

Looking over at the assembled Androids I realized I did not want to become a puppet for White or whoever Created YoRHa. I knew it couldn't be the centuries-old Android where did she get the followers or the funding? I mean she could claim to be the voice of the Council of humanity no matter how bogus it sounded. It was a slim chance but with how my body was reacting.

Realizing I had two or three chances as my mind was slowing down either due to Septic or Neurogenic shock. My wounds didn't seem to be healing only getting worse so something needed to be done as soon as I can. But that can come after I deal with these Androids that plan on getting me to 'safety'. Nowhere is safe on this planet not from Machines, the Red Bitch, or YoRHa. They may reveal humanity but all they need is my DNA. With how their technology is it wouldn't surprise me if they had some cloning capabilities.

As the Androids stood there probably scanning me I gathered half of my remaining Energy into my throat giving them a small smile as they silently communicated. Taking a deep breath I hoped their black boxes didn't explode when my magic reacted with the Magic inside of their Black Boxes. Closing my eye sent a small prayer to anything listening... no Outer Gods thought they can fucked right off. "Shock!" I hissed feeling my vocal cords expanding as a wave of magical energy shot out of me wrapping around the Androids causing them the size up.

The wave was invisible from their perspective it would look like I spoke then a small wind expanded out from around me covering them. Watching their limps start to shake as the synthetic skin on them started to bubble up and burn with the current flowing through their frames.

Slumping back I started to crawl away out the back door a room away from me. I didn't know how long I had until they rebooted but I wouldn't guess long. As I made my way out the back door I was grabbed by some vines. 'Woody' my mind supplied he must have felt what happened inside the house. Peaking through the vines as he brought me underground into his sanctum I slumped against his wooden walls feeling a sense of cool detachment. Softly glowing mushrooms grew out of the walls bathing the darkroom in a purple glow.

Turning to the side I saw Woody hanging out of the wall in a macabre display of a scarecrow his eyes closed as he devoured the surrounding nutrients from the ground growing stronger with each passing second. His frame tensed as we both heard the yelling and rushed footsteps above us as they tore out of the house after me. Thankfully Woody caught me before I left a trail for them to follow.

Who knows coming out of my thoughts I watched as Woody started to have a small cascade of pale white liquid coming out of his mouth into a bowl. His vines carried over the bowl softly brushing the liquid onto his leaves before gently dripping it over my exposed angry red wounds. A cooling sensation spread out from them as I bit down grinding my teeth. Layer after layer of puss-covered leather was removed before more of the paste was applied.

Taking a small sniff and catching a hint of rosemary is good for fevers and has a calming effect if my memories were accurate. Not the best for infections but it will do in a pinch.

If I had to guess I would think that YoRHa has a way to track the use of Magic or does it seem like machines in the area to them as Machines also use Miso particles... too many questions and not enough answers. It makes me wonder if that Outer God is still in the wings waiting and watching this world for its amusement.

Looking over at Woody "Hey bud... We need to get moving away from here" I whispered hoarsely as my voice started to lose its base as I spoke to my creation. He looked over at me blowing soap bubbles at me letting out a soft giggle as the looked up. Above us a small vent opened up I saw unfamiliar buildings spreading out around us. Using my one good hand I massaged my sore throat wishing I had some cough drops.

So he was moving us while he applied the rosemary paste... I didn't feel any movement at all so either he was some kind of plant magic bullshit or he is quieter than I thought. Shaking my head I turned over to him "Keep us in the city alright bud?" it gave me a nod before closing its eyes seemingly falling asleep if not for the surrounding plants twisting and churning.

Leaning back and closing my eyes I decided I needed more rest. Wiping a wet feeling from the side of my mouth I pulled back my hand cracking my eye open staring down at my good and revealing blood more blood than a cut cheek would allow. Fuck using my voice got me away from YoRHa but I don't want to risk overusing it and becoming mute.

A wooden cup appeared beside me nudging me until my eyes opened trusting my companion more than myself right now I sipped on the thick liquid a cooling flowing down my mouth into my throat slightly numbing me as my eyes became heavier. 'Beetroots, Alvera, and Rosemary Extract with some water' my mind supplied my conciseness started to fade. Physically I am beaten to hell, mentally I am not all here I realized as now it becomes apparent I am being hunted like a game animal. It is only a matter of time before I am cornered.

'That is a tomorrow me problem' I chuckled at the poor bastard. The feeling of being covered is the last feeling my body supplied to me as my consciousness faded.

A/N: Quick chapter. Sorry for the short chapters but it is all I have time for. Thank for reading, Hope you enjoy.