
Starting as a Jumper on Marvel Multiverse

After watching the film "Jumper," Leo developed the ability to teleport. It was, unbeknownst to him, simply the beginning of a much bigger adventure. He traveled to the Marvel Multiverse, where the Avengers exist, after his power grew out of control. But the Avengers were merely the beginning of his journey through the MCU's Multiverses.

AurelionSoul · Movies
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74 Chs

Leo's Decision

All the battleships opened fire together, not just by a single order from a country, but by the two countries that had been ready to fight, they were now abnormally united, and the goal was the group of mutants who had just saved them. It has to be said that this is very ironic.

The pitch-black muzzles sparked as missiles streaked through the sky like sharp arrows.

"Everyone, there is bad news. The distant Battleship is opening fire on us!"

The professor's voice rang out in everyone's heads, including Shaw's.

At that moment, four people were ganging up on Shaw. That's right, a few minutes ago, Angel and Darwin finally exhausted Riptide's physical strength. Angel spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on Riptide, almost burning him beyond recognition, and was eventually captured.

So, Angel joined the fight against the boss, but she was flying, so it was safer.

Shaw wasn't in good condition at the moment. He felt that his energy was almost at the limit of his body.

But there was nothing he could do. He was now like a math question that Leo had done in his previous life. One of the pipes added water to the pool, and the other turned on the tap.

Although the process was slow, it was always full. Besides, he already had more than half of the energy.

At that moment, Leo was like a jungler. He would go wherever he was needed to help. Magneto, Havok, Banshee, and Angel were the ADC and mages, only focused on dealing damage.

It would have been a while before Shaw's body could not withstand the tremendous energy he had absorbed, but at that moment the humans attacked them.

"Leo take the others away. I'll deal with these missiles," Erik said to him

Leo was taking Erik with him to avoid Shaw's attack. Shaw had blown up almost everything within a hundred meters of them.

"Can you do it by yourself?"

Hearing Erik's words, Leo couldn't help but express some doubts.

"Don't worry, I can hold on for a while." Erik has given up attacking and controls the surrounding metal to make a thick shield in front of him.

Looking at Erik's movements, Leo had no choice but to listen to him. He disappeared in a flash and sent the others hundreds of meters away as quickly as possible.

Actually, there weren't many people. Except for the four of them who were attacking, the professor was the closest.

Mystique and the others, who couldn't help, had already run far away to watch the battle. Leo only sent Havok, Banshee, Professor X, while Angel was left. After all, she could fly.

Shaw was relieved to find that they had suddenly stopped attacking him.

The remaining Magneto unhurriedly attacked the metal block in front of him.

"Erik, I'm sorry about your mother, but without me, you wouldn't have achieved what you have today. So you should thank me."

Magneto withstood Shaw's attack and controlled the incoming missile with some difficulty. He didn't answer Shaw's question.

"Erik, I'm back. The others have been sent to a safe place. What do we do next?"

Leo suddenly appeared next to Erik and explained the situation.

"I never wanted to hurt you, Erik. Every decision I made was to make you stronger. We are the future of humanity, and this world will eventually belong to us."

As Shaw attacked, he said those words aloud, his tone full of sincerity. Shaw felt that he had done the right thing; everything he had done was for mutants' future.

"I understand that everything you've done has made me stronger. You were the one who created me, but you killed my mother!'

Now Leo! Let's go!"

Hearing Erik's words, Leo grabbed him and disappeared.

Before Erik left, he had pointed all the missiles in Shaw's direction. At that moment, the missiles in the air lost Erik's control, and all of them screamed at Shaw.


A series of explosions rang out in everyone's ears. At that moment, on the shoreline, countless flames soared into the sky and smoke rolled.

If Shaw was in good condition, such a violent explosion wouldn't have hurt him at all.

But he had absorbed the energy of a nuclear reactor first, and had been attacked by several people for almost half an hour. Coupled with the impact of the explosion, it finally exceeded the limit that his body could bear.

It was the straw that broke the camel's back, which was exactly what's happening Shaw right now.

His skin was cracking inch by inch, and red energy visible to the naked eye was slowly flowing inside. He raised his hands and looked at his palms that were about to shatter, knowing that he couldn't escape this disaster.

Shaw silently made a decision. Regardless of his body's ability to withstand it, he directly mobilized all the energy in his body.

That's right, knowing that he couldn't survive, he was ready to self-destruct. He knew that self-destructing wouldn't kill Leo and the other Mutants, but he could kill the humans on the navy ship.

At that moment, Leo and the others were watching the situation from a distance. Looking at the explosion that was slowly subsiding, they saw that it was still standing on the spot.

"I wonder how the situation is now!" Leo said.

The professor, on the other hand, directly used his mental ability to sense them.

"Not good, Shaw wants to release all his energy at once. If he releases all his energy now, the violent explosion will destroy an area of nearly a kilometer."

The professor sounded very anxious because if Shaw really exploded, the warships on the ocean would not be able to escape.

"Leo, do you have a way to rescue those humans?" Professor X could only look at Leo for help. Of the people here, only Leo might have a way.

"Sorry, Professor, I can't help them. And even if I could, I wouldn't save them, because they were my enemies the moment they fired those missiles at us."

"I can save people I have nothing to do with, but I will never save my enemies."

Leo said directly!

After hearing Leo's words, the people present looked at him in a different light.

There was disbelief in the professor's eyes. He, who had always been benevolent, didn't understand why Leo would say such a thing.

Magneto, on the other hand, was full of agreement. He and Leo had the same idea, and even planned to take revenge against the humans.

Looking at other people's doubtful or approving gazes, Leo didn't say much. He was never a person of this world, and no one knew when he would suddenly leave this world. So, no matter how these people looked at him, he wouldn't let Leo change his mind.

"Let's go, it won't be safe here in a while. Of course, if any of you want to stay, I have no opinion."

Leo stretched out his hand and said solemnly.

Magneto was the first to grab Leo's hand, followed by the Mystique and Angel…

"Professor, aren't you coming with us?"

As expected, the professor was still hesitating. He looked at Leo, expecting him to change his mind. He knew that Leo had a way, or he wouldn't have said the rest.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, and that Leo's expression had always been so firm, the professor sighed helplessly and finally stretched out his hand.

They disappeared without a sound.

A few seconds later.


A huge mushroom cloud rose and a terrifying shock wave quickly swept towards the island and everywhere in it was destroyed.

Looking at the energy sweeping over them, a soldier asked.

"Sir, do you regret it?"

"I don't regret it, but… I didn't have the chance to say sorry to him!"