
Starting by creating Agumon and Gabumon in DxD

Sora transmigrate into the world of DxD with the Annihilation Maker at the start. Watches as he dominates the world with Digimon.

Haluo · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 18: Pre-war (1)

Chapter 18: Pre-war (1)

- Myotismon –

Myotismon's digitalized form materialized within the Digi Lab, specifically in his personal quarters. He swiftly exited his room, understanding the importance of the task assigned to him by the Digimon Emperor.

In the central hub of the Digi Lab, Myotismon found Mirei, who greeted him with a warm smile. She inquired about the purpose of his visit, asking, "Did Sora need something, Myotismon?"

Myotismon nodded in response and explained, "Yes, my Emperor has ordered the production of recovery items and chips in preparation for the upcoming war against the Tepes clan. I hope you can grant me access to the Digi Gate of Andromon's factory and Angemon's Heaven."

Mirei, efficient as always, swiftly tapped on her laptop's keyboard to provide Myotismon with the necessary access. "Understood, wait a minute," she said, her fingers dancing across the keys. With a few keystrokes, the task was accomplished, and she informed him, "I also took the liberty of notifying both Andromon and Angemon of your arrival."

Myotismon expressed his gratitude to Mirei. "I appreciate your work, Mistress," he said respectfully, giving her a bow before preparing to leave the Digi Lab.

As he digitalized back into the internet, he reflected on the current state of their faction. While they had created pseudo-habitats within the human network for their convenience, the true potential of the real Digital World was still out of their reach. 

Myotismon eagerly awaited the day when the Digimon Emperor would gain the power to create an authentic dimension for Digimon to inhabit. They had unwavering faith in him, not only as their creator but also as a compassionate and charismatic ruler who granted every Digimon free will and existence, unlike the mindless creations of the Annihilation Maker. They believed in his vision for a brighter future for their kind.

Their principal plan centred on waging war against those vampires to push the advance of their camp. It would not only secure substantial resources for their cause but also elevate their standing within the supernatural world. They also understood that the path they had chosen was coming with risks, and they might get the attention of powerful beings along the way. Nonetheless, Myotismon was more than willing to take this risk, as he was confident in their Emperor's leadership and vision.

This war was the initial step of their growth, a calculated move to set their grand plan in motion. With the Digimon Emperor at the helm, they were resolute in their commitment to achieve their goals and bring about a new era. 

Myotismon's first destination would be Angemon's domain, as he had a closer acquaintance with Angemon than Andromon. After all, they had met during the monthly meeting with every General Digimon and the Emperor. 

Additionally, the production of the recovery items would likely require more time compared to the operations at Andromon's factory. Myotismon understood the urgency of the task at hand and knew that efficient coordination with both Digimon would be essential in preparing for the upcoming war.

They only had a week, after all.


Myotismon arrived at Angemon's territory, a privilege granted to him by the Digimon Emperor. It was a unique experience for him since he had preferred to stay in his castle than to visit others.

This was the Heaven Zone, an extraordinary place known for its ethereal beauty and serene atmosphere. It was a sacred domain, predominantly inhabited by Holy Digimon and those of a virtuous nature.

At the heart of the Heaven Zone is a massive floating island suspended in the digital skies. This island is covered in lush, vibrant vegetation, creating a paradisiacal landscape. Trees with radiant foliage, colourful flowers, and other flora adorn the island, casting a soothing and picturesque ambiance.

Nestled within the central island, there is a pristine pond with crystal-clear water. It reflects the azure skies above, and its banks are adorned with serene lily pads and aquatic life. The pond symbolizes purity and tranquillity.

Scattered across the main island are various celestial buildings that serve as dwellings, meditation chambers, and communal gathering places for the Holy Digimon. These structures possess an otherworldly beauty, with intricate designs and luminous architecture.

Surrounding the central island are numerous smaller isles, each floating gracefully. These smaller islands serve as secluded retreats for Holy Digimon, seeking solitude and reflection. They are often thriving with gardens, water features, and places for meditation.

Honestly, it was a place where Myotismon wouldn't ever have stepped foot if it weren't for the Emperor's order. This harmony and the happy atmosphere completely sickens him as a dark Digimon.

Myotismon quickened his pace, determined to meet with Angemon in the central building on the main island of the Heaven Zone. He had no intention of lingering in this serene realm any longer than necessary.

In a short amount of time, Myotismon stood before the tallest building on the main island. Two Patamons were stationed as guards at the front entrance. Although they weren't enemies and shared an alliance, the natural restraint in the presence of the powerful Myotismon was palpable.

Patamon is a small flying creature resembling a guinea pig with light blue eyes, bat-like wings, which could possibly be its ears, and a short, stubby tail. Its underside is a light cream colour, while its back and head are orange. 

The first Patamon addressed Myotismon, "Sir! Master Angemon is waiting for you in his office!"

The second Patamon, his body quivering with nervousness, added, "Sir Myotismon, you can take these stairs upstairs to reach Master Angemon's office."

Myotismon acknowledged their instructions with a simple "Understood," choosing to disregard the reactions he elicited. He understood that his presence, given his dark nature, could be disconcerting even to allies.

As Myotismon ascended the stairs and approached Angemon's office, he heard Angemon's voice inviting him inside. He pushed the door open and entered, taking in the sight of Angemon, along with a few Patamon and Tokomon who were diligently engaged in various tasks.

