monotonous and dull existence. After his transmigration, he lived an even more destitute life with his alcoholic father. He was only three or four years old, already washing clothes and cooking by himself.

He had thought his life would just continue blandly like this. But then, at Nuoding Academy, he met Xiaowu. Xiaowu was the most beautiful girl in Nuoding Academy, her skin translucent and white as snow, her long hair tied in a scorpion braid, her sparkling big eyes as stunning as gems. From that moment on, Xiaowu invaded his heart.

In both his lives, Xiaowu was the first girl by his side, and also the only one. There was a time when he heard Xiaowu call him 'brother,' and he intensely wished to protect this girl before him. He even couldn't help but entertain a bold idea.

He had heard from Wang Sheng and others that non-blood related siblings are not necessarily just siblings; they could also develop a further relationship. If Xiaowu's address to him changed from 'brother' to 'big brother,' then their relationship could become even closer than it was now.

Back then, he couldn't help but beat up Wang Sheng. At that time, there was no expression on his face, but his heart was filled with joy. Xiaowu had now grown tall, her chest slightly heaving, her hips beginning to take on a perky curve. Sometimes, he couldn't help but let his gaze fall on Xiaowu, and just looking at her figure was a kind of enjoyment.

But now, Xiaowu actually wanted to sever ties with him, how could he accept this?

"Xiaowu, tell me, what did I do wrong? I can change," Tang San spoke, taking a deep breath. He had to try his best to restore his image in Xiaowu's heart. If one stands upright, there is no need to fear a crooked shadow. He didn't believe that a few slanderous words from an outsider could affect their relationship.

"Change? How can some things be changed? And the one who should change isn't you, but me. From your perspective, there's nothing wrong with anything you've done these years," Xiaowu said, tears marking her beautiful cheeks.

Yes, she was a soul beast. As a hundred-thousand-year Soul Beast Transformation, even if Tang San spent all his cunning trying to stay by her side, seeking an opportunity to kill her, what fault would there be? It's a human's rightful deed to kill soul beasts.

The Auspicious Beast was right; these actions couldn't be described as right or wrong. One of them was a soul beast, and the other a human. From Tang San's standpoint, he was right.

It's just, why did she feel so heartbroken? She knew the outcome, yet she was still unwilling to believe it all.

Why did Tang San have to be the son of that demon, Tang Hao? If he wasn't, maybe she would have continued to trust him as before.

"Xiaowu, don't cry. Please, tell me what I've done, and I will change it all, whatever you want me to do," Tang San said anxiously, still not understanding what he had done wrong until now. Why was Xiaowu so sad? He asked himself if he had done anything to hurt Xiaowu.

He wanted to protect Xiaowu more than anything; how could he possibly harm her?

"Until now, do you still not admit it? If you really want to prove your innocence, put on the Hat of Fate. Everything will then become clear. If I have misunderstood you, I will apologize to you," Xiaowu inhaled deeply, holding back the tears in her eyes. She held the Hat of Fate in both hands, her pretty face showing a trace of care and hope.

She hoped Tang San would put on the green Hat of Fate. As long as he wore it, everything would be clear.

The Hat of Fate could reveal everything.

Xu Ran had said that if the Hat of Fate on Tang San's head glowed green, it would mean that he had always been deceiving her. Xu Ran was an Auspicious Beast, the Soul Beast Emperor, and his words represented absolute authority. An Auspicious Beast could not possibly deceive her in this matter.

"Xiaowu, this isn't any Hat of Fate, it's a green hat, and what more, it's a giant green hat."

"You see, the closer it gets to me, the greener it becomes, and now it has even turned into a dark green. It couldn't possibly be any greener." Tang San shivered as he looked at the green hat with deep horror. He would not believe that this was some Hat of Fate.

This was something Xu Ran had Xiaowu give to him.

Clearly, Xu Ran wanted to set him up.

Having Xiaowu personally put a green hat on him, Xu Ran's heart was truly ruthless.

Tang San's heart was filled with boundless anger, his face turning green with rage. If Xiaowu weren't here, he would have directly taken out his hidden weapon and fired a volley at Xu Ran's face, leaving him without a grave to be buried in.

He, Tang San, had never been infuriated before. But Xu Ran had completely made him lose his composure. In this life, if he did not kill Xu Ran, he swore he wouldn't be human. By making the person he liked personally put a green hat on him, Xu Ran was humiliating him, trampling on his dignity.

"You still refuse to wear it? Well, of course, you know what this green represents. You certainly won't put it on." Seeing that Tang San still refused to wear the Hat of Fate, Xiaowu's heart turned to ashes. In her eyes, Tang San already knew the effect of the Hat of Fate and his hesitance was just out of fear that he would truly be exposed.

But did she really seem so oblivious?

The signs were so evident; did Tang San really think she was a fool? His father, Tang Hao, had already used the same method to kill Sister Ah Yin, and now he was thinking of repeating the trick?

With Sister Ah Yin as a warning from history, would she really be that foolish? If she truly believed Tang San, perhaps she too might end up a sacrifice just like Sister Ah Yin. Worse, she might even cause Da Ming and Er Ming to be sacrificed along with her.

Even if she were too naive and believed Tang San, she still had the Auspicious Beast by her side. The Auspicious Beast wouldn't deceive her like Tang San. With the Auspicious Beast reminding her, no matter how stupid she might be, she wouldn't believe Tang San.


"I'll wear it."

Tang San's voice was trembling, and as he looked into Xiaowu's eyes, which stared at him as if he were a stranger, he was frightened.

He was afraid that Xiaowu would leave him. What this green hat ultimately signified, he didn't know, nor did he understand what kind of bewitching potion Xu Ran had given to Xiaowu.

All he knew was that if he didn't wear this green hat, Xiaowu truly would sever ties with him.