
Started in Nier what now?

Rune Magic, Crafting, Viking, and sexy robots? Sign me the fuck up! Now in Nier. So I looked for any Nier novels on this site and was unimpressed with the little there was available so I said fuck it writing a new one. This will be multiverse. The MC will fuck a lot. Dont know why fucking=Harems on this site. MC will not be getting married to the first person he fucks so sorry not sorry. Nier and other established titles, games, stories you recognize are not my own only the mc and AU's are. Neither do I own the Cover are so if you do and want me to take it down ask.

resistingsea · Video Games
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Shaking my head at the thought of my newly discovered ability to 'whisper or shout'. It reminded me too much of the Dragon Born's ability. It is impossible to not make an automatic connection between the two. It also brought up the first Thor movie when Odin spoke and applied enchantments to Mjolnir by whispering them into existence.

But as far as I can tell the power required to do more complex Runes or Enchantments are dozens of times more mana intensive than normal hand-carved runes. Looking down at my hand which hasn't stopped shaking with mini-tremors racking my hand. They are not caused by pain was it nerves? No that didn't make much sense...

Staring down at my shaking fingers. Running my fingers through my hair or what was left of it even though the head wasn't in the direct blast the heat still burned off most of my hair and my beautiful beard was also the victim of whoever decided it was a good idea to blow up the who fucking forest. Whoever it was is on my shit list.

Going through the list of normal suspects I don't know if Adam and Eve are even alive right now, but they are still on the list. Red Queen and her whole Artificial intelligence aspect are right there at the top and it doesn't help that she has her finger in the YoRHa pie. Her back door into YoRHa is still one of the bigger threats to me right now once they know about me she is not far behind. Raising my bottle of water in a mockery of a solute before bringing it to my lips "Here's hoping they don't know about me yet.." Feeling a chill run up my spine, I knew I was already found out that somehow YoRHa knows about me.

Hearing a jet engine I peeked out my dust and mold-covered window seeing some kind of a jet flying high in the sky in a V formation. Counting them I spotted two and a half dozen jets flying above the skyscrapers weaving through the buildings and splitting off into smaller squads. Some of the YoRHa Androids jumped out of the small jets landing on top of the dilapidated skyscrapers. Slinking back deeper into the house but still watching the Androids surveying the area with some kind of telescope.

Knowing how my luck has been going lately they have some kind of thermal vision or X-ray vision that will find me soon. Rushing toward the kitchen, I spotted what I needed hoping the old myth busters episode didn't lie to me. I ripped out the shelves of long rotted food and used my one good arm to pull the fridge to its side giving me just enough room to crawl underneath my only salvation of hiding from the Androids.

Wincing at the crash of the fridge while fighting down the pain racking my body. With my shaky hand, I gripped the edge of the fridge tipping it onto its side while panting. Grabbing a shelf and propping up the door I crawled into the now-empty cavity. Hopefully using the fridge will block the scope from detecting me. Bringing my knees up to my chest getting comfortable as possible with my size. Half my body sticking out of the fridge.

Looking down at my exposed flesh I winced as it looked like exposed angry red flesh which was poking out of my impromptu bandages. "Fuck it is probably infected" Muttering to myself as I poked my wounds pulling back my finger and dripping in yellowish pus that has been draining with renewed vigor lately.

Closing my eyes Leaning back into the damp confines of the fridge. Looking around at the moldy fridge let out a sigh realizing that I don't have much of a choice. Soon the infection will worsen the willow bark will not hold off long. The Willow bark was only for inflammation and pain, not infection for infection I would need Basil, Sage, Oregano, Echinacea, and several others. But judging by my location I won't find any of the ones I know. I don't know any plants in Japan that would help with the inflammation.

Taking another look at my tender skin I closed my eyes going over my options. I have a week at most before I risk the chance of blood infection setting in after that is the point of no return for me. That is if I am unable to combat the infected area with my runes. I wonder why YoRHa is even in this area right now... could they have tracked my use of the Voice. YoRHa's Androids have been using Miso Particles for hundreds of years. The black box the Androids use are made by Machine Cores and placed together by Miso Magic Bullshit.

Knowing this world then there is some hidden organization behind YoRHa... maybe the so-called 'Council of Humanity is a group of older generation Androids who are using White as a patsy to test upgrading Androids and improving on the work of humanity, but if they are doing this some of the more hardcore pro-human factions of Androids may not look kindly on their work... Then again if 'The Council of Humanity' are acting as humans knowing there are no humans on the Moon putting on a front for the masses of depressed Androids.

Shaking my head I heard heavy footfalls coming closer several sets to be exact the Click clicking of high heels coming closer outside of the house. Judging by the sounds whoever it is are right outside of the house I am hiding in coming up the overgrown and cracked sidewalk. Shit biting down on the wound on the inside of my cheek reopening my wound I listened as the front door was kicked open... feeling my heart rate kicking into overdrive as my mind was working overtime thinking on how to get out of there.

Judging by the damage to my throat taken from using my voice yesterday I had one maybe two more in me until my throat healed. It would have been preferable to use it on the off chance to heal my infected arm, but now I may have to hold off on that as I heard several of the sets footsteps entering the house.

"This is a YoRHa Operation. Unknown hiding inside of the fridge you have one chance to come out now or you will be cut down where you lay. Come out now." The monotone of the B series Android echoed off the empty house. Letting out a sigh as they didn't call out 'Android' they called out 'unknown' meaning either they don't know or are not willing to speak 'human' out loud.

Lightly slamming my head onto the ground as I wiggle my way out from under the turned-over fridge leaving a slight trail of puss on the ground. Groaning out I sat up leaning on the decayed cabinets and turned over looking at the short androids lining the wall toward the front of the house. Looking over I see four I recognized from a few adult videos I watched in my last life... Shit, aren't the B series those E or executioner models... I am either fucked in one way or the other.

A/N: So here is another chapter hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks for reading.