Angemon is an Angel Digimon. It has six shining wings, and its body is clad in cloth so pure white as to be divine. It is a being of perfected virtue. He is covered in holy white clothing, has long blond hair, and his upper face is covered with a silver mask with the Christian cross.

Angemon also wears a long blue loincloth and four matching straps on its right leg and left arm attached.

"Myotismon," Angemon greeted him with a composed demeanour. "I was informed of your presence by the Emperor's mistress. What are His Majesty's orders?" Angemon inquired, ready to listen to Myotismon's instructions.

Myotismon relayed the Emperor's orders to Angemon, explaining the need for increased item production to support the troops in the upcoming conflict.

Angemon considered the information for a moment before inquiring, "When is the war starting?"

Myotismon's response was prompt and to the point, "We will march on the battlefield exactly in a week."

As Angemon listened, he observed the panic among his apprentices upon hearing the word "war." Calmly, he reassured them and gave instructions for their tasks.

But before Myotismon could leave the office, Angemon halted him with a request. Myotismon turned his attention back to Angemon, wondering what was amiss.

Angemon inquired, "Do you have any special requests? I presume you will join the fray."

Myotismon considered the question momentarily before responding, "Not particularly, but you should keep producing those ability boosts you presented in the last meeting."

Angemon acknowledged the request quietly, "I see," and shifted his focus back to instructing the young Digimon under his guidance.

Myotismon, sensing that Angemon had lost interest, made a mental note of Angemon's nature. He knew that Angemon was more inclined toward creating various items to enhance the lives of Digimon and wasn't the most sociable of beings.

With his business concluded in the Heaven Zone, Myotismon digitalized away, preparing to meet with Andromon for the next task at hand.


- Angemon –

Angemon found himself with a touch of frustration as he contemplated the task assigned to him by Myotismon. The timing of the war was less than ideal, especially since he had recently found inspiration for creating a better capsule.

As he contemplated the situation, a small Patamon approached him, hesitating before speaking. "Angemon..."

Angemon turned his attention to the little Patamon and inquired, "Hmm? What's wrong?"

The Patamon seemed uncertain as he voiced his concern, "It's... Well, are we going to join the war?"

Angemon blinked in surprise, realizing that some of the Digimon under his care had misunderstood the situation. Worried murmurs began to circulate among his charges, prompting him to clarify.

"Ah, you misunderstood," Angemon reassured them. "You guys will not be participating in this war, and neither will I."

His words relieved the tensed Digimon in the room, and some of them audibly sighed with reassurance.

However, not all of them were content to remain on the sidelines. A brave Patamon boldly declared, "We can also fight for the Emperor! We can help him!"

Encouraged by this sentiment, another Patamon chimed in, "Yeah, we were created to protect our creator! We should fight for him!"

The rally grew, with more and more Patamon joining in, expressing their desire to support the Digimon Emperor in the upcoming conflict.

"For the Digimon Emperor!"

"For the Digimon Emperor!"

"For the Digimon Emperor!"

"For the Digimon Emperor!"

Angemon realized that he needed to calm their fervor. His aura radiated a soothing energy, silencing the more vocal among them.

"Okay, now, all right, you guys! Calm down," he urged, trying to restore order. "I understand your feelings, but this is not something you can participate in..."


"No 'buts'! I'm also very certain that Sora wouldn't allow it either."

A teary-eyed Patamon, feeling powerless to help Sora, couldn't contain his emotions any longer. "But... He created us! Why can't we help him? He is also fighting for us! Isn't he?"

Angemon sighed, realizing that he needed to explain further and provide solace to the Digimon under his care.

Angemon was taken aback by the Patamon's words and quickly clarified, "Who said you couldn't help?"

The Patamon looked puzzled as he asked, "Ah?"

With a warm smile, Angemon continued, "Didn't you hear what Myotismon said? He asked us to create more supplies for the war! You don't have to be in the war fighting to help."

Realization spread among the Digimon, and their spirits lifted. "We can also help them by making our usual HP and SP Capsules. And don't you remember when we successfully created the first ATK Boost together? Don't worry, and we will be able to help them completely!"

Angemon's encouraging words had a profound impact. The little Digimon cheered and rallied, returning to their tasks with renewed enthusiasm.

Angemon watched them with a warm heart, thanking Sora once again for granting them the gift of existence. He had researched the Annihilation Maker and knew that their creation was unique and beyond the control of the original Annihilation Maker. However, Sora had made it possible, and Angemon was immensely grateful.

With a sense of renewed purpose, Angemon felt energized as he turned his attention to his work. "Time to work, I guess? I also wanted to try making this Revival Capsule," he muttered, inspired by the dedication of the Digimon under his care.


[Author's Note: Another day, another chapter! Halloween is just around the corner, so Happy Halloween in advance! I have nothing special to say, but I recently started playing Digimon Story: Lost Evolution. 

I never knew about this game until I discovered it had an English translation a few months ago. I thoroughly enjoyed playing Digimon Dawn on the DS as a kid, so finding this game made my day!

I also started a new Terraria run with a few friends of mine. I don't know if you guys ever heard of the special seed GetFixedBoi? It was a humbling experience for sure, lol.

 Once again, thank you for your support for this fanfic, and I look forward to the next chapter! I also hope to make my chapters longer in the future...]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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